Where Am I Going?


Think of types of goals that people may set for themselves such as academic, personal, athletic, etc. Come up with 4-5 types and create a web. It would look like this:

Academic Athletic


Personal Future


1.  Expand the web by adding any goals you have set for yourself that fall under each


For example: pass math


NHS improve GPA

2.  Next, look over the completed web and choose the four most important goals for you to complete by the time you graduate from Edsel Ford. Circle them.

3.  After this step, create a chart that includes the goal, why it is important, and how

you plan to accomplish it. Do this for each of the four goals you have chosen.

They may fall under the same category or under several.

For example:

Goal-Academic Why? How achieved?

1. pass math weakness ask for help; study more

2. improve GPA college app. do all work; more study time

Goal-Athletic Why? How achieved?

1. captain of BB team leadership

After finishing the graphic organizer, you will have a framework for the main points in your composition.

Where Am I Going? Narrative

Drafting—Create a draft on a separate piece of paper so you can take it home.

1.  Create a topic sentence that addresses your goals.

2.  Then provide your first goal in a well-written sentence that includes why it is important to you. Follow it with two sentences that explain how you plan to reach this goal.

3.  Transition to your second goal and explanation, and continue until you have finished all four goals.

4.  Begin a new paragraph if you move to a new type of goal. (academic, personal, etc.)

5.  Remember to use transitions between goals (such as first, second, next, last, etc.).

6.  Write a concluding sentence or two, and you are finished!

Revision/Editing –S.T.A.R. your writing!

S—substitute overused words to avoid repetition or make writing more interesting

T—take out words or phrases that don’t support the topic

A—add descriptive adjectives, adverbs, or active verbs

R—re-arrange the order of sentences or paragraphs for better flow

1. Read over what you have written to make sure it is clear. Make sure your sentences

flow in a logical manner. Are there any words or sentences that need to be moved

around? Does it sound too repetitive?

2. Do you have transitions? Do they work well together?

3. Proofread for errors in punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

4. Re-write the draft after making any necessary changes. You will need to take it home

to type a final version.

Final Draft Due Friday!

1.  Type a final draft of your composition following the guidelines for papers. See your Language Arts Handbook for the standards.

2.  Turn in the typed version (or handwritten in cursive) to your teacher to be graded.

3.  Bring any craft supplies such as scissors, glue sticks, stickers, markers, etc. to class on Friday to make the Sophomore Foot!


Topic sentence (2) ______

4 goals/why important (4)_____

Explanation of how to reach goals (8) _____

Concluding sentence(s) (2) _____

Grammar/Transitions (5)_____

Manuscript rules (4) ______

TOTAL: ______


Topic sentence (2) ______

4 goals/why important (4)_____

Explanation of how to reach goals (8) _____

Concluding sentence(s) (2) _____

Grammar/Transitions (5)_____

Manuscript rules (4) ______

TOTAL: ______


Topic sentence (2) ______

4 goals/why important (4)_____

Explanation of how to reach goals (8) _____

Concluding sentence (2) _____

Grammar/spelling/punc. (5)_____

Manuscript rules (4) ______

TOTAL: ______


Topic sentence (2) ______

4 goals/why important (4)_____

Explanation of how to reach goals (8) _____

Concluding sentence (2) _____

Grammar/spelling/punc. (5)_____

Manuscript rules (4) ______

TOTAL: ______


Topic sentence (2) ______

4 goals/why important (4)_____

Explanation of how to reach goals (8) _____

Concluding sentence (2) _____

Grammar/spelling/punc. (5)_____

Manuscript rules (4) ______

TOTAL: ______