 Page 1December 2, 2016

Expedition Group Quiz – Leaders Answer Sheet

  1. What should you check before you leave for an expedition to ensure your safety and you are prepared with the appropriate kit?

The weather

  1. Draw and name the compass’ primary & sub cardinal points. Then add the bearing in degrees for the four principle cardinal points.
  1. In the context of navigating and map reading what do the 5 D’s stand for?

Direction / Distance / Destination / Danger / Duration

  1. What should make sure about your map before you use it to plan an expedition?

It is up to date

  1. What is the scale of the OS maps we use for expeditions and what is the spacing between grid lines?

1:25,000 & 1Km

  1. List 6 potential risks that might need to be considered when planning a route.

Suggestions but not definitive: water, falling down something, roads, trips & falls, the weather & farm animals.

  1. In planning a route you have measured a distance of 2.4 Km between way points and a climb that crosses 6 contour lines what time should you allow between the way points?

48mins plus 3mins for the climb, total 51mins

  1. When packing a rucksack where should the following go?
  1. Heavy items- Close to the body and near the top
  1. Sleeping bag - At the bottom of the rucksack
  1. Items that need to be accessible - Near the top of the bag and or in the pockets
  1. In the context of outdoor clothing what is meant by layering and name the principal layer categories.

Wearing a combination of clothes to regulate your body temperature, so you don’t overheat or get cold

Inner or base layer / Mid layer / Outer layer

  1. What are the first 3 steps to go through when you find that you are not sure where you are?

Step 1

Stop. Take a look round to see if there are any features that you might find on the map

Step 2

Where were you when you last knew where you were – How long ago? What direction have you travelled since then? How far might you have travelled and what have you passed since then.

Step 3

Put the above together with what you can see on the map

  1. You walk into a farmer’s field which is full of cows, the gate is wide open what should you do?

Leave it open

  1. You come to a field of crops the path is on the other side of the field, what should you do?

Walk round the edge

  1. You are out on an expedition:
  2. You have a casualty and need help from the emergency services, what information should you have available when you contact them?

Number and type of casualties / Where you are, grid reference / Your phone number / the leader’s contact details and ask them to contact them (assuming you cannot do so yourself)

  1. You can’t make telephone contact and you need to go for help, list the principle decisions and actions that need to be taken before departing.

Decide where to go for help / Write all important information / make sure there are at least two going together / take enough equipment to ensure your safety / don’t rush

  1. You need to undertake part of your hike on a minor road where there is no footpath, list the action the group should take to minimise the risk?

Take extra care / keep to the right hand side / walk in single file / keep close to the side of the road / the people at the front and back should wear fluorescent vests

  1. You arrive at the camp site and you need to find a site to pitch your tent, list the things you need to consider when choosing a good site.

Gently sloping ground / ground free of stones and sharp twigs / ground soft enough to take a tent peg / an area that offers shelter from the prevailing weather conditions

  1. On an expedition you are going to cook your supper, list the things that need to be considered before picking a cooking location for a Trangia.

A firm level surface at ground level / at least 2 to 3 metres away from the tent or other inflammable items / have somewhere safe to put hot pans / weather conditions & wind direction / make it clear to other people that stoves are lit