Parkway/SSD Special Education Action Team
April 17, 2012
Special and General Education Priorities
(listed in descending order)
**NOTE: Information in italics is clarifying statements for Parkway purposes only
Special education teachers teach the board-approved(Parkway ) curriculum (SSD Teacher Evaluation - Standard 3: The employee demonstrates effective instructional practices; Criterion 3A) – NEEDS IMPROVEMENT
- Descriptor: Utilizes curriculum guides for approved content
a. Addresses District and state curriculum standards when planning and delivering instruction
b. Incorporates content from previous lessons/levels and considers content from future objectives when teaching a lesson
Need to familiarize schools, as appropriate, of the SSD BOE approved curriculum for students who need functional curricula (i.e. transmath, language, etc.)
- Descriptor: Provides direct instruction in skills and strategies to ensure that students have access to and benefit from the general education curriculum.
a. Sets the stage for learning through use of advance organizer (anticipatory set)
b. Describes, models and facilitates the practice of these skills and strategies
c. Teaches metacognitive skills as part of the instructional process (e.g., self-instruction, self-monitoring, and problem solving)
d. Concludes the lesson through the use of post organizer (closure)
Continual staff development participation as provided by Parkway
Participation in PLC’s
- Descriptor: Designs classroom assessment that prepares students to perform proficiently on national and state assessments (i.e., constructed response questions, performance events, etc.)
a. Incorporates test-taking skills into lessons in order to familiarize students with the mechanics of taking tests
b. Tests for comprehension in both traditional and nontraditional ways
c. Recognizes and addresses factors which negatively impact on students’ performance on tests
NOTE: SSD “Employee Evaluation Criteria With DescriptorsAnd Indicators Of Quality” are “Not intended to be all-inclusive.”
Assesses student learning(SSD Teacher Evaluation - Standard 1: The employee demonstrates knowledge of content and instructional planning; Criterion 1G) – APPROACHING STANDARD
- Descriptor: Plans assessments that align with content and are congruent with instructional methods
a. Plans pre-assessments to determine learner performance
b. Constructs tests which reflect what has been taught
c. Uses assessments that reflects the student work, new knowledge, and goals of the lesson
d. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching
- Descriptor:Utilizes a variety of assessment strategies to determine students’ success (i.e.,teacher-made tests, national and state test data, portfolios, and scoring guides, etc.)
a. Applies a variety of formal and informal assessment techniques (e.g., observations, portfolios of student work, teacher-made tests, performance tasks, projects, student self-assessments, authentic assessments, and standardized tests) to enhance and monitor learning, progress and performance
b. Prepares and administers both subjective and objective tests on materials that have been taught
c. Collects information through observation of classroom interaction and questions
d. Designs and uses assessments that support the transfer of learning to real life
e. Makes appropriate modifications in assessments in accordance with students’ IEPs
- Descriptor: Assists students in development of self-assessment skills
a. Uses assessment to assist students in becoming aware of their learning behaviors, strengths, needs and progress
b. Provides scoring guides, as appropriate, to students prior to assessing work
c. Allows for pupil goal-setting and self-evaluation
d. Individual student performance data is charted and analyzed for improvement
- Descriptor:Aligns the assessment with goals, objectives, and instructional strategies relating to the District curriculum
a. Uses assessments which correlate to the method of instruction and the District curriculum guide
b. Assigns meaningful activities or homework that are designed to assist the student in understanding
c. Uses assessment techniques that allow for a variety of multiple intelligences to be used by students
d. Align assessments with appropriate Depth of Knowledge Level
Selects instructional goals and objectives based on District curriculum and student data(SSD Teacher Evaluation - Standard 1: The employee demonstrates knowledge of content and instructional planning; Criterion 1C) – NEEDS IMPROVEMENT
- Descriptor: Aligns lessons to the District curriculum objectives
a. Incorporates lesson objectives from District curriculum guides
b. Uses instructional strategies from curriculum guides
c. Participates in curriculum writing. Collaboratively work and write. June is curriculum writing month.
d. Interprets and assigns Depth of Knowledge Levels to learning objectives and assessments
e. Student data is used for lesson planning. Including but not limited to Aimsweb, dashboard, goals, MAP.
- Descriptor: States instructional goals and objectives clearly
a. States the expected learning objectives as student outcomes
b. Relates lesson objectives to the subject matter being introduced
c. Communicates expectations and rationale for learning
d. Aligns all activities with the lesson objective
e. Begins instruction with a synopsis of the instructional objective and its correlation to the lesson’s objectives
Demonstrates knowledge of content and instructional practices/methods(SSD Teacher Evaluation - Standard 1: The employee demonstrates knowledge of content and instructional planning; Criterion 1A) – APPROACHING STANDARD
- Descriptor: Bases instructional methods on knowledge of content
a. Prepares lessons which reflect an accurate understanding of the content
b. Combines textbook knowledge with digital age practical life experiences when presenting concepts
c. Uses best practices when planning lessons including the use of Depth of Knowledge Levels
d. Updates knowledge of curriculum to keep information current and relevant
e. Maintains an awareness of new developments in curriculum content and delivery methods and research-based instructional practice methods
f. Selects and presents subject matter which is accurateSelects and presents subject matter that is aligned with appropriate curriculum. Uses the appropriate strategies to help students develop the skills and strategies to acquire, make meaningful and transfer the district approved curriculum. Should “context” be included? Who makes this decision in co-taught vs self-contained?
g. Prepares lessons that integrate uses of technology. Prepares lessons that integrate student utilization of technology to enhance their learning.
h. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
i. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
j. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes
k. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments
- Descriptor: Considers sequence of curriculum when planning lessons
a. Builds lessons on students’ prior knowledge
b. Understands the prerequisite knowledge and skills and strategies necessary for understanding topics
c. Consults District curriculum guides for previous and future objectives
d. Incorporates content from previous level lesson(s) to ensure continuity and sequence into daily planning
Uses effective questioning and discussion techniques(SSD Teacher Evaluation - Standard 3: The employee demonstrates effective instructional practices; Criterion 3C) – APPROACHING STANDARD
- Descriptor: Encourages student participation
a. Encourages questions and discussions from all students
b. Provides opportunity for guided and independent practice
c. Elicits responses to students’ questions and encourages students to respond to each other’s questions
- Descriptor: Engages students in critical thinking
a. Assigns work (oral and written) to students which requires application of what they have been taught
b. Stimulates and encourages creative and critical thinking
c. Poses questions at various levels of Bloom’s taxonomy (Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating)
d. Employs strategies geared towards students’ Depth of Knowledge, including: recall of information, skill / concept, strategic thinking, and extended thinking
e. Elicits critical thinking skills to assess students’ comprehension of subject matter
Students demonstrate improvement on local and state assessments(SSD Teacher Evaluation - Standard 3: The employee demonstrates effective instructional practices; Criterion 3G) – NEEDS IMPROVEMENT – APPROACHING STANDARD
- Descriptor: Progress monitoring shows students are progressing
a. Aims Web
b. Dibels
c. Other measures
- Descriptor: Students MAP results are improving
- Descriptor: Students MAP-A results are improving
- Descriptor: Students local assessments are showing improvement
- Look at multiple sources of data
- Increase communication between gen ed and special ed staff
- Invite special ed to grade level team meetings to analyze common assessment scores
- Invite gen ed teacher to special ed data team when a specific student is to be reviewed
- PLC partnerships
- Gen Ed professional development for SSD staff to navigate OCG and Dashboard
- Building admin build structures to ensure gen ed teachers can attend special data team meetings.
- Align IEP goals to areas data indicators is an area of deficit
- Gen ed teachers bring standards/GLE to the IEP to ensure IEP addresses these areas (ex. Print off golden report and highlight 3 biggest concerns & bring to IEP)
- Balance between gen ed being content specialist and special ed being learning specialist learning how to collaborate and access each other
- Allocate time to analyze MAP scores during IEP – why? What need? Child specific focus
- Targeted interventions with ability to generalize
Other Special and General Education Areas Needing Improvement
Demonstrates knowledge of students (SSD Teacher Evaluation - Standard 1: The employee demonstrates knowledge of content and instructional planning; Criterion 1B)
- Descriptor: Selects subject matter which is appropriate to the abilities, needs, and interests of the students
a. Matches student readiness levels to level of difficulty of the material
b. Remains sensitive to students’ academic and emotional needs in order to address their individual differences
c. Uses knowledge of students to design educational experiences
d. Selects learning experiences and adjusts them to meet students’ individual needs (including IEPs and 504 plans) and enhance learning
e. Utilizes student input to select subject matter
- Descriptor: Identifies students’ prior experiences, learning styles, knowledge and skill level when designing a lesson plan
a. Devises plans that reflect knowledge of the varied learning styles of students
b. Demonstrates knowledge of the academic development and principles of learning related to level of students
c. Maintains a differentiated classroom that offers various routes to learning
d. Provides support materials that are coordinated with the learning experiences and developmental levels of the students
e. Plans activities that are appropriate for the developmental level of the students
- Descriptor: Selects varied instructional strategies
a. Varies instructional presentation in accordance with student needs
b. Plans a variety of learning experiences, allowing students to think beyond the limits of the textbook
c. Avoids reliance on commercially prepared materials that focus on narrowly defined academic skills
d. Provides for a variety of activities to promote student involvement
e. Demonstrates an awareness of how children learn and includes effective teaching strategies in lesson plans
f. Extends learning to digital and web 2.0 resources
g. A continuous improvement approach is used to improve the learning process
- Descriptor: Plans lessons that reflect student diversity
a. Recognizes the needs of students representing different ethnic groups
b. Infuses multicultural practices and diversity into existing curricular content areas and instructional programs
c. Helps students from other cultures acclimate to routines in the school
d. Fosters student interest in the cultural and artistic contribution of others
e. Uses web 2.0 technology resources for communications and collaboration within the digital world community
Teacher establishes and maintains effective professional relationships with colleagues(SSD Teacher Evaluation - Standard 4: The demonstrates professional responsibility; Criterion 4B)
- Descriptor: Engages in discourse about professional issues with colleagues/teams
a. Works cooperatively with colleagues in planning instructional activities
b. Respectfully engages in problem-solving and planning conversations
c. Participates in a decision-making process involving student data
d. Supports collaborative decisions and professional initiatives
e. Takes responsibility for reaching sound outcomes
f. Expresses views and ideas with others in a professional manner
g. Establishes good rapport with the non-instructional personnel who perform school services
h. Conveys information concerning special needs of each student with appropriate staff
i. Collaborates with school personnel to meet the special needs of students
j. Communicates with other IEP team members to fulfill responsibilities as case manager
- Descriptor: Functions as a member of a team/department/school/District
a. Shares ideas, materials and methods with other employees
b. Establishes good rapport with the non-instructional personnel who perform school services
c. Assumes necessary non-instructional responsibilities
d. Carries out duties in accordance with established job description
e. Completes duties promptly and accurately
f. Supports parent/staff activities
g. Collaborates with school personnel to meet the special needs of students
h. Communicates with other IEP team members to fulfill responsibilities as case manager
- Descriptor: Supervises paraprofessionals effectively
a. Communicates expectations clearly and provides feedback about performance
b. Coordinates responsibilities, implements training, and evaluates paraprofessionals
c. Follows the established procedures for disciplinary action in a timely manner
Integrates current and emerging digital tools into the learning environment(SSD Teacher Evaluation - Standard 1: The employee demonstrates knowledge of content and instructional planning; Criterion 1E) – NEEDS IMPROVEMENT TO MEETS STANDARD – BUILDING SPECIFIC
- Descriptor: Creates opportunities for instructional use of the computer/technology
a. Encourages opportunities for students to seek information on-line
b. Incorporates use of digital tools that are aligned with instructional strategies
c. Uses specialized software packages to enhance classroom activities
d. Provides regular opportunities for students to learn in which students use digital tools and resources
e. Implements the use of assistive technology as appropriate
f. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
g. Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation
h. Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
i. Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning
Other Special and General Education Areas Approaching Standard
Designs coherent instruction(SSD Teacher Evaluation - Standard 1: The employee demonstrates knowledge of content and instructional planning; Criterion 1F)
- Descriptor: Designs lessons in a clear, logical, sequential format
a. Develops written plan following administrative expectations
b. Presents facts of the lesson accurately and in sequence
c. Provides a sequential array of learning activities, ensuring that the learning objectives are reached
d. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
e. Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress
f. Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources
g. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching
- Descriptor: Plans learning activities that are engaging and relevant to instructional goals
a. Provides a variety of activities which promote maximum student involvement
b. Provides activities and/or solicits help for remediation and enrichment
c. Uses learning activities designed to achieve stated objectives
d. Explains activities well prior to the activity
e. Provides for well-structured learning activities that encourage students to pay attention and participate
Demonstrates knowledge of IEP process(SSD Teacher Evaluation - Standard 1: The employee demonstrates knowledge of content and instructional planning; Criterion 1H) – SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM EVALUATION DATA INDICATES IEP PROCESS NEEDS IMPROVEMENT
- Descriptor: Exhibits evidence of preparation for conference
- Descriptor: Uses objective data to report progress on goals and objectives
- Descriptor: Organizes comprehensive present level of academic achievement and functional performance that incorporates required elements
- Descriptor: Develops appropriate goals based on present level of performance
- Descriptor: Develops objectives with required components
- Descriptor: Facilitates decision-making concerning accommodations, modifications, and placement
- Descriptor: Incorporates functional behavior assessments and behavior plans as appropriate
- Descriptor: Efficiently facilitates the IEP meeting and/or actively participates in the meeting
- Descriptor: Utilizes a team process for decision making
- Descriptor: Utilizes a process to consider students’ needs for assistive technology at each IEP
Manages classroom procedures (SSD Teacher Evaluation -Standard 2: The employee demonstrates management of the classroom environment; Criterion 2C)
- Descriptor: Establishes and teaches effective/efficient daily routines
a. Stresses to students importance of productively utilizing class time
b. Implements and enforces classroom procedures consistently