Essential Skills:
1) Demonstrate an understanding of the protections in the Bill of Rights
2) Explicitly assess the protections contained in the Bill of Rights and draw conclusions as to needed additions or revisions.
Congratulations! The year is 2050, and you have been invited to be part of a Constitutional Convention to Review the Bill of Rights and suggest new Amendments. The Convention was called at the request of 2/3 of the state legislatures, because the people of the United States have decided that it is time to update the Bill of Rights. This is an historic occasion, since none of the 27 Amendments were proposed by 2/3 of the state legislatures.
PART I: Uh Oh! You better get prepared for the Constitutional Convention, so you know your stuff. FIRST, Review the Bill of Rights, so that you know what protections are already offered by each Amendment. Each group will create a memory organizer to remember ONE to TWO protections from EACH of the TEN amendments. Your memory organizer should be short and sweet. It should be simple enough to easily commit to memory. It should also be catchy or creative, so that people will remember it. (Ideas: You could make cartoons, a mnemonic, a poem, a rap, a song, or drawings. etc.) Be prepared to present this in class on ______. You must turn in a hard copy of your work (etc. lyrics, poster, drawings, etc.).
PART II Challenge Assignment: (if you have the time):
Once you have completed Part I with your committee, you can come up with a proposal for one or more revisions OR one new additions to the Bill of Rights. Use your imagination. (Try to anticipate current and future needs, as our Founding Fathers did.) Be prepared to convince your fellow members at the Convention why your proposal is a good idea.