Game Day

Tiki and Ronde Barber

Book Description:

·  A boy is proud of his brother who is getting a lot of recognition on the football team but is feeling bad about himself.

Academic Objectives:

·  ELA2R4 The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade-level text. The student

o  h. Makes connections between texts and/or personal experiences.

Brilliant Star Objective:

·  Affect/Emotion:

o  Understanding: The student will be able to discuss the meaning of attitude and how it relates to decisions and actions.

Readability Level: 3.4

Vocabulary: sprinted, defender, converge, hobbled, drizzle


Tell the students that you all will be reading a story today about a little boy who is feeling a little bad about himself. Ask the students if they have ever felt bad about themselves and allow for discussion. Explain to the students the word attitude and have the students describe their attitude when they were feeling bad. Explain to the students that many times you will be able to remember a time when you felt similar to characters in the story (called making a connection with the story). This is a reading strategy that helps the reader understand the story by understanding how the characters are feeling.

During Reading:

Read the story to the students using a think-aloud format. At first, the teacher will read the story aloud and make comments on her own thinking and connections to the story. Focus particularly on the attitude of the characters in the story. Slowly release responsibility to the students for making connections by progressing to group sharing of connections and ending with students recording their connections on paper. At the end of the story, discuss with the students Tiki and Ronde’s attitudes in the story and how they effected what happened.

Follow-Up Activities:

Create short, real-world scenarios where attitude will be tested and will determine the outcome of the situation like occurred in the story. Cut these into strips and place in a bag. Put students into groups of two or three. One at a time the groups will come up, pick a slip of paper from the bag, and act out the scene for the class two times, once with a good attitude and once with a negative attitude. After each scene, discuss the different ways the scene played out depending on how the characters choose to react.

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