Rooms in a house vocabulary

Build Up

Other Rooms

Attic / People store things in the attic.
Ballroom / A room in stately homes where rich people dance and concerts are held.
Box Room / A small room used for storage.
Cellar / Underneath the house.
Cloakroom / A small room where people put their coats.
Conservatory / A greenhouse attached to a house for the display of plants.
Dining Room / A room where people eat.
Drawing Room / A room in stately homes where rich people entertain.
Games Room / A room in large houses where games are played.
Hall / The entrance passage to a house.
Larder / A small room used for the storage of food.
Library / A room where books are kept.
Lounge / Another name for living room.
Music Room / A room where people play music.
Office / A room where people work.
Pantry / A small room used to store kitchen and dining items.
Parlour / Old fashioned word for living room.
Sitting Room / Another name for living room.
Spare Room/
Guest Room / A room where guests sleep.
Toilet / A room where people go to the toilet (often known as WC)
Utility Room / A room where appliances such as washing machines are used.

Things you may find around the house

light bulb(s) / plug(s) / socket(s) / torch(es)
ceiling light(s) / lamp(s) / curtain(s)
shelf (shelves) / (tele)phone(s) / box(es)
plug(s) / battery (batteries) / photo(graph)(s)


Here is a conversation between Mrs Smith (Joan) and husband Steve.

It's Saturday and Joan and Steve are decorating.
Joan / Steve, you missed a bit.
Steve / Where?
Joan / Here, on the wall just by the window, you can see a patch of white.
Steve / Oh yes, I see it. It's difficult in this light.
Joan / I know, well at least we have finished this room, only five more to go.
Steve / Are you sure you want to put wallpaper up in the lounge?
Joan / Yes, but don't worry, I'm really good at wallpapering. I just wish that John would decide on what he wants his room doing in.
Steve / I know, it's difficult when you're a boy. At least he's grown out of Star Wars, I keep thinking he'll ask for red and black or something equally gruesome.
Joan / Yes, but it is his room. I'm glad we decided not to move though. Maybe we should think about building an extension to the kitchen instead.
Steve / One thing at a time please! Lets get this decorating over and done with first.
Joan / Ha! Oh by the way you missed a bit by the door too!
Steve / Hmmm, thanks. Here's a brush.

Rooms in a House - Kitchen Vocabulary

Wall cupboard(s)

Kitchen cupboard(s)

Kitchen Furniture

table(s) / chair(s) / bin(s)

Other things you may find in a kitchen

cooker(s) / oven(s) / microwave (oven)(s) / fridge(s) / dishwasher(s) / tap(s)
coffee maker(s) / food mixer(s) / liquidiser(s)

Cooking Equipment

saucepan(s) / frying pan(s) / sieve(s) / kettle(s) / teapot(s)
spatula(s) / tin opener(s) / knife (knives) / whisk(s)

Things we do in the kitchen

What people do in the kitchen

People prepare food in the kitchen.

People cook in the kitchen.

People sometimes eat in the kitchen.

People make coffee or tea in the kitchen.

People put the food away in the kitchen cupboards.

Bathroom Furniture

chair(s) / basin(s) / bath(s) / toilet(s) / loo(s)

Other things you may find in a bathroom

toilet roll(s) / loo roll(s) / toilet brush(es) / loo brush(es) / hairdryer (hairdriers) / toothbrush(es)
/ / / ^
shaving foam / razor(s) / toilet seat(s) / loo seat(s) / bin(s)

Things we do in the bathroom

What people do in the bathroom

People get dressed or undressed in the bathroom.

People have a shave in the bathroom.

People brush their teeth in the bathroom.

People take a shower in the bathroom.

People have a bath in the bathroom.
Bedroom Furniture
bed(s) / bedside cabinet(s) / bedside table(s)
dressing table(s) / wardrobe(s) / chest of drawer(s)
Other things you may find in a bedroom
brush(es) / comb(s) / hair dryer(s)
pillow(s) / sheet(s) / clothes
Things we do in the bedroom
People listen to music in the bedroom. / Bedroom
People sleep in the bedroom.
People get dressed or undressed in the bedroom.
People make love in bedroom.

Living Room Furniture

settee(s)- sofa / armchair(s) / coffee table(s) / display cabinet(s)
hifi stand(s) / tv cabinet(s)

Other things you may find in a living room

television(s) / TV(s) / HiFi(s) / speaker(s)
cushion(s) / rug(s)

Things we do in the living room

People watch TV in the living room.
People sit and read a book in the living room.
People listen to music in the living room.

Buildings Vocabulary

Places Where We Live

cottage(s) / detached house(s) / semi-detached house(s) / bungalow(s) / block of flats
terraced house(s) / high-rise flat(s)

!Note - no matter what kind of building you live in, it's your home.

Places Where We Work

office(s) / factory (factories) / skyscraper(s)

Miscellaneous Places

tower(s) / mill(s) / windmill(s) / castle(s)

Special Buildings

/ Airport
/ Art Gallery
/ Bank
/ Bus Station
/ Church
/ Cinema
/ Fire Station
/ Garage
/ Hospital
/ Hotel
/ Mosque
/ Museum
/ Police Station
/ Railway Station
/ Restaurant
/ School
/ Synagogue
/ Theatre

Naturally Speaking

Talking to a builder / developer.

Can you provide references and examples of your previous work? / (Here references are comments on the abilities and character of a candidate organisation for a position or job.)
Are you able to provide a bank reference? / (Here a bank reference is a statement regarding the financial standing of an individual or organisation.)
Will you provide a list of all the materials you'll use and provide samples? / (Here a sample is an amount of something that shows you what the rest is or should be like.)
Do you use sub contractors? / (A subcontractor is a person or organization that performs work for the main contractor, but is not on their payroll and does not receive company benefits.)
What warranty do you offer, and what is the time period of this warranty? / (A warranty is a written guarantee of the integrity of a product and of the maker's responsibility for the repair or replacement of defective parts. In the UK the NHBC is the UK's leading warranty provider for new homes. 'Buildmark' is the name of their 10-year warranty.)
We will be using a snagging company. Is this ok? / (Here snagging means to write a list of defects at the end of a build process/phase/stage (a "Snag List" or "Snagging List"). A snagging company goes through a house to find faults and ensures the developer puts them right within a reasonable time.)


Here is a conversation between Mrs Smith (Joan) and her husband Steve.

It's Saturday morning and something is happening next door.
Joan: / Steve, what's all that noise outside?
Steve: / Just a minute, I'll have a look...... Oh! It looks as if the new next door neighbours are moving in.
Joan: / Oh, it's a bit early, isn't it? Ah well I guess we'd better get up.
Steve: / It's amazing how quickly the houses are selling round here, the Browns only put it on the market a month ago.
Joan: / Where did they move to?
Steve: / I think he told me they were buying a detached house in Surbiton.
Joan: / Sounds nice. I hope the new neighbours are nice.
Steve: / Well, I was speaking with Mr Brown last week. He told me they were a young couple with two daughters. They liked the house because it is near a good school.
Joan: / Two daughters! That will please John.
Steve: / Ha! Maybe we'd better pop next door and say hello.
Joan: / Yes, and maybe we'd better start thinking of selling too. I'd like a detached house in Surbiton as well!
Steve: / Hmm.