


PRESENTCllrs J A Green (Chair), E Collins,M Chapman,K York, P Maw, P Sturman, D Harrisonand the Clerk Mrs J Brown. District Cllr Grist & Mr J Sardeson. CountyCllr H Marfleet

0266APOLOGIES – None

0267Public Comments – None

0268MINUTES - the notes of the Parish CouncilMeeting held on 17th May 2012were approved as Minutes and signed as a true record, pCllr York s Cllr Collins.

0269DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST–Cllr K York declared a personal interest in the Broadband item.

The Chairman moved the itemon Parish Plan/Neighbourhood Plan in order that Mr J Sardeson could comment.

0270PARISH PLAN/NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – The Council discussed the requirement of East Lindsey District Council (ELDC) to have formal notification of delegation to the Parish Plan Steering Group, the task of changing the existing Parish Plan to a Neighbourhood Plan & issues that had been raised by the existing pilot Neighbourhood Plans that were underway. It was resolvedto monitor the progress made with the pilot plans & debate further at the September meeting.

0271RURAL BROADBAND – Mr S McFarlane & Mr J Popham of CDI Alliance Ltd had requested via Mr J Sardeson to attend a Parish Council Meeting in order to assist in formalising ways of increasing interest in better broadband provision. The Clerk had issued an invitation but this had not been acknowledged & the Gentlemen were not present. Mr Sardeson reiterated the need for residents to register with Onlincolnshire for Lincolnshire County Council. Louth had now gone live with faster broadband & BT had contacted existing customers in Legbourne to discuss conversion to faster provision imminently. Residents needed to be made aware that registering did not commit them to anything at all; it only showed broadband suppliers that there was a market in the area for the service which would encourage them to provide such a service. Mr Sardeson to include in Yellow Pages again.

0272CLERK’S REPORT – Planning response submitted for N/100/00699/12; Information on contractors contacted with regard to submitting quotations for the production & installation of the Village Entrance Gates forwarded to Cllr Harrison for him to chase up & action together with a request from one of the Contractors to contact him with further information – Cllr Harrison to action; cheque forwarded to the Insurance Providers & insurance consequently reviewed; a complaint had been received from a lady wanting to use the disabled toilet at the Picnic Area & was unable to as there was no light & she considered it to be dangerous – the Clerk had reported this to Cllr Green 11th June 2012.


Notice Received: Application N/100/00699/12 – HJW Developments Ltd, Planning Permission for erection of 1 detached house with a detached double garage with storage area. The Queens Head Inn, Station Road, Legbourne. The application was withdrawn on 31st May 2012.

Application for comment: Application N/100/00948/12 – Mr S Plowright, Planning Permission – Change of use of land to use as an extension to the existing domestic curtilage. Extension & alterations to existing bungalow to provide an additional bedroom & sun lounge, existing kitchen & conservatory on site to be demolished. Erection of a detached 3 bay garage. Oakleigh, Furze Lane, Legbourne. It was resolved to offer no comment.

0274VILLAGE ENTRANCE MARKERS – The Clerk had forwarded information to Cllr Harrison for action & an email from one potential contractor requiring additional information. Cllr Harrison to contact & the Clerk to make contact with one installer & one additional supplier. Agenda item for July.

0275LALC – The NALC draft template Code of Conduct for Parish Councils had been circulated; The Clerk advised that some information was at this point still outstanding from the document but that NALC were advising Parish Councils to adopt this document. Clerk to enquire regarding omissions on pecuniary interests & report back. Training – Training sessions on The Localism Act 2011 & Local Councils – delivered by Elisabeth Skinner on Tuesday 24thJuly 2012. It was resolved that the Clerk attend & that the Clerk investigate the Council joining the LALC training scheme & join if possible p Cllr Sturman s Cllr Chapman

0276SPEED SIGNS – It was hoped that the sign would be up during July & the location was debated. Cllr Maw to agree with Highways a suitable location

0277EASTLINDSEYTOWN & PARISH ASSEMBLY – An invitation had been extended to attend an Assembly on 21st June 2012 to receive presentations regarding the East Lindsey Electoral Review & Localism Act 2011 – Revised Standards Arrangements. It was resolved that Cllr Green & the Clerk would attend p Cllr Sturman s Cllr Chapman.

County Councillor H Marfleet arrived.

0278OLYMPIC TORCH EVENT – An additional 5 Marshalls had been requested & the Clerk had submitted additional names to ELDC; the Clerk updated on her meeting with Mr Brindle. It was resolved that the Clerk would put a press release together regarding timing & parking facilities within Legbourne, forward to Mr Brindle for agreement & then publicise. Councillors to put the bunting up on the Tuesday 26th June in the afternoon & evening. Cllr Sturman to arrange signs for the Community Centre Parking facility & Cllr Harrison to arrange signs for Furze Lane.

0279COMMUNITY EMERGENCY PLAN/FLOOD PLAN–The working group had held a meeting on Wednesday 6th June & went through the draft document raising questions; there was no fixed date for completion of the task as the draft document needed extensive examination, volunteers were required & a questionnaire had to be drafted. A letter had been sent to Little Cawthorpe Parish Council regarding the nomination of two representatives to work with the working group where appropriate.


a.Street Lighting – 16 still on all day. Clerk to chase up. Standard 61 on Station Road was vulnerable to reversing vehicles & the nearby property owner wondered if it could be moved slightly. Cllr Marfleet undertook to look into & report back.

b. Highways Matters– Report log 1114465 – Station Road/Househams Lane – Cllr Marfleet to look into & report back.

c.Parishioners’ Issues– None


a. Accounts to be paid/authorised – Clerks salary & expenses June; J Cooper – Internal Auditor - £40.00It was resolved to authorise these payments p Cllr Collins s Cllr York.

b.External Audit – The Council confirmed that with respect to the accounting statements for the year ended 31st March 2012, that the accounting statement was approved & prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Account & Audit Regulations; confirmed the system of internal control; accepted the Internal Auditors report & agreed all details in the Annual Return & requirements had been met. It was resolved to confirm all aspects of the Annual Return as required & the Chairman signed the document p Cllr Harrison s Cllr Sturman

c. Appointment of External Auditor for 2012/13 & future years – notification of the appointment of the future External Auditor & scale of fees (0 - £10,000 – Basic Audit – no fee payable).


The following items of correspondence were noted:

ELDC – Invitation to East |Lindsey Live & SO Festival Briefing Session on 7th June


LCC Executive Councillor Decision to close residential provision at Horncastle StLawrenceSpecialSchool.



0285DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING – Monday 9th July2012, 7.30pm in the Community Centre commencing with a maximum of ten minutes public forum.

The meeting closed at 9.15pm

