26-29November 2009, Universityof Sofia «St. Klimentof Ohrid»



Working GroupByzantium

Centre for Advanced Studies, Sofia

Foundation Andrew W. Mellon

Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris (Programme Mellon)

University of Sofia «St. Kliment of Ohrid»

Thursday (26.11.2009)

In the morning: Arrival and accommodation of participants.

In the afternoon: Guidedvisit in BoyanaChurch, Dragalevtsi monastery and Kremikovtsi monastery.

Friday (27.11.2009): History and Culture

First Morning Panel (09h00-10h40)

Chairman: Bisserka Penkova

09h00-09h20 -Tsvetelin Stepanov(Prof. University of Sofia „St. Kliment of Ohrid”, Facultyof Philosophy):MEMORY and OBLIVION in the Christian East, 990s--1200: Three Apocalyptic 'Cases'.

09h20-09h40 -Vesselina Vatchkova (NGDK, visiting professor in the National Academyof Arts): Le méchanisme byzantin pourdamnatio memoriae.

09h40-10h00 -GueorguiKazakov (assistant prof.,University of Sofia „St. Kliment of Ohrid”, Faculty of Philosophy):Les récits du cérémonial et la constitution de la mémoire.

10h00-10h20 –Alexandre Nikolov(Prof. University of Sofia „St. Kliment of Ohrid”, Faculty of history):Byzantine Policy of Oblivion: The Case of St. Cyril and St. Methodius.

10h20-10h40 – Discussion

10h40-11h00 – Coffee-brake

Second Morning Panel (11h00-13h00)

Chairman: Tsvetelin Stepanov

11h00-11h20 –Vlada Stankovic (Prof. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy/Open University Cyprus), Lest we forget: History writing in the age of the Komnenoi, and the use of memories.

11h20-11h40 - Vassil Ninov (Ph.D. student, Universityof Sofia „St. Kliment of Ohrid): Les Byzantins se souviennent-ils des Croisades?

11h40-12h00 -Przemysław Marciniak (Université de Silésie, Faculté des Lettres classiques, Katowice, Pologne, Boursier Mellon/Berlin) The depths of oblivion. Memory and oblivion in the introductions to the Byzantine historical works.

12h00-12h20 - Jordan Tabov (researcher, BulgarianAcademy of sciences, Institute of Mathematics): Une ère condamnée à l’oubli dans la date de l’inscription de Voden.

12h20-12h40 - Vladimir Angelov (researcher, BulgarianAcademy of sciences, Institute ofHistory): Les témoignages sur l’histoire bulgare dans les chroniques byzantines tardives.

12h40-13h00 – Discussion.

13h00-14h30 – Lunch.

First Afternoon Panel (14h30-16h15)

Chairman: Snejana Gorjanova

14h30-14h50 - Elena Kostova (researcher, BulgarianAcademy of sciences, Institute ofHistory): Hrelio between ByzantiumandSerbia.

14h50-15h10 - Alexandre Моshev (Ph.D. student, BulgarianAcademy of sciences, Institute ofHistory): Les symboles de l’étatisme byzantin – mémoire et oubli (XXIe s.).

15h10-15h30 - Boris Naimushin (researcher, NewBulgarianUniversity, Dep. of Foreign Languages): Bible Localization and the Politics of Memory of Oblivion.

15h30-15h50 -EmiliaKaraboeva (Technical University of Eindhoven, University of Sofia, Faculty of Philosophy):La mémoire byzantine des morts – essai de reconstruction à travers la pratique orthodoxe contemporaine.

15h50-16h15- Discussion.

16h15-16h30- Coffee-brake

Second Afternoon Panel

Chairman: Vesselina Vatchkova

17h00 :Promotion of the book “Homo byzantinus?” containing the papers from the last year colloquium organized by the Working Group of Byzantium on the same topic.

17h30: Mediaeval welcome cocktail with presentation of the mediaeval cuisine and tasting of mediaeval food prepared by Petja Krusheva.

Saturday (28.11.2009):Art, Archaeology and Literature

First Morning Panel (09h00-10h40)

Chairman: Vesselina Vatchkova

09h00-09h20 -Ivana Jevtic (lecturer, Isik University, Istanbul):La seconde vie des matériaux : la mémoire dans la lecture des spolia.

09h20-09h40- AlbenaMilanova(researcher, UniversityofSofia, Centrefor Slavo-byzantine studies «IvanDujcev»): LamémoirebyzantinedanslaplastiquesurpierreduPremierEtatbulgare

09h40-10h00 - Nina Iamanidze (Humboldt Research Fellow, Universität Bonn):Mémoire écrite: texte et image dans la sculpture liturgique géorgienne (VIIIe-XIe s.)

10h00-10h20 - Vassil Tenekedjiev (Curator, Varna Regional Museum of History – Dep. Of Archaeology; PhD Candidate at SofiaUniversity “St. Clemint of Ochrid”): The Copying in the Byzantine Iconographic Tradition as a Tool Against Oblivion: The Case of One Marian Icon from Varna.

10h20-10h40 – Discussion

10h40-11h00 – Coffee-brake

Second Morning Panel (11h00-12h30)

Chairman: Albena Milanova

11h00-11h20 - Bisserka Penkova (senior researcher, Bulgarian Academy ofSciences, Institute of Art History; prof. BulgarianAcademyof Arts): Les reliques des Blachernes dans le monastère de Bachkovo.

11h20-11h40 - Athanassios Semoglou (prof. Aristoteliou Universityof Thessaloniki): La paraphrase et ses conséquences artistiques: une arme contre l'oubli. Le cas de sainte Thècle.

11h40-12h00 - SnéjanaGorjanova(archaeologist, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Instituteand Museum of Archaeology):L’église de Saint-Théodore du village Dobrina (région de Provadija)- le chemin de l’oubli aux mythes.

12h00-12h20 -DanielPhocas (Bulgarian Academy of Arts): Au sujet de la représentation du dragon dans l’art de la Bulgarie médiévale.

12h20-12h30 – Discussion.

12h30-14h00 – Lunch.

First Afternoon Panel (14h00-15h15)

Chairman: Gueorgui Kazakov

14h00-14h20 -DimitarIliev (prof. assistant, Universityof Sofia „St. Kliment of Ohrid»): La mémoire du langage poétique: le cas de l’utilisation de l’épigramme tardoantique.

14h20-14h40 - Maja Petrova(researcher, Bulgarian AcademyofSciences, Institut for Literature): The Second Bulgarian Translation of the Chronicle of George Hamartolos (the so-called Letovnik): Reception and Dissemination.

14h40-15h00 -MargaretDimitrova (prof.Universityof Sofia „St. Kliment of Ohrid»): Lesrituels, lamémoire, l’Egliseetlesfemmesaccouchées (d’aprèslessourcesbyzantinesetslaves).

15h00-15h15 – Discussion

15h15-15h30 – Coffee-brake

Second Afternoon Panel (15h50-16h15)

Chairman: Alexandre Nikolov

15h30-15h50 - SnejanaRakova (Prof. University of the South-West «Neophite of Rila»):Les souvenirs de Constantinople et de la Sainte-Sophie dans les récits de deux Vénétiens du XVIe s.

15h50-16h10 - Antoaneta Petkova (M.A. student, Universityof Sofia „St. Kliment of Ohrid»): La mémoire pour Constantinople, capitale byzantine.

16h10-16h30 – Discussion and closure.

18h00: Good-bay party for the participants of the conference.

Sunday (29.11.2009)

In the morning: Visit of the National Museum of Archaelogy

In the afternoon: Departure of the participants.