Social Marketing for a Better Life
Call for Consultancy Service for Conducting Surveys
Terms of Reference
Measuring Access and Performance (MAP) Survey in Non Traditional outlets
(Round IV) and in Traditional Outlets (Round III)
DKT Ethiopia (DKT/E) has been promoting family planning and HIV&AIDS prevention through social marketing since 1990. DKT/E uses targeted and measurable marketing techniques to communicate public health messages to prevent unwanted pregnancy and HIV in Ethiopia. DKT/E promotes high quality health products and ensures a consistent availability and accessibility of the same throughout Ethiopia.
It is planned to increase the general demand for all RH products and services, focusing on the safety, efficacy and ease of use of all methods and highlighting local availability through private health facilities. In addition to increasing the supply in market towns, DKT has planned to maintain the supply in big urban areas as high.DKT distributes products directly to pharmaceuticals and non-pharmaceutical/nontradional outlets in urban and rural areas through its distribution staff. DKT is also supplying products indirectly to outlets through wholesale and commission agents.
In view of scaling up DKT products distribution, there is the need to know the status of DKT product availability in all eligible outlets. DKT/E has been measuring its distribution performance on annual basis using performance assessment survey methodology. The surveys provided evidence relevant to attaining the objectively verifiable availability indicators using a Measuring Access and Performance (MAP) for coverage and Penetration survey methodology developed by Population Services International (PSI).
Two types of MAP surveys have been carried out on annual basis since 2012.
MAP Survey in Non Traditional Outlets: In April 2012, a MAP survey on condom distribution in nontraditional[1]outlets was conducted to measure the baseline on penetration, coverage and quality of coverage of condom in urban Ethiopia. After the baseline, two annual MAP surveys were carried out in 2013 and 2014, respectively. 292 urban Kebeles/towns were randomly selected from all the nine regional states (Oromia, Amhara, SNNPR, Tigray, Afar, BenishangulGumuz, Harari, Somali, and Gambella) and the two city administrations (Dire Dawa and Addis Ababa) and a census of non-traditional outlets in the selected areas was carried out.
MAP Survey in Traditional Outlets:The first (Baseline) and second rounds of Measuring Access and Performance (MAP) of Coverage and Penetration of DKT RH products in Ethiopia were conducted in 2013 and 2014, respectively. The surveyscovered nearly 164 urban kebeles in big town and 219 market townsall the nine regional states and the two city administrations. A census of traditional outlets (pharmaceutical outlets in big towns and Pharmaceutical and clinical outlets in market towns) were carried out in the selected geographic areas.
These two studies shall provide evidence relevant to attaining the objectively verifiable indicators and targets set in the logical framework, to ensure availability of DKT’s reproductive health products in all eligible outlets.
Currently, DKT/E would like to hire two consulting firms to carry out the MAP Traditional and MAP nontraditional surveys and complete within six weeks time.
The objectives of both surveys are clearly defined in the technical survey proposals. The following are general objectives of the studies:
- Measure the geographic coverage of DKT products
- Measure the penetration rate at outlet level
- Measure level of family planning service provision in clinical outlets in market towns.
Scope of work
- The studiesare expected to encompass the same number of selected towns/kebelesin the country as in the previous rounds of the surveys.
- DKT Ethiopia team has prepared separate technical proposals(both for MAP traditional and MAP non traditional outlets) including methodological approaches, and data collection tools. The consultantsselected for the assignments are expected to be involved in finalizing the research design and data collection tools with DKT team.
- Hire enough number of interviewers and supervisors who have participated in large-scale socio-demographic surveys and can speak the local languages.
- Pilot testing – in areas which are not selected for the actual study
- In order to guide the process, the consultantswill make use of the results of the pilot testing to finalize the tool before translating to one/two local language/s
- Provide intensive training that includes both theoretical and field (practical) training.
- inception report which include interpretation and understanding of the deliverables, time frame of the task, tools to be used for collecting data (after pretesting of tools) and a summary describing the whole process and how to go about the next steps before proceeding to the actual data collection.
- Submit data entry template) to DKT team before starting data entry (using CSPro) for approval
- Data collection, data quality checking, data entry, data cleaning, and analysis
- Submit draft report,
- Debriefing with DKT team in each stages of the survey
- Final report
Key Activities and Responsibilities
-All interested firms are expected to develop technical proposal that clearly defines the time line and methodological approach for data collection, team organization, data quality assurance technique, data entry and analysis and report writing. Include your comment and suggestion on the technical proposal (indicate your understanding and feedback on the technical proposal and survey instrument)
-Prepare a detailed financial proposal
Note:A consulting firm can decide to bid for both surveys by submitting two separate technical and financial proposals or bid for either of them. DKT/E team has decided to give the assignments for two different top consulting firms- not to compromise timely delivery and quality.
Deliverables: DKT Research team will oversee the process and be responsible for accountability and guidance throughout all phases of execution, and approval of all deliverables
- Data collection tools,
- Work plan, proposed outline of the training, pilot test report will be submitted within one week after signing the agreement
- Raw dataset in SPSS and CSpro version
- Draft survey report for review
- The Final report (both in hard and soft copies) will be submitted to DKT Ethiopia incorporating all comments and feedback. All reports should have standard report writing sections with all required annexes included.
- All filled questionnaires should also be delivered to DKT Ethiopia.
Qualifications and Experience
- The consultant team shall consist of professionals and should posses a minimum of postgraduate degree in the field of health, Public Health, Development Studies, Demography/Population Studies, Statistics or related fields and should have at least 5 years of proven experience undertaking projects of similar scope. Applicants should also have excellent analytical and report writing skill.
Timing and Reporting
- The data collection and production of final report is to be completed within six weeks period. The contract is for a fixed period of six weeks and is not subject to renewal.
- 30 % upon signing of contract, 40% after deployment to field work and the remaining 30% upon completion of final report
Submission of Proposal:
Interested consultants are expected to register and collect technical proposal prepared by DKT team free of charge from the office’s front desk and submit their proposals within seven consecutive days from the day of advertisement. Technical and Financial proposal including, timelines and budget estimates.Documents such as personal profiles and other credentials with a covering letter should be included to the Technical proposal.
Technical and financial proposals should be submitted to DKT Ethiopia office in personto the address given below before or on April14, 2015.
Note: The DKT team will review submitted technical and financial proposals of agencies. There could be a possibility of presenting proposal at DKT office by the top three agencies for each survey to make our final decision.
DKT Ethiopia
In front of Bole Bridge Near to Brass Hospital
WOMSADCO Building, 3rd floor
Tel No: +251-11-6632222.
[1]Nontraditional outlets include outlets eligible (excluding Pharmaceutical and clinical outlets) to condom sales such as kiosks, hotels, bars, brothel, local liquor houses etc…