Culinary Arts I
TEACHER: Teresa Layman EMAIL:
PHONE: 865-458-4326 Ext. 9 4044 BEST TIME TO CONTACT: 8:15 to 9:15 am
DESCRIPTION OF CLASS: This class is an introduction to a career in food service. This class covers the basic skills needed to work in the food industry. You will learn safety, sanitation, basic equipment use, recipe use and service skills. More advanced skills will be learned in Culinary Arts II & III. Tennessee State standards will be used. Standards are posted on the teacher’s website.
CLASS SUPPLIES NEEDED:Pencils, Blue or Black pens (No other colors will be accepted.)
Notebook paper
Medium to large 3 ring notebook to be used exclusively for Portfolio/cookbook
Dividers at least 10, may be purchased or handmade
WHEN WILL WE COOK?(Course Content)The following must be covered before cooking: Class info, safety, sanitation, career, equipment & basic skills. Other topics to be covered is measuring, employability skills, recipe use, meal planning and preparation and service.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS(Expectations): Students are expected tohave a good attitude, be present and try their best. Students are expected to follow directions, as it is important in the “World of Work”. They are responsible for doing and turning in their work on time. Students must make a satisfactory grade on a sanitation test and 100% on a Safety test before working in the kitchen. They must keep their portfolio up to date. You will be assigned a student number that will determine your time card number, seat and folder. Class handouts for the day will usually be in your folder. Your papers will be returned to your folder.
- All school rules will be enforced.
- Respect your classmates, teachers and yourself
- No sleeping, you can’t learn if you are asleep.
- If you choose not to participate in class on a day that your classmates are cooking, you will not be allowed to eat as that is a reward of class participation.
- Taking food without permission is considered stealing and will be dealt with as such.
- Cleanup is part of food service. It is not a punishment or a reward it is part of the job. If cleanup is not completed, the assignment is incomplete.
- When you cook the final product is NOT yours. This is a learning activity to be shared with the class. There may be times when you can take something home; however the purpose of cooking is not for personal use!
- Students must use equipment safely and cared for it as instructed.
Textbook: Culinary Essentials, 2010
We have to share textbooks, students will be given class time to complete any assignment. If work is not completed during that time a book can be checked out and the work can be completed at home. If a student uses their time wisely they will not have homework.
GRADING: Grading scale is set by the state of TN and is in your planner.
- 50% Classwork, tests, labs, etc.
- 25% Time Clock Project (Daily Grade)
- 25% Participation/ work ethic
Work that is more than 2 weeks late will receive a grade no higher than 70%.
Students are required to score 100% on a safety test and a satisfactory grade on a sanitation test. This is a state requirement.
PORTFOLIO: The state requires a portfolio. This will be a collection of everything that we do throughout the semester and will be part of your mid-term and semester test grade. Your portfolio and cookbook may be used when taking your semester exam. The cookbook will include a collection of recipes and class recipes and must be organized. A recipe will be due each Tuesday, there will be 6 stories required about the recipes required during the semester. Students will be given all the guidelines and they are posted on the teacher’s website.
Miscellaneous Grading Rubric
Scoring of daily and homework sometimes will be as follows:
+ Directions are followed and completed as directed with well thought out answers
that are complete sentences and have punctuation at the end of the sentences.
After reading, one knows exactly what you did and learned each day.
Work is neat and easy to read.
Directions are followed, average answers.
Or all good answers but one incomplete answer.
- Poor job, incomplete, instructions are not completely followed
= Less than half complete, instructions are not followed, messy
0 Unreadable, no work completed or attempted