Croton Housing Network

Board Meeting


May 9, 2005

Present: Nance Shatzkin, Barbara Toby, Laura Seitz, Allegra Perhaes, Cornelia Cotton, Ann Harbeson

Absent: Patty Cunningham

Meeting called to order by President Shatzkin at 8:05

Minutes and Notices:

Minutes from April 11th meeting not available will be completed for next meeting;

Nance announced that Westchester County will be touring affordable housing projects on May 20th. Nance will be joining the tour for the Croton projects.

Discovery Cove:

HOA rental charge- CHN received a letter from the HOA. They are willing to drop the charges to $250. Per unit per year. Not acceptable. Nance will talk to Richard H. at village office. HOA might not understand that this is a special project that cannot pay any money to the HOA for rental fees. Nance to draft letter to Jason.

Symphony Knoll:

Preparing for PB application is moving ahead

Public meeting will be June 25th at the library. Nance and Allegra to work on public notice for newspapers and a survey to be given to participants at meeting;

Email to Village from new Mt.Airy Rd. Resident who has issues with the development of Symphony Knoll- Nance will call him and make an appointment to talk with him;

Golf Ball problem- Resident of Mt. Airy spoke to Laura about a ball coming into her yard. Issue discussed. Allegra to report at next meeting.

Mt. Airy Woods:

Housing Fund Company – Betsy Turner to begin paperwork;

Once ownership is transferred to new company we can begin the negations on school


Air Conditioning options: Laura got 3 bids - total cost is about $60,000. Ann to call Alan Gordon regarding possibilities for financing project;

Other maintenance issues- There are stucco issues in one unit, and yard sinking in farthest unit. IFCA is aware of problems and checking out possibilities for repair.

Bank Street

C of O received

Eves fixed today

HOA Status – Patty

Application and process review – Patty

Leaflet - Patty

Approve background material - Patty