Science Market , Opp. Hargolal Dharmshala, Ambala Cantt. (HR.)
(O) 0171-4006159 , (M) 9896017583, 9034017584, 9996130887
Email:- , Website:-
Sr. No / Items / RequirementsA.
1. / Patient cots-Child
Bed side locker
Stool (4 Legs) Deluxe / 2 @ 2200/- each 6 @ 2900/- each
8 @ 1150/- each
8 @ 550/- each
2. / Manikins for demonstrating nursing procedures
Adult male(Basic Combination,Imported)
(GD)@ 27000/- each , (XC) @ 23000/- each
------DO------(Indian) @ 1800/- each
-Adult female (Imported)@ 8500/- each
------DO------(Indian) @ 1800/- each
-Child (Indian)@ 400/- each
---DO-- (Imported) New Style Big @ 1650/- each
-New born(Indian)@ 400/- each
------DO------(Imported) Big @ 1450/- each
CPR Simple (Half Body without Monitor) IMP.@ 8900/- each
CPR (Half Body with Monitor) IMP (XC-404).@ 18500/- each
CPR (Half Body with Monitor) IMP (GD) Big Size.@ 21000/- each
CPR (Full Body with Printor)IMP (GD). @ 40000/- each / 3
4. / Tray with cover 12”x18” @ 330/- each
------DO------12”x15” @285/- each
------DO------12”x10” @ 185/- each
------DO------11”x7” @ 125/- each
------DO------10”x8” @ 125/- each
------DO------8”x6” @90/- each
(i)Bowls w/o cover 4” @ 35/- each
-----DO------6”@ 50/- each
-----DO------10”@ 90/- each
-----DO------16”@ 180/- each
(ii) Bowls with Cover
-6” diameter @ 85/- each
-4” diameter @ 65/- each / 2 each
2 each
5. / Enema Can
-1 Lt. Capacity
-1½ Lt Capacity / 4 @ 80/- each
2 @ 100/- each
8. / Kidney Tray S.S 6” @ 25/- each
-----DO------S.S 8” @ 35/- , Plastic @ 15/- each
Measuring Jug Plastic
(a)250 ml @ 17/- each
(b) 500 ml @ 21/- each
(c) 1 lt. @ 36/- each
Basin S.S 16” @ 180/- each
------DO---12” @ 120/- each
------DO---10” @ 90/- each
9. / Catheter dish with cover 16’’x 4’’ / 4 @ 290/- each
10. / Knife dish with cover / 6 @ 70/- each
11. / Feeding Cups / 2 @ 15/- each
12. / Douche Can 1lt. / 4 @ 80/- each
13. / Sputum Mugs Plastic / @ 20/- each
14. / Bed Pans Plastic / 4 @ 45/- each
15. / Urinals- Male Plastic Sup. Qul. / 5 @ 30/- each
16. / Funnel Plastic
-4” diameter
-3” diameter / 6 @ 10/- each
6 @ 5/- each
17. / Jars with Covers
-12” x 8”
-6” x 4” / 1
18. / Dressing Drums
-6” x 6”
-11” x 9” / 1 @ 170/- each
1 @ 350/- each
19. / Tub for sitz bath / 1
20. / Sauce pan with lid
-1 1t. Capacity
-2 1t. Capacity / 2
23. / Kettle
-1 1t. Capacity
-2 1t. Capacity
Trolley with upper & Lower Shelves S.S @ 1200/-each
Pint Measure @ 20/- each / 1
25. / Galli Pot @ 50/- each
Mugs Plastic
(b)250 ml @ 17/- each
(b) 500 ml @ 21/- each
(c) 1 lt. @ 36/- each / 2
26. / Bottle Brush / 2 @ 7/- each
Cheetal Forceps S.S @ 90/- each
Spong holding forceps @ 90/- each
Artery Clamps – (Spl.)Straight /Curved 6”@ 60/- each
6. / Mosquito Forceps @ 58/- each
Dissecting Forceps Toothed @ 12/- each
------Do------Non Toothed @ 10/- each
Kockers Forceps 6” @ 70/- each
7. / Scissors
-Surgical 8”
-Mayo’s Cutting Scissor / 4 @ 60/- each
4 @ 45/- each
@ 60/- each
9. / Tissue Forceps @ 10/- each
Sinus Forceps @ 70/- each / 2
12. / Biopsy forceps (Special) S.S
Liver Biopsy Needle S.S
Alice Forceps S.S / 2 @ 280/- each
@ 60/- each
@ 70/- each
13. / Probe / 1 @ 10/- each
14. / Groove Director with probe / 4 @ 20/- each
15. / Mouth gag / 2 @ 215/- each
20. / Tongue Depressor
Tongue Holding Forceps 8”
Nasal Speculum
Aural Speculum
Retractor Single Hook @ 28/- each
------DO-- Double Hook @ 35/- each / 4 @ 15/- each
@ 20/- each
@ 15/- each
@ 20/- each
22. / Bladder Sound
Male Urethral Dilator / 1@ 25/- each
@ 100/- set
23. / Packing Forceps
-Oral / @ 10/- each
@ 20/- each
24. / Ear Irrigation Syringe / 2 @ 20/- each
25. / Ear Speculum / 2 @ 35/- each
26. / Shaving Set / 2
27. / Safety razor with blades / 2
28. / Bard Parker Knife Handle / 2 @ 15/- each
29. / Surgical Blades different sizes(100 pc) / @ 190/- pkt
31. / Catheters
Airway / 4 @ 5/- each
@ 40/- each
32. / Laryngoscope - Small
-Big / 1 @ 360/- each
1 @ 720/- each
36. / Proctoscope
Infusion Set
Opthalmoscope (Imported) / @ 170/- each
@ 10/- each
@ 390/- each
@ 2200/- each
37. / Tracheotomy set with various size of tracheal tubes / @ 200/- each
39. / Head Mirror
Tuning Fork / 2 @ 150/- each
@ 30/- each
41. / Oxygen cylinder
Oxygen Mask @ 40/- each
(a)Flow Meter @ 370/- each ,
(c) Key @ 80/- each / 1 @ 3400/- set
1. / Glassware
Measuring Cups
-250 ml
-125 ml
-25 ml / @ 28/- each
6 @ 15/- each
2 @ 10/- each
4. / Undine
Eye Wash Cup
Pipettes B/G 0.1ml – 10 ml @ 18/- each
Dropper @ 3/- each / 2 @ 20/- each
@ 10/- each
5. / Plastic connections
-Different Types e.g. Y.T / 6 each @ 6/- each
6. / Wolfs Bottle B/G 250 ml / 2 @ 70/- each
7. / Conical Flasks B/G / 4 @ 38/- each
8. / (i)Ounce Glass
(ii)Dram Glass / 2 @ 10/- each
6 @ 12/- each
9. / Thermometers
-Oral @ 25/- each
-Rectal @ 35/- each
-Bath @ 15/- each
-Room @ 20/- each
-Lotion @ 15/- each
11. / Pulse meter
Urinometer / 4 @ 1100/- each
@ 15/- each
12. / Lacto meter / 4 @ 15/- each
14. / Haemoglobinmeter
Specimen Glasses / 2 @ 70/- each
@ 25/- each
15. / Test tubes / @ 120/-Box(100 pc)
16. / Glass slides @ 25/- Pkt ,
Cover Slip @ 110/- Box (20 Pkt.) / 1 box
17. / Bottles 500 ml capacity for lotions and mixtures. Plastic / 10 @ 25/- each
18. / Automizer / 2 @ 30/- each
19. / Manometer / 2 @ 220/- each
20. / Glucometer / 2 @ 800/- each
21. / Head Mirror / 1 @ 150/- each
1. / Syringes & Needles
-2 ml
-5 ml
-10 ml
-20 ml / 4 @ 2.50 each
@ 3/- each
7 @ 6/- each
10 @ 13/- each
2. / Tuberculin syringe / 6 @ 6/- each
3. / Insulin syringe with needle / 5 @ 6/- each
4. / Needles all sizes / 70/- Box(100 pc)
5. / Lumber puncture needle / 2 @ 25/- each
6. / Trochar, canula for abdominal paracentesis / 2
7. / I V Cannulas different types and sizes / 5 @ 15/- each
8. / Biopsy needle
-Children / 2 @ 60/- each
2 @ 60/- each
9. / Sternal Puncture needle / 2 @ 25/- each
2. / Needle holder
-6” @ 60/- each
-8” @ 110/- each
Suture Cutting Scissor @ 70/- each / 6 each
3. / Suture needle
-Curved / 4 @ 15/- Pkt
3 @ 15/- Pkt
4. / Suture Thread
-Cotton / 2 pkt @ 10/- roll
2 pkt @ 10/- roll
5. / Catgut
-Cotton / 6 tubes @ 45- each
6 tubes @ 50/- each
6. / Catget tube breaker / 2
7. / Suture clip / 1 pkt @ 300/- Pkt.
8. / Suture clip applier @ 425/- each
Suture clip remover @ 300/- each / 2
2. / Ruber Goods
Mackintosh roll
-Full bed length (10 Mt. Roll)
-Draw Mackintosh
Extra for treatment and dressing
Hot Water Bag @ 110/- each / @ 550/- Roll
@ 40/- each
3. / Ice caps @ 60/- each
-Ice collar @ 80/- each
-Corrugated Sheet @ 25/- each
4. / Gloves different sizes / @ 10/- pair
5. / Catheters
-Urinary catheter
-Folley’s catheter
-Nasal catheter
-Plaint catheter
-Rectal catheter / 6 @ 5/- each
6 @ 30/- each
6 @ 5/- each
6 @ 8/- each
6 @ 25/- each
6. / Finger stalls different sizes / @ 10/- set
7. / Air Rings / 4 @ 75/- each
8. / Mucus sucker / 6 @ 15/- each
9. / Breast pump / 1 @ 20/- each
10. / Nipple shield / 1 @ 15/- each
11. / Gastric lavage tube / 2 @ 90/- each
12. / Ryle’s tube / 2 @ 12/- each
13. / Flatus tube / 3 @ 20/- each
14. / Blakemore sangestaken tube / 6
15. / Rubber tubes with different diameter and size :-
6 mm @ 130/- Roll(10mt.)
8 mm @ 180/- Roll(10mt.)
10 mm @ 270/- Roll(10mt.)
16. / Rectal syringes with nozzle / @ 30/- each
17. / Ring pressories all sizes / @ 10/- each
18. / Douche nozzle different sizes / @ 15/- set
2. / Miscellaneous Items
Mortar & Pestle @ 25/- set
Nelson’s Inhaler @ 45/- each
3. / Wooden shock Blocks @ 15/- each / 2 pairs
4. / Spirit Lamp (Aluminium) / @ 20/- each
5. / Test tube stand / @ 15/- each
6. / Test tube holder / @ 75/- Doz.
7. / Sterliser small / @ 500/- each
8. / Portable autoclave 12x12 / @ 2650/- each
9. / Torch / 1
10. / Nail Brush / @ 15/- each
11. / (i)Adult weighing scale (Square)@ 450/- each
------DO------(Round) @ 650/- each
------DO------(Digital) @ 450/- each
(ii)Baby weighing scale @ 700/- each
13. / Back Rest
Splints different sizes / @ 480/- each
@ 30/- each
14. / Bandages different sizes / @ 78/- Doz.
16. / Adhesive tapes
I.V. Stand / @ 15/- each
@ 450/- each
17. / Tape Measure / @ 5/- each
18. / Bucket with cover
19. / Comb
20. / Microscopes student sup. Qual.
------DO----Medical Sup. Qual. / @ 950/- each
@ 2000/- each
22. / Sphygmomanometer
- Regular Dail Type @ 220/- each
- Electronic @ 950/- each
- Mercury @ 900/- each
------DO--- Medium Qual. @ 95/- each
------DO--- Sup. Qual. @ 180/- each
23. / Soap and soap dish
24. / Dust bins
25. / Overbed table (Heart table) / @ 1150/- each
26. / Screens/bed side with Curtains / @ 1600/- each
27. / Three way adapter / @ 12/- each
29. / Phenyle
30. / Methylated spirit
31. / Benedict’s solution / @ 90/- 500 ml
32. / Betadine/ Antiseptic Equilant / @ 25/- each
34. / Benzoin
Nitric Acid / @ 290/- 100gm
@ 170/- 500 ml
35. / Acetic acid / @ 160/- 500 ml
36. / Sulpher powder / @ 105/- 500 gm
42. / Ammonium sulphate crystals
Liquid Paraffin
Potassium Permagnet
Boric Acid / @ 120/- 500 gm
@ 250/- 500 gm
@ 200/- 500 ml
@ 245/- 500 ml
@ 360/- 500 gm
@ 175/- 500 gm
45. / Hydrogen peroxide
Sodium Bicarbonate
Litmus Paper Red/Blue / @ 170/- 500 ml
@ 115/- 500 gm
@ 10/- Pkt
1. / Linen
Mattress - Child
2. / Mattress cover
-Child / @ 265/- each
@ 230/- each
4. / Bed sheets
-Baby cot sheets
Draw Sheet / @ 160/- each
@ 40/- each
@ 65/- each
5. / Pillows
-Small / 8
6. / Pillows cover - Large
------DO------Small / @ 45/- each
@ 30/- each
7. / Sand bagcovers / @ 25/- each
8. / Blankets / 2 @ 500/- each
9. / Bed spreads / @ 130/- each
10. / Towels
Towel Clip @ 15/- each
12. / Sponge Cloth @ 10/- each
Hot water bag Cover @ 30/- each
13. / Ice cap covers @ 20/- each
14. / Air rings/ cushion covers / @ 40/- each
15. / Gowns @ 160/- each
–Mask @ 10/- each
16. / Patient’s clothes
-Baby dresses
-Diapers different sizes / @ 200/- each
@ 200/- each
6 sets @ 110/- each
8 sets
17. / Trolley cover / @ 65/- each
18. / Dirty linen Bag / @ 125/- each
20. / Leggings
Perineal sheets / @ 115/- pair
@ 60/- each
21. / Triangular bandages / @ 25/- each
22. / Manytailed bandages / @ 40/- each
23. / Eye shields / @ 25/- each
24. / Dusters / @ 15/- each
25. / Slings / @ 70/- each
27. / ‘T’ binder
Screen Curtains / @ 25/- each
@ 210/- each
ugSr. No. / Items / RequirementsA.
1. / Models
Stages of Development of Embryo:-
Indian @ 500/- set
Imported @ 10500/- set
5. / Female bony pelvis
Indian @ 280/- each
Imported @ 1200/- each
Fetal Skull (Imported) @ 790/- each
Indian @ 80/- each
Female Dummy (Zoe Model, Delivery Model):-
Indian @ 700/- each
Imported @ 13500/- each
Placenta (Indian) @ 80/- each
Placenta (Imported) @ 1850/- each
7. / Full size fetus (Baby with Pelvis) (Indian)@ 450/- each
New born(Indian)@ 400/- each
-----DO------(Imported) Big @ 1450/- each
-----DO---(Imported) Big New Style @ 1650/- each
1. / Charts on Board (Imported):-
Changeses in Pregnancy (Set Of 20) @ 440/- each
Vaginal speculum :-
a)Sims (S) 40/- , (M) 45/- , (L) 50/- each
b)Cusco’s (S) 110/- , (M) 115/- , (L) 120/- each / 8,800/- set
2. / Cervical dilators all sizes / @ 100/- Set
3. / Anterior vaginal wall retractor / @35/- each
4. / Uterine vulsellum / @ 90/- each
5. / Sponge holding forceps / @ 90/- each
6. / Ovum forceps / @ 120/- each
8. / Uterine flushing curette
Uterine Sound / @ 35/- each
@ 25/- each
9. / Mucus sucker / @ 15/- each
11. / Pelvimeter
Fetoscope / @ 300/- each
@ 30/- each
Midwifery kit for home delivery
Each kit will contains following item :- With Bag / @ 900/- Kit
1. / Bowls medium and small / 2
2. / Kidney tray medium and small / 2
3. / Enema can with tubing / 1
4. / Foetoscope / 1
5. / Artery forceps / 1
6. / Thumb forceps
-Toothed –no toothed / 2
7. / Cord cutting blade / 1
8. / Cord ties / 1
9. / Mucus sucker / 1
10. / Cotton swabs
11. / Mackintosh / 1
12. / Glove / 1 pairs
13. / Mask / 1
14. / Apron / 1
15. / Rubber catheters / 1
16. / Spring balance color coated / 1
17. / Syringe with needle 2cc- 5cc-10cc / 1 each
18. / Shaving Set (Razer) / 1
19. / Antiseptic Solution / 1
20. / Soap / 1
21. / Hand Towel / 1
22. / Measure tape / 1
Sr. No. / Items / Requirements1. / Gas stove with cylinders/ pipe line tubings
-Gas Stove
-Pipe line tubings / 2
2. / Gas lighters / 1
3. / Pressure cookers of different sizes - 1kg / 2
4. / Steel cooking vessels big, medium, and small sizes / 2, 1, 3
5. / Ladles (wooden spoons/spatulas) / 12
6. / Water reservoir / 1
7. / Spoons -
-Tea spoons
-Dessert spoons
-Rice serving spoons / 4
8. / Bowls (wati) / 13
9. / Soup bowls / 25
10. / Forks / 6
11. / Sieve / 1
12. / Tongs / 4
13. / Knives / 2
14. / Peeler / 4
15. / Flask / 2
16. / Frying pans / 1
17. / Vessel holders (chimta) / 1
18. / Glasses for drinking water (Steel) / 12
19. / Glasses for drinking water (Glass) / 13
20. / Measuring scoops / 2 sets
21. / Napkins / 24
22. / Glass bowls / 10
23. / Toaster / 1
24. / Microwave with appropriate cooking vessels / 1
25. / Dinner set (12 persons) / 1
26. / Tea set (12 persons) / 1
Community Health Laboratory
Sr. No. / Items / Requirements1. / Eligible couple and child register / 1
2. / Diary / 2
4. / Community Bag
Tables one for four students
5. / Stool Revolving S.S Top / @ 550/- each
6. / Sterilizer / @ 500/- each
7. / Infant weighing scale / @ 700/- each
9. / Salter scale 100 kg
Spring Balance / @ 290/- each
@ 45/- each
10. / Weighing machine :-
Adult weighing scale (Square)@ 450/- each
------DO------(Round) @ 650/- each
------DO------(Digital) @ 450/- each
12. / Sphygmomanometers:-
Regular Dail Type @ 200/- each
Electronic @ 950/- each
Mercury @ 900/- each
Stethoscope Regular Qual. @ 55/- each
------DO--- Medium Qual. @ 95/- each
------DO--- Sup. Qual. @ 180/- each
13. / Dari/mats for health education purpose
14. / Community bag should contain following articles
. / The bag should have separate compartments for clean articles, urine testing kit and hand washing kit / 650/-each
. / Assessment articles:
-Tape measure
-Fetoscope / 1
. / Hand washing articles:
Hand Towel
Nail Brush
Waterproof Bag / 1
. / Urine testing kit:
-Test Tube
-Test tube holder
-Spirit lamp
-Syringe / 2
. / Dressing kit:
-Antiseptic in a bottle
-Artery forceps
-Dissecting forceps non toothed
-Dissecting forceps toothed
-Small kidney tray
-Dressing scissors / 1
. / Medicines :
-Labeled medicines for essential treatment for minor ailment / 1
Sr. No / Items / Requirements1.
2. / Adult Human Articulated Skeleton:-
Indian @ 550/- each
Imported @ 7800/- each
Full set of Dis-articulated adult human skeleton.
(a)Indian @ 550/- Set
(b) Imported @ 5500/- Set
1. / Full size human body showing all muscles and arteries:-(a) Indian @ 2400/- each
(b)Imported @ 16000/- each
2. / Human Torso :-
Male – Indian @ 750/-each
- Imported @ 6800/- each
Female – Indian @ 900/- each
Unisex (Imported) @ 8300/- each
3. / Skin cross section:-
Indian @ 85/- each
Imported @ 1000/- each / 1
5. / Heart & Large Blood Vessels:-
Indian (Big Size) @ 300/- each
Imported (Big Size) @ 1450/- each
Heart with detachable parts on a stand:-
Indian @ 70/- each
Imported @ 1250/- each / 2
7. / Eye with Different Sections:-
Indian @ 70/- , Big Size @ 300/- each
Imported (Gaint Eye) @ 1150/- each
Ear with different sections
Indian @ 100/- , Big Size @ 300/- each
Imported @1100/- each / 1
8. / Human brain :-
Indian @ 70/- , Big Size @ 300/- each
Imported @ 990/- each
Spinal Cord (Indian) @ 300/- each
Imported @ 3000/- each / 1
9. / Lungs and trachea:-
Indian @ 70/- each
Imported @ 2900/- each / 1
10. / Larynx:-
Indian @ 100/- each
Imported @ 750/- each
11. / Digestive system
Indian @ 110/- each
Imported @ 7200/- each
Stomach (Imported) @ 1000/- each
12. / Female reproductive system:-
Indian @ 90/- each
Uterus on stand(Imported) @ 1500/- each
13. / Male reproductive system :-
Indian @ 90/- each
Uterus on stand(Imported) @ 1500/- each
14. / Urinary system:-
Indian @ 90/- each
Uterus on stand(Imported) @ 1000/- each
Indian @ 70/- each
Imported @ 890/- each
13. / Joints:-
Indian @ 150/- each
Imported @ 725/- each
14. / Teeth (Indian) @ 90/- each
--DO- Imported @ 680/- each
1. / Charts Laminated 30” x 40” Set of 15
Charts Nursing Polyart Imported Sheet Set of 30
Skeleton system Articulated / @ 825/- Set (55/- each)
@ 3300/- Set (110/- each)
2. / Muscular System:-
Showing different muscles of the body
3. / Joints and Ligaments
4. / Nervous system
-Spinal cord
5. / Cardio – vascular system
6. / Respiratory system
7. / Lungs
8. / Trachea
9. / Digestive System
10. / Oral cavity
11. / Teeth
12. / Stomach Pancreas and spleen
13. / Small Intestine / 1
14. / Large Intestine
15. / Liver and gall bladder
16. / Kidney Macroscopic Structure
17. / Kidney Microscopic Structure
18. / Skin
19. / Eye
20. / Ear
21. / Female Reproductive System
22. / Menstrual Cycle
23. / Male Reproductive System
24. / Endocrine Glands
25. / Charts on First Aid Set of 13
First aid for burns / @ 520/- set (40/- each)
26. / Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation
27. / First Aid Charts for emergencies such as fracture, drowning wounds, poisoning, bites
28. / Bandaging
Sr. No. / Items / Requirement1. / Xerox machine with set making machine / 1
2. / Overhead Projectors (Twin Bulb) / 3 @ 2650/- each
3. / Flannel boards in each class room+ notice board / 4
4. / Slide projectors (With Halogin Bulb) / 2 @ 1450/- each
5. / White board 6’x4’ / 1 @ 2300/- each
6. / Chalk board 6’x4’ / 1 @ 2300/- each
7. / Tape recorder / 2
9. / V.C.R. and CD Player / 2
10. / Wet specimen of all organs / Specimen of all organ
11. / Film Projector (L.C.D. Projector) / 1 @ 27000/- each
13. / Episdascopes / 3
12. / Mobile screen for Projectors
------Do------(On Stand) / @ 250/- each
@ 1500/- each
- Rates are Net Exgodown Ambala Cantt.
- Sales Tax 5.25% Extra