About ASCUS Lab

ASCUS Lab is the UK's largest publicly accessible laboratory for experimentation in art and science and a trans-disciplinary space to produce, create, experiment, play, debate and research. This space hosts a programme of workshops, courses and open sessions for hands on engagement with art and science research to stimulate interest, excitement and debate about both fields. ASCUS Lab is a place for independent research, allowing people to conduct their own experiments and participate in citizen science, engaging with both formal and informal learning. Through art science collaboration we aim to encourage new ways of thinking about these disciplines, disseminating this work through our programme as well as via our online platforms, continuing to foster collaborative partnerships and constantly seeking out new art-science practitioners.

Who is ASCUS Art & Science

ASCUS Art & Science is a non-profit volunteer organisation. Founded in 2008 and a registered non-profit company limited by guarantee since 2013, we are an organisation dedicated to building a community of artists, scientists, and other individuals interested in how art and science can engage new and wider audiences for both fields. ASCUS is neither an arts nor a scientific body, but an organisation dedicated to developing art-science intersections.


Our ASCUS Lab team and volunteers come from science disciplines across different specialisations within the biosciences. For our volunteer programme we are looking for individuals who are available on either Thursdays (between 4pm-10pm) or Saturdays (between 10am-4pm) to commit to 4-6hrs per week to assist with the delivery of our Lab Open Sessions. Should you take part in volunteering in the delivery of our Open Sessions there may also be other opportunities to volunteer on an ad hoc basis at key programming times throughout the year: for example, the Edinburgh International Science Festival.

Please check the box below if you would like to be added to our volunteers mailing list to be contacted when suitable opportunities arise.

 I would like to be added to the ASCUS volunteer mailing list

 I would like to be added to the ASCUS general mailing list


First Name / Date of Birth
Last Name / Phone number
Address / Email
Area of specialisation (within Biosciences)
Skills and experience
Availability / Thursdays:
Current related activities and/or employment
Additional information