May 17, 2017

6:30 p.m.

The Ash Township Regular Board meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m. in the Ready Road Hall by Supervisor Robin Carmack.

Members present: Supervisor – Robin Carmack,Clerk - Michele Geiermann,

Treasurer - Rob Schock, andTrustee -Adam Grabetz.

Absent: Trustee-Jim Booth.

Others present:William Godfroy - Township Attorney, Jim Vaslo - Township Manager, Jim Hollandsworth – Township Engineer and 28 citizens.

Motion #2899Agenda Approval

Motion by Geiermannsupported byGrabetzto approve theagendaas presented.

Voice vote taken. Motion carried.

Motion #2900Meeting Minute’s Approval

Motion by Grabetz supported bySchock to approve the Proposed Regular Board Meeting Minutes of 4-19-17, Proposed Planning Commission Meeting Minutes 3-21-17, and the Proposed ZBA Meeting Minutes of 3-7-17.

Voice vote taken. Motion carried.

Motion #2901 Bills Approval

Motion by Grabetzsupported bySchockto approve bills #1-95in the amount of

$208,634.33, from General Ledger Funds, Building Funds,WaterFunds, Sewer Funds, and Fire Equipment Fund. Roll Call: 4-Yes,0-No. Motion carried.

Old Business

Medical Marijuana Review.

Supervisor Carmack introduced Monroe County Prosecutor William Nicholswho spoke about Medical Marijuana and the new Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act recently approved by the State. Mr. Nichols answered questions from the board and the audience about potential impacts this new legislation may have on the Twp. His advice to the Board was to take their time, do their homework, and don’t be rushed to make a decision. No motions were offered.

Burns Road, Al Wickenheiser Update.

Attorney Godfroy gave a brief update to the board on the Wickenheiser blight issue on Burns Road. He and Manager Vaslo were in court this morning and along with other Twp residents and told the judge that minimal progress had been made. The judge sentenced Mr. Wickenheiserto five days in the county jail and he is to report this Friday at 9 am. The next court date is in June for a progress report. No motions were offered.

Sewer Letters to Berlin & Frenchtown Update.

The Twp has not heard back from Frenchtown Twp on this matter. Manager Vaslo did report that he had some conversation with Berlin Twp Water and Sewer commission and they were interested in exploring this matter further. He believes that Supervisor Carmack will be contacted in the near future to discuss. No motions were offered.

Wetland Development.

Manager Vaslo explained to the Board that the proposed development of the75 acre parcel on Newburg Road was on the Planning Commission agenda for site plan review the night before. The Planning Commission tabled the matter to allow the commission members to have a site visit to an existing facility owned by the applicant in Exeter Twp. The item will again be on the next Planning Commission agenda. No motions were offered.

Sledge & Revard Blight Issues.

Attorney Godfroy explained to the board that Manager Vaslo swore out misdemeanor complaints against both property owners for blight issues. He was unsure if the complaints were delivered to the property owners yet by the courts. Manager Vaslo will check the status with the courts and report back to the board. No motions were offered.

New Business

Managers Report

The Ash Township Board did not have any questions or comments on the May Manager’s report. No motions were offered.

Monroe County Business Development Corp.

After a brief discussion the following motion was offered.

Motion #2902To Approve. Designate.

Motion by Grabetzsupported byGeiermann to approve the annual service agreement with the MCBDC for 2017 and to approve the $2,000 contribution.

Roll Call: 4-Yes, 0-No. Motion carried.

2017 Twp Millage Rates.

Supervisor Carmack read a memorandum from Twp Assessor Renius to the Twp Board stating that the 2017 Millage rates were not rolled back this year and that he recommends that the Twp levy the same millage rates as 2016 for both the Twp Operating Millage and Fire Millage. After a brief discussion the following motion was offered:

Motion #2903To Approve.

Motion by Schocksupported byGrabetz to approve the 2017 Twp Operating Millage at 0.8004 and the 2017 Fire Millage at 0.4974. Roll Call: 4-Yes, 0-No. Motion carried.

Board of Review Vacancies.

Assessor Renius informed the board that there are currently two vacancies on the Board of Review. One is for a member and the other is for an alternate. No motions were offered.

New Water Truck.

Manager Vaslo reviewed the quote through the State of Michigan purchasing program from Gorno Ford for a new replacement truck for the 2000F-250 water department truck. After a brief discussion on options and 2 wheel drive vs. 4 wheel drive, the following motion was offered:

Motion #2904To Approve.

Motion by Schocksupported byGrabetz to approve the purchase of a new 2017 Ford F-250 4x2 from Gorno Ford in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00.

Roll Call: 4-Yes, 0-No. Motion carried.

Joseph Drive Road Petition.

Manager Vaslo explained to the board that the residents on Joseph Drive, a private road, have circulated a petition in the hopes of creating a Special Assessment District (SAD) for the purpose of improving Joseph Drive. The residents had signatures from 7 parcel owners of the 8 potential parcels to be included in the SAD. After a brief discussion the board felt that the residents had sufficient interest in the creation of a SAD for Joseph Drive and the following motion was offered:

Motion #2905To Proceed.

Motion by Carmacksupported byGeiermann to proceed with the creation of Special Assessment District #28 for road improvements to Joseph Drive.

Voice vote taken. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s CD & Investment Strategy and Policy.

Supervisor Carmack asked Treasurer Schock to review the current CD holdings and to share with the board and audience the strategies used and policy followed for investing Twp funds. Treasurer Schock follow with an explanation of amounts invested and where those funds are being held along with the reasons for diversification of the investments. Supervisor Carmack commended the Treasurer for his work in keeping the Twp tax dollars safe and insured as well as collecting the maximum amount in interest that can be obtained. No motions were offered.

Ross Property on Parkway.

Manager Vaslo explained to the board that he had received multiple complaints regarding the keeping of Peacocks by Mr. & Mrs. Ross at their property on Parkway. The manager explained that by ordinance, the keeping of “exotic animals” as defined by the ordinance is not allowed. After several failed attempts to get the Ross’ to remove the birds, Manager Vaslo asked for the Twp Attorney to get involved and filed a complaint with the courts to force the removal of the animals. After some discussion the consensus of the board was to allow some additional time for the Ross’ to find a home for the birds. The following motion was offered:

Motion #2906To Table.

Motion by Grabetzsupported bySchock to table the issue until the June board meeting.

Voice vote taken. Motion carried.

Ash Twp Unity Park Sign.

The Twp board received an e-mail from Jim Geiermann, Chairman of the Ash Twp Park Committee, proposing two signs for Unity Park on Ready Road. One would be located at an area near the pond while the other would be west of the Twp Hall. Included were quotes for the cost of the signs and installation from Harmon Sign Company. The board agreed that a sign or signs would better identify the park and they liked the proposed design but they felt that the cost was perhaps too much. After some discussion the following motion was offered:

Motion #2907To Table.

Motion by Carmacksupported bySchock to table the issue until the June board meeting.

Voice vote taken. Motion carried.

Swan Creek Road Petition.

A group a residents from Swan Creek Road, between Labo Rd and Sigler, were present and had submitted a petition for road improvements for their section of Swan Creek Road. The Supervisor allowed comments from the group who claimed to have 100% of the property owners on Swan Creek signing the petition. They also said that this is the third time that a petition had been submitted for the same section of road. They all commented on the current condition of the road and that it was heavily traveled and was in need of improvements, namely a hard surface. The Supervisor and Manager did their best to explain budget realities, why other roads in the area were improved before this section of road, and what the residents could expect to see in the near future. There were some in the audience who felt their road should be addressed before this section of Swan Creek for the very reasons the Swan Creek residents felt their road should be improved. After a lengthy discussion the board instructed Manager Vaslo to seek an estimate for hard surfacing Swan Creek from the MCRC and have it available at the next board meeting. No motions were offered.

Citizen Comments.

There was one residentwho was recognized by the Supervisor and he spoke on this subject. Brian Campbell who wanted to express his concerns with the W. Newburg drainage project.

Motion #2908Meeting Adjourn

Motion by Schock supported by Grabetz to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 p.m.

Vote voice taken. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele Geiermann

Ash Township Clerk