Persuasive Essay Work – Body Paragraphs (Reasons) 1 & 2 - ELABORATED

·  It’s important to transition from your introduction paragraph into your first reason BODY PARAGRAPH; then do the same between each body paragraph

·  Each body paragraph needs to be elaborated about one reason, and that reason’s elaboration will be in the form of a strong DETAIL SET(S) – NO MORE than 2 detail sets per paragraph, and if you have 2 detail sets, each one is elaborated a little in depth

·  If you only have 1 DETAIL SET, then it needs to be elaborated in FULL DEPTH and brought life with examples, facts, data, statistics, etc. to convince your reader fully about that reason so that it could maybe change a person’s mind to your side

·  It’s not a bad idea to end EACH body paragraph by restating the POSITION STATEMENT! The more a reader sees your position in print and it’s “echoed” throughout your paper, the more he/she will remember!

Last Sentence of Introduction Paragraph

Add in the concept of “respect” to this controversial issue, and it all reinforces the notion that hats should not be allowed in the building at Lakeside Middle School.

Body Paragraph #1 (for the reason of “Safety” – be sure to transition from intro.)

Respecting one another is a huge component of life, and when it comes to the wearing of hats in a school building, kids seem to lose focus on that – and that’s when it becomes an issue of SAFETY! Picture this: A young, happy boy comes to school proudly donning his new ball-cap. Before you know it, one of his friends or even a classmate takes his hat simply just to take it and cause a problem. The “friend” then takes the hat and runs through the halls, as the owner of the hat begins the chase! What happens then is you have two kids running recklessly throughout the building without regard for the safety of anyone else. These two youngsters are darting in and out of kid traffic and groups of people standing around minding their own business; sometimes they even run into and through the crowds! At this point, then, innocent people get run over, barreled into, and even knocked over. Serious injuries can result from these collisions, and many kids can get hurt – all because someone took the hat off of someone else’s head! Do we really want this to occur and have countless numbers of innocent students hurt? No one wants or needs to get hurt over a silly hat, and this can all be avoided – for safety sake – if hats are not allowed in the building at Lakeside Middle School.

Body Paragraph #2 (for the reason of “Teasing” – transitioned from “Safety” body para. #1)

Physical pain and an unsafe environment are present when hat-stealing kids are chased through the halls by a kid who wants it back, but sometimes emotional pain can arise when a hat-wearing student is teased! It’s inevitable that someone will spot a hat-wearing, vulnerable “victim”. You can probably guess what occurs next. Yup! The hat is jacked right off the “victim’s” head. When the person who takes the hat is a “bully”, it’s a bad situation. Taking the hat, in this case, is often used as a way to taunt and tease and “get to the victim”. The bully simply takes someone’s hat to get to that person emotionally and intimidate him. It’s a way for the bully to have power over the person. By taking the hat off his victim’s head, the bully now has control and can usually verbally harass and bug the now-hatless student. The bully sometimes holds onto the hat and won’t give it back to the owner until a teacher or adult gets involved. When all this goes down, the victim becomes distraught, upset, and emotionally disturbed, and it can ruin a person’ day – all over a silly hat! It is even sillier when a hat is taken by an interested young lady who is teasing, or “flirting” as some say, with the hat owner! The young lady will sneak up to her “love interest” and snatch that cap right off his head. Oftentimes, the boy is embarrassed over the situation and doesn’t like his hat being taken and/or the fact that a “scene is now taking place” publicly. He will frantically beg and plead for his hat and even ask others to help (sometimes a chase occurs – a huge “safety” issue); he will do this until the hat is returned. During the waiting period of having his hat returned, the boy is often teased by friends, enemies, girls, and the “love interest” herself. Eventually after the young lady has satisfied her hunger for the boy’s attention and feels that he has not neglected her, she will return his hat; however, the teasing that occurs in the process is sometimes painful for the boy – especially if he has no interest in the girl! Whether it’s teasing to flirt or teasing to bully, the no-hat rule at LMS is a great thing and should always be one of our rules!