Survivor’s Information Package




Dear NAME:

Please accept our condolences at the loss of your {RELATIONSHIP}, {NAME}.

Enclosed is information about the benefit coverage resulting from {NAME}’s employment with the Province. We will assist you to ensure all benefits are made available as soon as possible.

The Benefits Service Centre and the BC Pension Corporation have been informed and you can expect to hear from them directly concerning the completion of documents required for the payment of benefits under the group life insurance plan and options regarding {NAME}’s pension. The Benefits Service Centre can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-277-0772 and the BC Pension Corporation at 250-953-3033 or toll-free 1-800-665-3554.

Coverage for all dependents under {NAME}’s extended health and dental plan will end at the end of {MONTH FOLLOWING THE MONTH IN WHICH THE DEATH OCCURRED}. Coverage under the B.C. medical plan will end at the end of {MONTH IN WHICH THE DEATH OCCURRED}. Coverage may be available through the Pension Corporation if there is an entitlement to a pension.

If there is any further information you require, or if I can be of assistance to you, please contact me at {PHONE NUMBER} or contact {include name and number of main contact}.




We are very sorry for the loss of [Insert Name of Employee] and extend our condolences to you and your loved ones.

This package outlines the benefits and assistance available to you as a spouse, dependent, family member or beneficiary. If you have questions or would like assistance, please contact: [Insert Ministry main contact here]


Short-term counselling is available at no cost to any family members who resided with the deceased. Call Morneau Shepell at 1-800-655-5004 (anytime, 24/7) within 60 days to express your interest and make an appointment.


A final payment of salary and any other earned entitlements will be paid by cheque (made out to the estate) and mailed to the employee’s home address. If you have any questions after receiving the final payment, call MyHR at 1-877-277-0772.

Life Insurance [delete if employee did not have benefits]

The life insurance claim has already been initiated. The beneficiary or executor of the estate will be contacted with an explanation of the benefit and instructions on next steps.

An $8,000 funeral advance from the life insurance proceeds can be requested by the beneficiary by calling MyHR at 1-877-277-0772.

Medical Services Plan (MSP) [delete if employee did not have benefits]

Payment of MSP premiums on the employee’s behalf will continue until the end of the month of death. After this, MSP will create individual accounts and start billing any dependents. Contact MSP if you need to update your mailing address or if you do not receive a billing notice within the next 60 days. Visit Medical Service Plan (MSP) for contact information.

Extended Health & Dental Coverage [delete if employee did not have benefits]

Extended health and dental coverage will continue until the end of the month following the death.

Outstanding Claims

If you have any eligible expenses for which you have not yet made a claim, make sure you

submit your claims to Great-West Life for items/services purchased as GWL must receive extended health and dental plan claims no later than 15 months from the date of service. The deadline for claiming to a Health Spending Account is February 28 following the year in which the expense was incurred.

Please visit Submit a Benefits Claim for the claim forms and further information.

Converting to Individual Benefits Plans

If you wish to maintain extended health and dental coverage with Great-West Life, you can convert to a private policy. Please visit the Great West Life website for further information and deadlines.

Please Note: The benefits and costs under a private policy are not the same as the coverage previously provided in the public service plan.

Call Great-West Life toll free at 1-855-644-0538 for further details.

Alternatively, some coverage may be available through the BC Pension Corporation if the employee was entitled to a public service pension. For more information, call the BC Pension Corporation:

Victoria: 250-953-3033

Toll-free in Canada: 1-800-665-3554

Public Service Pension [delete if employee did not contribute to the pension plan]

We have notified the BC Pension Corporation so they can begin processing any benefits that are payable. A letter will be mailed to the beneficiary or executor.

To contact the BC Pension Corporation, call:

Victoria: 250-953-3033

Toll-free in Canada: 1-800-665-3554

Canada Pension Plan

You may be eligible for survivor benefits through the Canada Pension Plan. For information, call
1-800-277-9914 or visit Government of Canada Survivor’s Pension.

Private Insurance

If you have an additional private insurance policy, you will need to contact that company directly to initiate the claim.

Here is a list of tasks that you may need to take care of:

q  Carry out funeral arrangements

q  Locate Will

q  Apply for will search (Vital Stats) (First step before applying for Grant of Probate - 4 weeks turnaround)

q  Notify beneficiaries in accordance with instructions in Will (wait 21 days from notification to apply for Grant of Probate)

q  Apply for death benefits as appropriate: (also check any survivor benefits)

q  Canada Pension



q  WorkSafe BC

q  Office of the Public Trustee (if involved due to incompetency)

q  Official Administrator (if no survivors)

q  Department of Veterans’ Affairs

q  Union, fraternal order

q  Other insurance policies

q  Apply for the balance of any accounts payable for life and other insurance

q  Register change of address with post office

q  Notify pension offices, retirement plans

q  Notify insurers, landlord

q  Locate bank accounts, determine amount in each

q  Check safety deposit box, list contents Required for Grant of Probate Application

q  Publish a notice to creditors (not mandatory)

q  Make detailed list of assets and debts

q  Safeguard and insure assets

q  Cancel BC Driver’s License

q  Cancel Subscriptions, charge accounts, memberships

q  Obtain and complete the forms required for an Application for Grant of Probate (Court Registry, Probate Division)

q  Make out Declaration of Citizenship (if applicable)

q  Have documents sworn before a Commission for Taking Oaths

q  Mail the Notice of Application

q  File the documents at Court Registry, Probate Division

q  Pay all probate fees

q  Obtain cash available from bank, insurance, employer

q  Buy/sell any assets as required by Will

q  Transfer titles on properties and insurances

q  Land Titles

q  Transfer vehicle

q  Attend to any trusts created by the will

q  Reimburse yourself necessary expenditures, pay yourself executor fee

q  Pay outstanding accounts (funeral, taxes, debts) legal and administration fees (including executor)

q  Distribute balance of cash according to the Will (reserving enough to pay income tax if not paid)

q  Calculate and file income tax payable for the year of death and any other years owing