1. Overview: (Brief description of class)
  2. Students will develop a chronological understanding of the early history of the world.
  3. Examine concepts of geography and explore how early world history was influenced by the physical environment.
  4. Relate vocabulary and economic concepts in world history to self and real world.
  5. Understand how political system developed in the world.
  6. Analyze reasons for creating an independent country, and purpose of government.
  7. Examine how culture in the United States and other countries, has been influenced by language, literature, arts, beliefs, and behavior of people in the past.
  1. Course Content: (General objective listed by “Content Covered”)

(Government and Civics)

The student will:

  • Understand how the world political system developed.
  • Analyze reasons for creating an independent country, and purpose of government in the United States.
  • Investigate the political process established by the U.S. Constitution, including a system of separation of power with checks and balances.
  • Understand how the U.S. Constitution is a “living document” that has changed over time to adjust to different needs and situations.
  • Examine the rights and responsibilities of individuals in American society and in other parts of the world.

(Culture and Society)

The student will:

  • Examine how culture in the United States and other parts of the world have been influenced by language, literature, arts, beliefs, and behavior of people in America’s past.
  • Analyze social interactions among diverse groups and individuals in world history.

(Historical Perspective)

The student will:

  • Explore how perceptions of people and passing of time influence account of historical events.
  • Develop a chronological understanding of the early history of the United States and the world.
  • Examine the impact of significant individuals and groups in early United States history and the world.
  • Analyze the social, political, and economic characteristics of eras in world history.
  • Recognize the significance of geographical settings and natural resources on historical events in United States history and world history.
  • Examine the impact of technological advances on world history.


The student will:

  • Examine patterns of human movement and investigate how these patterns influenced culture and society.
  • Explore reasons behind patterns of human settlement across the world.
  • Examine how early history was influenced by the physical environment. (Natural barriers, natural resources.)


The student will:

  • Relate the concept of scarcity to development of the world.
  • Analyze economic systems.
  • Recognize that government regulation impacts the economy in decisions about productive resources. (Natural, human, or man-made.)
  • Understand how the desire to earn profits influenced the establishment and growth of economic institutions.
  1. Grading Process: (scale and methods used for accumulating grades. Example: homework, class work, test, research projects, extra credit, etc.)
  1. 100 – 90 = A

89 – 80 = B

79 – 70 = C

69 – 60 = D

59 and below = Failing

  1. Assignments, in and outside of classroom
  2. Quality of student response to open ended questions. (Open response and “On Demand” writings.)
  3. Chapter or unit test related to the content.
  4. Students preparation and classroom participation.
  1. Reference materials: (Textbook, VCR, News media, research, library reference books, computers, etc.).

1. Textbook “The World and its People” (classroom copy)

  1. Transparency related to the topic of study.
  2. Cassette and VCR tapes related to the topic of study.
  3. Computer and CD resource related to the topic of study.
  4. Reinforce material provided with textbook
  5. Outside resources such as, newspapers and magazine articles.
  6. Outside reading resources related to the topic of study.
  7. Internet resources.