Name of the Bank: ------

Base Rate:------Effective Date:------

Return for the Month Ended:------

A: Interest Rates on Only Rupee Loans

Item / Amount Outstanding
(Rs. Crore) / Rate of Interest
(%) / Interest rate range in which 60 per cent or more business is contracted (%)
Min / Max / Min / Max
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
I. Type of Credit (1+2+3+4+5+6)
  1. Cash Credit

  1. Demand Loans

  1. Overdrafts

4. Inland Bills financed and discounted
5. Term Loans (5.1+ 5.2+5.3+5.4+5.5) (Contractual Maturity Basis)
5.1 1 day to 180 days
5.2 181 days to 1 year
5.3 Above 1 year and up to 3
5.4 Above 3 years and up to 5
5.5 Above 5 years
6. Other Type of Loans, if any (please specify)
7. Gross Bank Rupee Credit (1 to 6 = 8 to 16) / Weighted Average Rupee Lending Rate (%)
II. Purpose of Credit (8 to 16 = 1 to 6)
8. Agriculture
9. Industry (Large)
10. MSMEs
11. Infrastructure
12. Trade
13. Professional Services
14. Personal Loans
14.1 Credit Card
14.2 Education
14.3 Vehicle
14.4 Housing
14.5 Other Personal Loans
15. Rupee Export Credit (15.1+ 15.2)
15.1 Pre-shipment Credit
15.1.1 Up to 180 days
15.1.2 181 days to 270 days
15.1.3 Beyond 270 days
15.2 Post-shipment Credit
15.2.1 On Demand Bills for transit period (as specified by FEDAI)
15.2.2 Usance Bills
( Up to 90 days 91 days to 180 days Beyond 180 days
16. Others
III. Memo Items: / Amount
Outstanding(Rs. Crore) / Rate of Interest(%)
Min / Max
17. DRI Advances
18. Loans to Banks’ Own Employees
19. Loans to Banks’ Own Depositors
20. Loans given for Restructuring

B. Interest Rate on Domestic Savings Deposits

Up to Rs. 1 lakh / Above Rs. 1 Lakh
Amount Outstanding (Rs. Crore) / Interest Rate (%) / Buckets / Amount Outstanding (Rs. Crore) / Interest Rate (%)
Min / Max
Between Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 3 Lakh
Between Rs. 3 Lakhs to Rs. 5 Lakh
Above Rs. 5 lakh
Weighted Average Savings Deposit Rate for savings deposits above Rs. 1 lakh

C. Interest Rates on Domestic Term Deposits

Domestic Term Deposits / Deposit less than Rs.1 Crore Effective from ………….. / Deposit above Rs.1 Crore
Amount Outstanding (Rs. Crore) / Rate of Interest (%) / Amount Outstanding (Rs. Crore) / Rate of Interest (%)
Min / Max / Min / Max
7 days to 14 days
15 days to 30 days
31 days to 45 days
46 days to 90 days
91 days to 180 days
181 days to 364 days
1 year to less than 2 years
2 years to less than 3 years
3 years to less than 5 years
5 years to less than 8 years
8 years to 10 years
Weighted Average Domestic Term Deposit Rate / Weighted Average Domestic Term Deposit Rate (%)

D. NRI Deposits

I. NRE Deposits / Amount Outstanding
(Rs. Crore) / Rate of Interest (%)
Effective from …………..
Min / Max
(i)Current Deposits / Nil / Nil
(ii) Savings Deposit
(iii) Term Deposits
1 year to less than 2 years
2 years to less than 3 years
3 years and above
Term Deposits / Amount
(million USD) / Interest Rate (%)
Min / Max
1 year to less than 2 years
2 years to less than 3 years
3 years and above

@: Similar format may be used for other currencies also.

E. Foreign Currency Export Credit

Items / USD @@
Amount outstanding
(million USD) / Rate of Interest (%) / Interest rate range in which 60 per cent or more business is contracted (%)
Min / Max / Min / Max
I. Pre-shipment Credit (i+ii+iii)
(i)Up to 180 days
(ii)181 days to 270 days
(iii)Beyond 270 days
II. Post-shipment Credit (a+b)
(a)On Demand Bills for transit period
(as specified by FEDAI)
(b)Usance Bills (i+ii+iii)
(i)Up to 90 days
(ii)91 days to 180 days
(iii)Beyond 180 days

@@: Similar format may be used for other currencies also.

Name of the contact person:

Telephone Number:

E-mail address:

Authorised Signatory

Annex to Special Monthly Return VI AB - Interest Rates
Name of the Bank:
Return for the Month of:
Table 1: Fresh Rupee Loans Sanctioned during the month: Type of Credit
Type of Credit / Rate of Interest / Interest rate range at
Fresh Rupee loans / (Per cent) / which 60 per cent or
sanctioned / more fresh rupee loans
during the / have been sanctioned
month / during the month
(Rs. Crore) / (Per cent)
Min / Max / Min / Max
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
1. Cash Credit
2. Demand Loans
3. Overdrafts
4. Inland Bills financed and discounted
5. Term Loans (5.1 to 5.5) / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.0
5.1 1 day to 180 days
5.2 181 days to 1 year
5.3 Above 1 year and up to 3 years
5.4 Above 3 years and up to 5 years
5.5 Above 5 years
6. Other Type of loans, if any (please specify)
7. Gross Bank Rupee Credit sanctioned during the month ( 1 to 6) / 0.0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.0
Table 2: Fresh Rupee Loans Sanctioned during the month : Interest Rate-wise
Rupee loans
Interest Rate Range (Per cent) / during the
(Rs. Crore)
Less than 6
20 and above
Weighted Average Lending Rate for Fresh Rupee Loans sanctioned during the month
Table 3: Fresh Rupee Loans Sanctioned during the month : Housing and Vehicle Loans
Interest rate range at
Fresh Rupee loans / which 60 per cent or
sanctioned / Rate of Interest / more fresh rupee loans
Sector / during the / (Per cent) / have been sanctioned
month / during the month
(Rs. Crore) / (Per cent)
Min / Max / Min / Max
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
A. Personal Loans ( A.I + A.II) / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.0
A.I. Housing Loans / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.0
Up to Rs.30 lakh
Rs.30-75 Lakh
Above Rs.75 Lakh
A.II. Vehicle Loans / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.0
Up to Rs.5 lakh
Rs.5-10 Lakh
Above 10 lakh
B. Commercial Loans (B.I + B.II) / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
B.I. Commercial Real Estate / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Up to Rs.50 Crore
Rs.50-100 Crore
Above Rs.100 Crore
B.II. Vehicle Loans / Loans to Transport Operators / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Up to Rs.25 lakh
Rs.25-50 Lakh
Above 50 lakh
1. Weighted Average Lending Rate on Personal Housing Loans in respect of Fresh Rupee Loans Sanctioned during the month: ____
2. Weighted Average Lending Rate on Personal Vehicle Loans in respect of Fresh Rupee Loans Sanctioned during the month: ____
3. Weighted Average Lending Rate on Commercial Real Estate Loans in respect of Fresh Rupee Loans sanctioned during the month: __
4. Weighted Average Lending Rate on Commercial Vehicle Loans in respect of Fresh Rupee loans sanctioned during the month: ____