Essay Topic: Should people have to have a license to be parents?
For the purpose of this essay, assume that such a thing is possible—would it be a good idea to require people to get a license, if they want to have children?
Some questions to consider:
- Is there a fundamental human right to reproduce?
- Are some people unfit to be parents?
- Should low or no-cost fertility treatments be provided to those unable to conceive?
- Should there be additional taxes on families with excessive numbers of children to pay for the resources they consume?
- Who should be empowered to decide these questions?
Writing an Ethics Essay:
This is an ethics question, so your essay should concentrate on what should be done ethically rather than what is practical, typical, or consistent with a particular set of religious beliefs.
In particular, although the question has a legal dimension, it is not a legal question. In other words, it can’t be answered in terms of existing laws;instead, discuss what the law ought to be: Should people have to have a license to be parents?
Ethical reasoning focuses on things like consequences, fairness, and rights. Your essay should address topics like the potential personal and societal effects of parental licensing (consequences), whether or not such a system could or would be fair, and whether or not licensing requirements would violate individual’s rights.
Keep in mind that there is no definitive answer to the question. The success of your essay depends on how effectively you state your reasons for the position you take.
Writing Tips:
Start by identifying the most significant questions to be answered. (The bulleted list above can be a starting point.)
Read a variety of opinions on the subject to get an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of the various points of view.
Construct your own argument based upon the information you find most central, significant, and compelling.
Test your argument by discussing the question with people who disagree with you.
Revise several times, getting feedback after each new draft.
Utilize credible sources and cite all sources using an appropriate (MLA, APA, or Chicago) citation format in accordance with the university’s undergraduate academic integrity policy: Academic Integrity Policy Undergraduate Studies
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