Radnor High School

Course Syllabus



I. Course Description
Physics (344)
1.0 Credit; Unweighted
Length: Year; Format: Meets Daily
Prerequisite(s): Chemistry
Co-requisite(s): Algebra 2
Physics is the study of matter and energy and their interactions. The fields of physics covered in the core curriculum include mechanics (motion, forces, energy, and momentum), optics (lenses and mirrors) and electricity (current, voltage, resistance, and circuits). In physics, quantities are measured and mathematical relationships and laws are discovered to better understand the world. All levels of physics are lab-based courses emphasizing the discovery of these laws and relationships. All courses emphasize problem solving and real life applications.
II. Materials & Equipment
Text: Hewitt: Conceptual Physics (2002)
Students are required to have a scientific calculator and a 3-ring binder.
III. Course Goals & Objectives
Physics 344 is an academic level course which approaches physics on a more conceptual level with less emphasis on mathematical relationships. However, some basic mathematical skills are needed for problem solving and laboratory work. The labs and activities help in the understanding of concepts, enhance basic science skills, and require students to organize and interpret data.
IV. Course Topics
A.  Introduction to Physics
1.  SI Units
2.  Unit Analysis
3.  Significant Figures and Uncertainty
4.  Scientific Notation
5.  Error Analysis
6.  Common Graphs in Physics
7.  Slope
B.  Motion in One-Dimension
1.  Position-Time Graphs
2.  Velocity- Time Graphs
3.  Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration
4.  Average Velocity
5.  Constant Velocity/Constant Acceleration
6.  Constant Acceleration Equations
7.  Free-Fall
8.  Acceleration Due to Gravity
C.  Motion and Forces
1.  Newton’s Three Laws
2.  Inertia
3.  Normal Force
4.  Weight/Mass
5.  Free-Body-Diagrams/Net Force
6.  Forces in Two-Dimensions
7.  Projectile Motion
D.  Work and Energy
1.  Work
2.  Kinetic Energy
3.  Potential Energy
4.  Conservation of Energy
5.  Power
E.  Linear Motion
1.  Momentum
2.  Impulse
3.  Impulse/Change in Momentum
4.  Applications of Momentum/Impulse
5.  Conservation of Momentum
6.  Elastic/Inelastic Collisions
F.  Optics
1.  Rays/Beams
2.  Law of Reflection
3.  Ray Tracing
4.  Virtual/Real Images
5.  Speed of Light/Index of Refractions
6.  Refraction
7.  Snell’s Law
8.  Critical Angle/Total Internal Reflection
9.  Applications of Total Internal Reflection
10.  Thin Lenses
11.  Convex/Concave Lenses
12.  Anatomy of the Eye
13.  Accommodation / Eye Glasses
14.  Defects in Vision
G.  Electricity and Magnetism
1.  Charge/Law of Charges
2.  Electric Charge in Atom
3.  Insulators/Conductors
4.  Coulomb’s Law
5.  Electric Circuit Symbols
6.  Electric Current
7.  Ohm’s Law
8.  Resistors/Resistance
9.  Equivalent Resistance
10.  Electric Power
11.  Voltage/Current/ Resistance in DC Circuits
12.  Series/Parallel Circuits
13.  Cost of Electricity
V. Assignments & Grading
Evaluation is based on class work, homework, tests, quizzes, lab work, activities, projects, and class participation.