FOTA STRATEGIC PLAN (2015-2020) – President Report October 2015
Long Term Goal / Short Term Goal / Responsibility / TargetDate / Bylaw* / Fiscal**
Implication / Results/
Increase alternative streams of revenue to ensure solvency of the organization. / Explore options available through current web host activities. / Webmaster, Treasurer, & Adm. Assistant / 1/2015
Advertise use of Amazon for increased revenue / Adm. Assistant / 11/2014
Identify additional fund raising sources / President & ad hoc committee / 6/2015 / 10/15 EV communicating with ASAP re: webinars and options they are pursuing in their states
Maximize fiscal responsibility within the organization and with external contractors / Develop policies and procedures for oversight of outside contractors / President, Treasurer and (Bylaws person) / 6/15 / 10/15 EV ongoing communication with treasurer
Allocate funds to support volunteer expenses related to association activities / Officers / 6/15 / 10/15 EV board travel costs subsidized
• Coordinated AdHoc web management committee. Identified tasks that board can contribute to website management in order to free up time of AA to pursue additional alternative streams of revenue: Established specific roles and responsibilities and recruited and appointed member volunteers for: Web Guest Editor, Web Home Page Content Person. Established and communicated review timeline to board.
• Recruited student to assist with “Student Resources” page on website
• Messages to and follow up messages to Kris Winston re: her task of communicating with Job Target contact
• Personally recruited at least 6 sponsors / exhibitors for conference
• Continual communication with Administrative Assistant
• Assist in recruiting Web Manager
• Follow up with Job Target to ensure we are getting all that we can from their services
• Continue to gather information about what other states are using for CE revenue streams (webinars)
Long Term Goal / Short Term Goal / Responsibility / TargetDate / Bylaw* / Fiscal
Implication** / Results/
Maximize opportunities for evidence based practice, lifelong learning, scholarship sanctioned as continuing education courses by the association / Offer a combination of face-to-face and online continuing education opportunities taught by reputable faculty / Vice President and Practice Standing Committee Chair / 11/2014 / Market analysis needed for cost implications / 10/15 EV
• ASAP communication via listserv. Some states are using “GoToMeeting”
•Conf call meeting with Medbridge Education (10/7)
Offer alternative opportunities for conference attendance / Vice President and Conference Convener / 11/2015
• Assisted with Conference advertising using Dept. of Education free weekly electronic newsletter. Submitted promotional article that was posted 9/18
• Promoted conference at FLOTEC meeting (9/12), at South Bay Forum meetings (7/14, 10/13), and on ASAP listserv to all state presidents (9/20)
• Adhoc to review Conference planning. Revisit and include: Goal / purpose of FOTA annual conference. Discuss and consider: one day registration option; Institute registration only option; length, number and scheduling of Institutes, alternate or additional CE offerings, student involvement / student tracks / student posters. Annual membership meeting now held in conjunction with conference – is there an alternative / option that meets bylaws requirement?
Long Term Goal / Short Term Goal / Responsibility / TargetDate / Bylaw* / Fiscal
Implication** / Results/
Increase/maintain number of new volunteers for the Florida Occupational Therapy Association matching volunteer strengths with volunteer needs. / Appoint committee to develop plan for recruitment of new volunteers. / Vice President and Membership Chair / 3/2015 / 10/15 EV Volunteer Coordinator position created, filled. JD developed and sent to BPPC. JD and role reviewed with VC, Member Concerns Chair, Membership Comm. Chair .
Develop a mechanism for recognizing volunteers at the end of their term of service / Member Concerns Committee / Initial Recognition 11/2014
Mechanism, 3/2015 / Printing of Certificate
Implement plan developed by committee / Vice President and Membership Chair / 6/2015
Advertise volunteer opportunities through FOCUS, Website, Twitter, Facebook, and local forums. / Forum Chair, Administrative assistant, Vice President / 6/2015
Continue to develop and implement volunteer opportunities for Florida Occupational Therapists. / Vice President and Membership Chair / Annually
Develop a strategy for addressing emerging healthcare issues. / Create an ad hoc committee for identifying emerging health care issues and strategies / President / 1/2015 / 10/15 EV with GA (BIR) wrote letter to CIIO
Educate members on how to implement strategies / VP, Government Affairs RRs, &SIS Chairs / 7/2015
• Conducted monthly officer teleconference calls
• Conducted quarterly Leadership conference call
• Set up conference call to reviewed Volunteer Coordinator JD with VC, Membership Chair and Member Concerns Chair.
• Leadership to provide Volunteer Coordinator with needs for VC to recruit during conference. Identify explicit responsibility(ies) and time commitment. Leadership must have request to VC by October 31.
• Adhoc to review Conference Convener JD
Long Term Goal / Short Term Goal / Responsibility / TargetDate / Bylaw* / Fiscal
Implication / Results/
Create a stronger presence with the FL legislature / Identify and support legislators who promote inclusion of occupational therapy in FL health care / Government Affairs (GA) committee & Lobbyist / Launch 2/2015 / Within the constraints of FY budget
Create an annual legislative agenda aimed at moving occupational therapy forward / Government Affairs (GA) / Annually in February / Within the constraints of FY budget
Develop ways to raise awareness and call to action to promote the agenda / Government Affairs & President / Annually in February / Within the constraints of FY budget / 10/15 EV with GA (BIR) wrote letter to CIIO
Continue collaboration with FPTA, FLASHA
Long Term Goal / Short Term Goal / Responsibility / TargetDate / Bylaw* / Fiscal
Implication / Results/
FOTA membership increases to 6% of licensed occupational therapy practitioners / Identify clear value of FOTA membership and use it as part of marketing strategy / Member Concerns Coordinator &
Membership Committee (MC) / 1/2015 / 10/15 EV
review of messages sent as part of campaign
Develop marketing strategy for students who transition to practitioners / Member Concerns Coordinator &
Membership Committee (MC) / 3/2015
Create a marketing strategy to recruit new and retain existing members / Member Concerns Coordinator &
Membership Committee (MC) / 3/2015
• Distributed FOTA BRAND posters to FLOTEC members September 12
• Consulted re: poster contest
• Review ASAP resources for ideas from other states
Long Term Goal / Short Term Goal / Responsibility / TargetDate / Bylaw* / Fiscal
Implication / Results/
Build and maintain a positive presence in the medical and community agencies / Create at least one partnership between FOTA and an external agency annually / Board & Practice Standing Committee & RR / 11/2015 / 10/15 EV
Participating in FL Healthcare Workforce Advisory Committee
Engage members with influence who serve in external agencies to work with FOTA / Practice Standing Committee & RR / 11/2015
Build and maintain a positive relationship between FOTA and the OT/OTA educational programs / Create opportunities such as, but not limited to community service, for the purpose of growing mentoring relationships among students and occupational therapy practitioners / Membership, Practice Standing Committee & RR / 11/2015 / 10/15 EV attended FLOTEC mtg Sept 2015. Encouraged collaboration.
Create FOTA liaison opportunities between students and clinicians for the purpose of partnered research projects / Membership, Practice Standing Committee (sp. Research SIS) & RR / 11/2015
Build and maintain a positive presence with consumers of occupational therapy / Activate the member specialist database / Member Concerns & Webmaster / 6/2015 / 10/15 EV joined with local Sarasota fundraising program to purchased weighted belts for ESE students in district public schools
Seek ways to collaborate and support consumers of OT / Practice Standing Committee & RR / 11/2015
• Declined continued membership in FCOA ($275/year dues)
• Attend FL Healthcare Workforce Advisory Committee face-to-face October 23 in Orlando
• Student class FIU presentation November 17 (Skype)
*No Bylaws changes required at this time 10.06.2014
**For those items not indicated as cost neutral, the responsible party needs to submit a budget request for Board approval prior to implementation.
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