Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits

An Assistive Technology Industry Association Publication

Focused Issue on:

Maximizing the Benefits of Evolving Assistive Technology Solutions

Volume 11, Winter 2017

Abstract submission deadline: May 30, 2016

ATOB Editor-in-Chief

Jennifer L. Flagg

University at Buffalo - Center on KT4TT

The Editorial Board of Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits (ATOB) seeks manuscript submissions, from a range of stakeholder viewpoints, addressing the focused topic of Maximizing the Benefits of Evolving Assistive Technology Solutions. ATOB invites perspectives from manufacturers, vendors, policy makers, practitioners, researchers, consumers, and family members.

Mainstream technologies have steadily become a part of the lives of people with disabilities as an alternative or integrated complement to stand-alone assistive technology (AT) devices. In some cases, accessible mainstream technologies have the potential to replace dedicated devices, while in other cases they enhance the capabilities individuals can derive from specialized AT. Rapid growth in dedicated assistive and accessible mainstream technologies has heightened awareness of the critical importance of appropriate AT assessment and training. As the range of applicable technology options evolves, new assessment and training methods may be needed. This focused issue of ATOB takes a close look at the evolution of mainstream technologies, dedicated AT, and related services. Articles will highlight the outcomes, benefits, and limitations of currently available technology, as well as promising developments that can be expected in the marketplace and in practice over the next decade.

Please refer to ATOB Editorial Policy and ATOB Manuscript Preparation Guidelines in preparing your submission. For additional guidance, please view a Sample Outline.

ATOB Manuscript Submission Form

If you have any technical issues with this WORD document, please send us an email with the information as outlined in the document, including Cover Letter, Manuscript and Author Agreement/s attachments, to .

1) Please provide the details of the lead author for this manuscript submission. A full list of authors should be included in the manuscript itself and the Author Agreements. Email communications about the manuscript will be with the lead author.

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Author First Name:*

Author Middle Name or Initial:

Author Last Name:*

Author Email:*

Author Organization:*

Author Title:*

Author Credentials:

2) Please indicate if this article has beenpublished before:* YES / NO

2a) If this article has been published before, please give name/s of publication/s:

3) Articles may be submitted under three categories—

  • Voices from the Field - Articles submitted under this category should come from professionals who are involved in some aspect of AT service delivery with persons having disabilities, or from family members and/or consumers with disabilities. Submissions may include case studies, project or program descriptions, approaches to service delivery, or consumer perspective pieces. All submissions should have a clear message and be written with enough detail to allow replication of results.
  • Voices from the Industry - Articles submitted under this category should come from professionals involved in developing and marketing specific AT devices and services. Case studies, design, marketing research, or project/ program descriptions are appropriate for this category.
  • Voices from Academia - Articles submitted under this category should come from professionals conducting research or development in an academic setting. Submissions are likely to include applied/ clinical research, case studies, and project/ program descriptions.

Please indicate which category or categories best fits your manuscript:

____ Voices from the Field

____ Voices from the Industry

____ Voices from Academia

4) Please provide any additional information or comments here:

To submit your manuscript to ATOB, please email the following to :

1) Manuscript Submission Form

2) Manuscript

3) Cover letter

4) Author Agreement- Please download an ATOB Author Agreement form (WORD document) to complete and submit with your article. The lead author should complete one agreement that covers all authors included in the manuscript. The ATOB Author Agreement includes important information on ownership of content, publication permissions, and compliance with HIPAA, Financial Disclosures, and IRB guidelines.

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