Science Research Project- Abstract Instructions

The main purpose for writing a science project abstract is to give a very brief summary and overview of your project. If written well, the abstract can tie your project together and, most importantly; it will give your project a sense of continuity and clarity.

At the top of the paper, follow the format below:

TITLE OF PROJECT (Use all caps- must be descriptive)

Your name

Potomac Falls High School, Sterling, VA

General Guidelines:

  1. Abstracts should be single-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font.
  2. The abstract can be a maximum of 250 words.
  3. Summarize everything; do not burden the reader with too much content.
  4. Proof read for content and spelling.
  5. Do not put separate headings within the text.
  6. Do not use the first person (I, My).

The following is a suggested outline for writing the abstract: YOU MUST BE CONCISE!

(Do not put these bold headlines within the abstract. These are for guidance only!)

Theme and Purpose:

Present the main area to which this study relates and give the Purpose of the study or experiment. (Spend some time thinking about how to say this. The trick here is to say something (in a few words) that can capture the imagination and interest of the reader without saying too much.)

2 sentences


Briefly describe the project. Include the IV, DV, and control groups. If you used “subjects” (volunteers) give a brief overview of them (# of males, # of females, age range, etc.). Also, give a brief overview of the procedure. 2-3 sentences


Highlight the most important findings of the study. Include numbers – mean or mode for each variable or condition and control group. Make sure to include metric units and describe statistical tests performed and results of that test (what it meant). 2-3 sentences


State the hypothesis and whether it was supported or not supported based on the statistical tests performed to show significance. 2 sentences

Further research/Application

Note any further questions which have arisen from your project. Only include questions that can be used for further research/projects/experiments. This is an incredibly important part of this abstract. This tells the reader that you recognize the limits of your study and that you can see other problems and questions that can be turned into studies. For example: State that “Further research could explore…….”

OR state an application of your project. Why is this interesting information? Why would anyone have any interest in this project?

Save your Abstract and print for your final paper.

Science Research Project- Final SRP Paper (Turn this in!)

How to complete the Final SRP Paper:

If you have been following directions throughout this process, you have already completed all revisions given to you by your teacher. Just read over your entire SRP Paper a few times and make sure all of the previous edits and revisions are complete and in Final form. Use the quick checklist below as you read through your paper before submitting the final copy to your teacher.

Checklist- check off:

Double spaced, Times New Roman font

1” margins - all sides

Page numbers in upper right hand corner(except page 1—title page has no number)

Section headings centered, underlined, and capitalized

Correct spelling

All revisions done

Sections in correct order

Title page

Table of contents

Statement of the problem

Experimental design

Literature review





Literature Cited(APA style)

Neatly hole punched and in binder under “Final SRP Paper” tab- all other rubrics and reviewed papers in binder.

Helpful Hint: Ask your parents to proofread the paper for you. They should look for spelling and grammatical mistakes as they read through. Also ask them to make sure they can easily understand what your project was about and what the results were.

See Rubric too!!!!

Science Research Project-Final SRP Paper: Rubric

115 / Self Review Grade / Teacher Review
Abstract (this will be page 3 of your paper, after Table of Contents)
  • Proper format
  • Theme and Purpose
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Further Research/Application(
/ 2
Appropriate font style and size for paper / 5
Correct format (headings, margins, page #, spacing) / 5
Title Page – this is on the 1st page, nothing else on this page
  • Title (descriptive and in all capitals!)
  • Your name and the school’s name, location
/ 5
Table of Contents (page 2)
  • All needed sections included
  • Correct Page #’s
/ 5
Statement of the Problem
  • Revisions complete
/ 5
Experimental Design
  • Revisions complete
/ 10
Literature Review
  • Revisions complete
  • Correct APA citations throughout text
  • All listed References are cited within text
/ 10
  • Revisions complete
/ 5
  • Revisions complete
/ 5
  • Revisions complete
  • Appropriate Graphs/Tables
/ 10
  • Revisions complete
/ 10
  • Revisions complete
  • 10 sources minimum
  • Correct APA Style
/ 10
Overall Effort
  • Avoided possible problems by properly preparing and conducting needed research, Scientifically controlled experiment/study (5pts)
  • Complexity of project (1-5pts)
/ 10
This rubric read and checked off / 5
********* 10% off each day after December 19******
Total number of points / 115

Science Research Project- Display Board

Board requirements:

Tri-Fold cardboard or foam board

NEAT -- (word processed—not hand written)

No spelling errors (especially in the title)

Pictures/papers glued down securely (no edges peeling up -- rubber cement works well)


Well-organized/easy to follow

Place your SRP items on the board similar to the way shown above:

1 -Statement of the problem/question5 -photographs (all must have credit lines of origin and captions)

2 -Literature Review Ex: Photograph(s) taken by John Smith

3 -Procedures6 -results and summary

4 -tables/graphs7 -conclusions

8 -notebook and 10 abstracts (on table)

See Rubric!!!

Science Research Project-Display Board: Rubric

100 / Self Review Grade / Teacher Review
Display Board includes the following parts: / ------/ ------/ ------
Title / 10
Statement of the Problem
  • Includes research question
/ 5
  • Experimental Design
  • You may need to add the null hypothesis
/ ------
Literature Review
  • Brief summary(1pages) of information directly pertaining to yourexperiment conclusion
/ 5
  • numbered
/ 5
Statistical Tables/Graphs (at least one of each)made
Large for easy viewling / 10
Results Summary / 5
Photos- at least 3, of large size to be easily viewed / 5
Conclusion / 5
Board – correct type and size / 5
Board is “filled” and lay out correct / 5
Neatness / 10
Creativity/Attractiveness/Pleasing Color Scheme / 10
Clear Headings/Titles/Spelling – Headings must be Large / 10
No page numbers or stray marks on any of the board contents / 5
This rubric attached with name, date, period/block / 5
*********10% off each day late***************
Total number of points / 100