P1 / How to switch Roamer on, using CM, CM. Move Roamer forward one Roamer step (30cm).
Estimation – how many steps will Roamer take to reach……?
Roamer takes 3 steps – where will it stop?
Number – using number ladder (marked out on floor or paper), Roamer starts at number 1 and takes 2 steps, what number does it reach?
Topic work - Use in this way to reinforce topic work eg. colours, days of the week – take Roamer to the blue square. Link to stories eg. The Very Hungry Caterpillar (See NEELB Good Practice Video – Creggan PS)
P2 / Move Roamer forwards and backwards.
Estimation – delivering letters in straight lines from one pupil to another.
Number – using number ladder to reinforce addition and subtraction within 10. How many more steps does Roamer need to take to get to ……?
Topic work as P1
P3 / Introduce turning with Roamer pre-programmed to do 1 turn to left or right. Can do this by having street with odd and even numbered houses (see NEELB Roamer pack for resources). Roamer delivers letters to House No……….
Begin to build up sequences of commands – move Roamer from House No…. to House No…..
Number – continue reinforcing number bonds – 7 + ? = 10, can extend to 15 or 20 (space permitting!)
Topic work – use grid marked out in 30 cm squares. This can be a town, park, zoo, treasure island – link to stories or curricular topics.
Let’s Go 1-3 – Garden, Park, Zoo. Direction, left and right.
P4 / Develop sequences of commands using directions and turns using grid as above. Use commands cards to build up and record sequence. (Buy or download free from
Try out and edit sequence if necessary.
Shape and Space – investigate concept of turn – ½, ¼, ¾ and full turns to the left/right.
Estimation – using forwards, backwards, left and right. How many different ways can Roamer move from one place to another?
Direction - Trudy’s Time and Place House – Jelly Bean Hunt
P5 / Direction – 4 main compass points. Mark these around Roamer. Start facing N, turn clockwise/anticlockwise ….degrees, end facing ? Start facing S, make Roamer face W.
Let’s Go 4-7 – navigate using compass points.
Shape and Space – program Roamer to make a square, rectangle. Introduce right angle as 90 degrees.
Introduce BlackCat Logo at green level. (See BlackCat Logo Helpsheets for teacher guidance) Use alongside Roamer to make square, rectangle.
Problem Solving - draw capital letters T, F, H and others with right angles only. Refer to Logo Activity Pack 1-4 for additional activities. (This pack should be in schools or is available from NEELB ICT Support Service)
P6 / Direction – as above with 8 compass points. Start Roamer facing N, turn clockwise 135 degrees, face …..? Start facing NE, programme Roamer to face W.
Shape and Space/Problem Solving – introduce repeats to draw square, rectangle using Roamer and BlackCat Logo at blue level. (See BlackCat Logo Helpsheets for teacher guidance.) Introduce shapes and pictures with angles other than right angles eg. equilateral triangle, hexagon, other capital letters eg. A, V. Refer to Logo Activity Pack 5-14 for additional activities.
NB - Logo Workcards 1-8 may be used to introduce Logo commands if pupils are new to BlackCat Logo, alongside P5 activities.
P7 / Shape and Space/Problem Solving – create procedures to draw shapes and patterns. Save, use and edit procedures eg. create a procedure to draw a square, rotate and repeat to create a revolving pattern. Use Logo Workcards 9-15. (See BlackCat Logo Helpsheets for teacher guidance.) Refer also to Logo Activity Pack 15-19 for additional activities. Procedures may be used to revisit some earlier activities eg. capital letters.
NB - Logo Workcards 1-8 may be used to introduce Logo commands if pupils are new to BlackCat Logo, alongside P5 activities. Roamer can also be used to provide concrete experience.
See also CCEA Accreditation tasks Let’s Go Bowling, L Driver, Spider’s Path, Spider’s Web, Recycling Centre and Builder (available to download from http://www.rewardinglearning.com/ccit/keystage2/it_tasks.html)

NEELB ICT Support Service