PRESS RELEASE 4th August, 2016

Virtual reality takes a leap into a plant cell

The ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology is set to take people on an educational journey through a plant cell- using virtual reality technology.

The Centre will launch the Virtual Plant Cell (VPC), a unique virtual reality experience that lets its audienceexplore the microscopic inner world of a plant.

VPCallows users to interact with the plant cell and learn about the complex processes that scientists study, in a novel and engaging way.

“With 2016 set to be the year that virtual reality truly takes off as a mainstream technology we’ve decided to take full advantage of the opportunity to takethe public to places where they can’t normally go, like the inside of a cell” said Karina Price, Science Communications Officer for Plant Energy Biology, who is leading the project.

“With VPC a user can move across the inside surface of a plant cell membrane. They can peer into a chloroplast orwatchas DNA swirls overhead in the nucleus. They can even help the plant survive challenges faced in its environment by controlling what happens in the cell”.

The project is drawing on the expertise of Plant Energy Biology scientists and on the Centre’s research.

“The world needs to dramatically increase its food production for the future. Our research aims to better understand how plants create and use energy,in order to improve them for agriculture. We want the community to understand how we do this, and why.”

“VR presents an incredible way to showcase our science”.

“Understanding complicated cell biology becomes simple when you can see first-hand what goes on inside of a cell. Users gain a better understandingwhen they have been immersed in that world”.

VPC will serve as an exciting background for educating the community andcreating a dialogue about plant energy biology research. The Centre hopes to secure the funding needed to continue VPC development to create an educational resource for teaching biology in schools.

“We’re building something that is visually appealing, engaging and exciting, and that is scientifically sound” said Miss Price.

“We’re passionate about educating the community and highlighting the importance of plant research. What better way to do this than immersing people in our world?”

The VPC project has drawn on the skills of Western Australian artist Peter Ryan, and award winning Unity Developer Richard England (Reflex Arc).

"Plant Energy Biology are ahead of the curve here”said Dominic Manley, from Augmented and Virtual Reality Labs (AVRL), who has led the technical management of the project.

“Virtual reality is forecasted to be a significant disruptive force in academia and other sectors over the coming years.Organisations that are already exploring the potential of VR are building the knowledge and experience required to adapt and create the exciting and progressive tools and experiences of the future”.

Plant Energy Biology has had previous success with immersive education using the world’s largest inflatable plant cell, the Bio-Bounce, and a full-dome movie called Plantarium. These novel resources engage audiences in plant science in exciting ways.

The Centre will publically reveal the first of its VPCVR experiences during National Science Week 2016.

Places you can view VPC during August

Main showcase events: Western Australia
Perth Science Festival. Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th August.
World Biotech Tour at Scitech. Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th, Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st August.
Minor showcase events:
South Australia
University of Adelaide Open Day
Sunday 14th August. / Australian Capital Territory
Science in ACTion
Saturday 13th August. / Edinburgh, UK
Edinburgh Digital Entertainment Festival, Throughout August.

Media Contact:

Karina Price

Science Communications Officer, ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology.

+61 8 6488 4481, +61 401 859 792,


Please find VPC images and video footage here:

Credit: ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology