Form EV2


School / Centre: Durham Sixth Form Centre Group Leader: Leanne Kemp

Activity / Visit: Durham and Chester le Street SSP KS2 Cross Country Competitions

Date: 4th October 2017 Venue: Meadowfield Leisure Centre

Educational Objectives:- To practice cross country running and compete against other pupils

List the Hazards which could cause harm / 2.  RISK
List who might be harmed and how / 3.  CONTROLLING RISK
List existing precautions and whether more should be done. / 4.  RECORD YOUR FINDINGS
List what actions you have taken / 5.  REVIEW & REVISE
Is any further action required before, during and after the visit.
General movement around the centre:-
Toilet areas, communal areas / All participants / ·  Centre complies with Health and Safety regulations.
·  Centre has Public Liability Insurance
·  Communal areas looked after well by centre staff. / ·  All young people will be accompanied by Team leaders during movement around the centre. / ·  Constant monitoring and review during event.
Travel off school site by bus:
Getting on and off bus.
Travel on road / All participants / ·  Reputable bus companies used.
·  All passengers to wear seatbelts.
·  Bus pick up and drop off not on main road.
·  School staff accompanying class.
·  Partnership staff to accompany children across the road from the car park at the signal controlled crossing. / ·  Ensure access roads into venues are clear. / ·  Constant monitoring and review during event.
Participating in Cross Country Run:
Muddy ground / hard if frosty.
Cold Weather / All Participants / ·  All Schools instructed to bring warm clothes, waterproofs and be identifiable wearing old trainers.
·  In the event of wet weather football boots or studded trainers can be worn.
·  Event will be cancelled if weather is unsuitable and serious risk is detected..
·  First aiders present. / ·  Warm up and cool down will take place for all participants.
·  Aerobic exercise will ensure children are active most of the time with little standing around. / Constant monitoring and review during event.
Cross Country site / All participants / ·  XC course will be clearly marked with staff stationed at each changeover point.
·  Schools will have an assembly area (base) near the main centre and toilets.
·  Course will be adapted depending upon weather conditions.
·  Start line will be adapted depending on weather conditions. / ·  Whole course will be marshalled so that all runners can be seen at all times. / Constant monitoring and review during event.