Tollgate Medical Centre PPG Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on
Thursday 27th November 2014
In Attendance:CM (Practice Administrator)
EH (Patient)
MW(patient and Chair)
KWM (Patient)
HWG (Patient)
SM (Patient)
DH (patient)
BS (Practice Manager)
ManinderKaur Singh(Senior Prescribing AdvisorNewham CCG)
Toni Johnson (Charter Healthcare Nurse Manager Coloplast)
Trisha Sewell (Clinical Nurse Specialist Coloplast)
Welcome and introductions were made
- Minutes and matters arising from the last meeting held on
Thursday 30th October 2014
Matters arising
a)It was discussed at previous meetings we are yet to receive cycle stands donated by Newhamfrom the Olympic park. It was agreed that the stands should be installed somewhere close to reception area of TGMC. SS advised the measurements have been taken. Action: SS to continue to check what is happening
- Patient feedback
(a)A daytime meeting will be held on Thursday 18th December 2014 from 12.00pm-2.00pm which will hopefully attract more patients to attend the meetings. We will also provide mince pies and festive nibbles. MW has invited Terrence Higgins Trust, National Aids Trust and Positive East to attend.
- News from the practice from previous meeting
a)SS advised we now have the Blood pressure monitoring machine in the waiting room. However, not in service as we are still waiting for the software to be written. Action: SS still to do protocol.
- News from the practice
a)SS advised we are now offering Minor Aliments. This is a scheme for patients who do not pay for their prescriptions. The scheme offers patients to be seen by a Pharmacist instead of a GP for various problems. There is now information displayed in the waiting area of what problems you can see a pharmacist for instead of a GP.
Maninder (Senior Prescribing AdvisorNewham CCG) advised if the pharmacist feels you need to see a GP they will refer you back. Not all pharmacies offer Minor Aliments pharmacists need to have specific training. VM advised that pharmacist will not be aware of medical history before prescribing,Maninder advised the pharmacist will complete a consultation beforehand to collect medical history. MW advised all patients should have their consultation in a private consultation room rather than over the counter.
b)SS advised we have a new Practice Nurse starting on Monday 15th December 2014.
c)SS advised the Self-Check-in machine will now ask patients on arrival of using the machine whether they would recommend this surgery to friends and family, however this is completely voluntary you can skip the question.
d)SS advised that NHS England have rejected the PPG Report which has resulted in a £17,00 loss to the practice as they felt we did not meet the criteria of having a very diverse PPG group. KWM asked whether they can do fundraising for the practice, SS advised NHS England will not accept finance from elsewhere.
KWM advised she would be happy to sign a petition to say she attends the PPG to help with the appeal.
SM feels the PPG group is diverse.
VM advised “since coming to the PPG meetings she cannot stay away”.
MW expressed concern that this may have a longer-term impact on the PPG in terms of clinical and practice support and involvement as it now relies on continued goodwill only, which does not make it sustainable.
Action: MW recommended that the practice check if the PPG can support the appeal/submission as the PPG were involved in the reporting document sent to NHS England.
- Ostomy Support
VM led discussion
Trisha Sewell Clinical Nurse Specialist Coloplast) and Toni Johnson (Charter Healthcare Nurse Manager) attended.
VM finds that there are no support groups for patients to attend who have stomas. This is the main reason she would like Ostomy support to be discussed in the hope that a support group can be set up.
VM experienced a problem with Securicare (stoma company) where they requested a prescription from the GPs without her permission. She feels this could be happening with other patients, Maninder advised this is not appropriate and the matter has already previously been raised.
Action: SS and MKS to take up the experience reported by VM, outside of the meeting.
Toni Johnson advised that Coloplast are CQC registered and Securicare are not, Maninder advised this is not the forum to discuss this.
KWM and MW asked Maninder if a new memo could be sent to Stoma companies advising them they should not be requesting prescriptions from the GPs without patients permission. Action: Maninder to write to Securicare.
DH advised he is happy with the Stoma company he uses however feels they give to many freebies out.
SM advised he feels it should be patient choice of what company they use, Maninder advised it is patient choice.
MW asked Toni and Trisha what information is given to the patient following surgery. They both advised patient receives a discharge pack of information re: different companies. She also advised that Newham Nursing Service will see a patient regardless of what company they are using. They keep different companies stock with them at all times.
VM would like there to be a coffee morning where companies can attend to discuss different productsandfor stoma patients to offer each other support.
MW advised that the Newham Patient Forum is on Monday 15th December 2014 at St BartsChurch Centre, East Ham E6; she will raise the request to themfor advice on whether this could serve borough-wide for patients.
Action: Mavis to raise request.
Trisha advised she runs a support group on a Saturday, however she feels VM is looking for a more informal, user-ledgroup.
Toni advised thatbefore companies are invited to the support group patients, should get to know each other first.
KWM advised that NUSHO organisation help set up time banking systems which offers its participants time credits for volunteering your time and this couldhelp to encourage patients to set up the group.
Action: VM to email KWM when group is set up.
Action:CM to invite stoma patients once group is set up to invite them.
Action: MW and VM to liaise with LBN Hub and Adult Social Care for initial set up funding and support for Group.
- Patient feedback
KWM would like Nasal flu to be put on the PPG Agenda. Action: MW to add to March 2015 agenda, as next available slot.
KWM asked whether Tollgate Medical Centre are on Facebook, SS advised no due to the fact that patients may write clinical messages etc, which will mean a member of staff will have to keep checking the page, however SS advised he will be happy to set up a business page. Action: SS to set up the Facebook page.
MW to set up PPG Business Page.
MW is awaiting the meetings with BS, in between PPG meetings as provided by Ross, to manage the PPG related work and queries. Action: BS to contact MW to arrange a time and date.
- Date of next meeting
The next quarterly day time meet and greet meeting will be held on Thursday 18th December 2014, 12pm-2pm
The next monthly evening PPG meeting will be held on Thursday 29th January 2015 at 6.30pm at Reception, Tollgate Medical Centre.