Revised 04.26.10

PC Meeting Agenda Instructions

For PC Subgroup Reports

John Seelke

PC Secretary


The agenda is used by many NERC stakeholders as a source of information on Planning Committee activities, and consistent presentation aids readers. The PC’s subgroups’ activities are of particular interest. Subgroup reports to the PC may contain requests for PC actions: approval and/or feedback on specific items. Subgroup reports should always include a status report.


Attached are two examples of subgroup reports:

  1. Example 1 is for a subgroup that requests no PC actions and contains only a status report section.
  2. Example 2 is for a subgroup that requests PC actions. It contains background sections that provide the reader with information on the context of each requested PC action – for example, any history of activities that led to the requested action. It also contains a status report section.


  1. Attachments may be referenced in the background section or they may be referenced in the status report section. All attachments should be numbered sequentially in the order that they appear in the subgroup report, beginning with Attachment 1.
  2. Each attachment should be provided to the committee secretary as separate document (Word, PowerPoint, or Acrobat).
  3. Documents that are large or not suited for attachments, such as an Excel workbook, are not physical attachments in the agenda – a URL link should be provided for the reader to access those documents. While they are not physical agenda attachments (and therefore do not have an attachment number), they are part of the agenda.

Optional Meeting Presentations

  1. Meeting presentations are supplementary material for your report. Officially, they are not part of the agenda. They are posted separately for the convenience of the committee members.
  2. Presentations are not required. For status reports, which are provided in the agenda itself, presentations are discouraged.
  3. While presentations are often useful to explain the key points for a PC-requested action, please presume that the material provided in the agenda on the action item has been read by the committee members. That’s why material is posted two weeks prior to a committee meeting. Do not try make your presentation a “Cliffs Notes” version of an approval item. Instead, use the presentation to highlight issuesfor discussion.

Example 1

Active BusyCreative Task Force (ABCTF) Report

Action Required

None – see status report below

Status Report

Explain what the TF has done. The format is flexible, but numbered paragraphs make it easier to for committee members to referenceparts of the report during the meeting. Include a discussion on work plan status – problems encountered or activities or tasks accomplished.

Physical attachments should be referenced as Attachment 1, Attachment 2, etc. Do not assign a number to documents that have a URL reference.

Here are the beginnings of a status report with numbered paragraphs:

  1. The task force held meeting on April 12-13 and accomplished the following …
  2. The following work plan activities were accomplished:
  3. These work plan activities are behind schedule. Revised schedules are shown in Attachment 1 for incorporation into the PC work plan.

Example 2

Active BusyCreative Task Force (ABCTF) Report

Action Required


  1. Describe first item; and
  2. Describe second item

Provide feedback on:

  1. Describe third item; and
  2. Describe fourth item


  1. Provide background on item 1. The background is what the reader needs to understand the context of the approval or feedback item. Attachments
  2. Provide background on item 2
  3. Provide background on item 3
  4. Provide background on item 4

Status Report

Explain what the TF has done. The format is flexible, but numbered paragraphs make it easier to for committee members to reference parts of the report during the meeting. Include a discussion on work plan status – problems encountered or activities or tasks accomplished.

Physical attachments should be referenced as Attachment 1, Attachment 2, etc. Do not assign a number to documents that have a URL reference.

Here are the beginnings of a status report with numbered paragraphs:

  1. The task force held meeting on April 12-13 and accomplished the following …
  2. The following work plan activities were accomplished:
  3. These work plan activities are behind schedule. Revised schedules are shown in Attachment 1 for incorporation into the PC work plan.