Case Conceptualization Rubric for Theory and Treatment Planning in Counseling and Psychotherapy (Gehart, 2013; Brooks/Cole)

With CACREP Career Counseling Competencies





Level of Clinical Training:

q Pre-clinical training; coursework only

q 0-12 months q 12-24 months q 2+ years
Rating Scale

5=Exceptional: Skills and understanding significantly beyond developmental level

4=Outstanding: Strong mastery of skills and thorough understanding of concepts

3=Mastered Basic Skills at Developmental Level: Understanding of concepts/skills evident

2=Developing: Minor conceptual and skill errors; in process of developing

1=Deficits: Significant remediation needed; deficits in knowledge/skills

NA=Not Applicable: Unable to measure with given data (do not use to indicate deficit)


5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Comps / Score
Introduction / Detailed yet succinct intro that identifies client, age, ethnicity, occupation, grade, etc. Descriptions clearly set context for understanding problem. / Complete intro that identifies client, age, ethnicity, occupation, grade, etc. / Basic information related to age, ethnicity, occupation, grade, etc. included. / Missing 1-2 identifiers. / Missing, incorrect or significant problem with identifiers and/or significant involved parties. / q NA
Presenting Concern; Stakeholders’ Views / Description of problem provides sophisticated depiction of all stakeholders’ views; word choice conveys empathy with each perspective; descriptions clearly contribute to coherent conceptualization. / Description of problem provides useful description of all stakeholders’ views; word choice conveys respect for perspectives. / Includes description of problem for each person and key stakeholders. / Minor problems or lack of clarity with problem descriptions; missing stakeholders. / Significant problems with problem descriptions; missing key perspectives; incorrect characterization. / D1 / q NA
Background Information / Includes detailed yet succinct description of recent and past events and traumas. Selected information helps develop coherent conceptualization. / Includes useful summary of recent and past events and traumas with time frames. / Includes summary of key recent and past events and traumas. / Insufficient, minimal or missing background information. / Significant information missing; unable to identify significant events. / C3 / q NA
Client Strengths
& Diversity / Insightful identification of strengths; able to identify subtle diversity resources and limitations and how these may impact counseling process. / Clear articulation of useful strengths; able to identify several key resources and limitations related to diversity, oppression, and marginalization. / Identifies several strengths as well as significant resources and limitations related to diversity. / Underdeveloped description of strengths. Missed one or more significant diversity limitation. / Significant problems identifying clinically relevant strengths and/or diversity issues. / D1
E4 / q NA
Psycho-dynamic and Adlerian / Sophisticated analysis that coherently and succinctly relates defense mechanisms, object relation patterns, developmental stages and style of life themes. Clear sense of core dynamics emerges. / Thoughtful and coherent descriptions of defense mechanisms, object relation patterns, developmental stages and style of life themes. / Identifies key issues in defense mechanisms, object relation patterns, developmental stages and style of life themes. / Minor errors or inconsistencies in descriptions of defense mechanisms, object relation patterns, developmental stages and/or style of life themes. / Incorrect, poor characterization of defense mechanisms, object relation patterns, developmental stages and style of life themes. / A5 / q NA
Humanistic-Existential / Sophisticated analysis that coherently and succinctly relates expressions of self, existential issues, and boundary disturbances. Clear sense of core issues developed. / Thoughtful and coherent descriptions of expressions of self, existential issues, and boundary disturbances. / Identifies key issues in expressions of self, existential issues, and boundary disturbances. / Minor errors or inconsistencies in descriptions of expressions of self, existential issues, and boundary disturbances. / Significant problems with expressions of self, existential issues, and boundary disturbances; misidentified issues. / A5 / q NA
Cognitive-Behavioral / Sophisticated analysis that coherently and succinctly relates behavioral analysis, ABC analysis, and schemas. Clear sense of core themes emerges. / Thoughtful and coherent descriptions of behavioral analysis, ABC analysis, and schemas. / Identifies key issues in behavioral analysis, ABC analysis, and schemas. / Minor problems conceptualizing behavioral analysis, ABC analysis, and schemas. / Significant problems identifying behavioral analysis, ABC analysis, and schemas. / A5 / q NA
Family Systems / Sophisticated analysis that coherently and succinctly relates assessment of family life cycle, family structure, and intergenerational patterns. Clear depiction of how family patterns relate to problem. / Thoughtful and coherent descriptions of family life cycle, family structure, and intergenerational patterns. / Identifies key issues in family life cycle, family structure, and intergenerational patterns. / Misses minor issues in family life cycle, family structure, and intergenerational patterns. / Misses significant issues related to family life cycle, family structure, and intergenerational patterns. / A5
D1 / q NA
Solution-Focused / Sophisticated analysis that reveals creativity in identifying solutions that did and did not work; behavioral, positively stated, and easily implementable answers to miracle question. / Able to identified several useful exceptions to the problem; answers to miracle question behavioral and positively stated. / Provides examples of solutions that did and did not work; behavioral answers to miracle question. / Solutions and miracle question not approached from a strengths perspective; lack usefulness and practicality. / Significant problems with assessment of strengths and/or does not demonstrate understanding of miracle question. / A5 / q NA
Narrative, Dominant Discourses, and Diversity / Thoughtfully identifies effect of dominant discourses in client’s life; able to meaningfully identify several cultural, SES, gender, and larger social discourse issues and outline how these intersect. Addresses oppression and marginalization. / Detailed description of the effect of dominant discourses in client’s life; able to meaningfully identify at least two cultural, SES, gender, and larger social discourse issues. / Clear description of key diversity issues and broader social discourses affecting client and experience of problem. / Minor issues with identification of social and dominant discourses. / Misses one or more significant diversity issue and/or unable to usefully identify its effect on the client’s life. / A5
E4 / q NA
Overall Conceptualization / All elements of case conceptualization clearly fit to create a unified understanding to guide counseling process. Sophisticated conceptualization that identifies subtle issues. / Well developed conceptualization that enables reader to a have a clear sense of client and core issues. / Provides a useful description of key issues for developing treatment plan. Few if any inconsistencies. / Several minor inconsistencies that are not clearly reconciled. / Significant problems with conceptualization, such as irreconcilable discrepancies or missing key issues. / A5 / q NA

©2007. Diane R. Gehart, Ph.D.