January 7, 2003

Research, Planning, and Special Programs

Please see the attached memo regarding the new versions of the individual DPS school reports and how to review them before they are released to the public.

Northeast Area Superintendent

Please see the attached memos regarding:

·  a leadership development opportunity, “Discover the Joy in School Leadership,” and

·  an educational leaders book talk on The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell


  1. Mentor Training Make-Up day will be held on Saturday, Jan. 11 at Manual High School, second floor library from 9 a.m. to noon. This mentor training is for anyone who did not attend the training in November. If you have questions or concerns, please call Kim Ortiz at 303-764-6970.
  2. CSAP Reading/Writing Training Jan. 9 at Bruce Randolph Middle School from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the community room (second floor).
  3. CSAP Math Training on Jan. 14 and 29 at Bruce Randolph Middle School from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the community room (second floor).
Risk Management

The flipchart, Classroom Emergency and Safety Procedure Manual, is being reviewed to be updated and republished this summer. This document is designed with the classroom teacher and school staff as the primary user. We would appreciate your close review of the document with your staff. Any suggestions you have to make the flipchart more easily understood or more complete would be appreciated. If you have information that is not presently in the flipchart that should be included, please let us know. Email your comments to .

DPS Foundation

Attached is a form for any district employee to use to reserve a seat at the DPS 100th Anniversary Celebration on Wednesday, January 22. Special reduced pricing for DPS employees is $100 per seat. The form needs to be returned to the DPS Foundation at 900 Grant Street with payment by January 15.

Facility Management

See attached memo on summer 2003 Mil Levy/CRF projects and expenditures delays.

Curriculum and Instruction

Middle and High School Principals

Teen Zoo Program: Schools may want to participate in a program with the Denver Zoo called Teen Zoo Crew Program. This program was inaugurated at the Denver Zoo in 2001 for the specific purposes of assisting middle and high school students to cultivate a strong appreciation for wildlife and conservation; develop work skills, communication skills, study skills, and work ethics; explore career options; promote self-confidence and a positive self-image; enhance critical thinking and ethical development; and foster a lifelong commitment to volunteerism. The program supports and empowers teens, fostering “can do” attitudes and cultural competencies. Contact Estevan Duran, Science Coordinator, at 303-764-3395 or for more information. This program is excellent for meeting the student “service hours” graduation requirements some schools have.

Elementary Principals

·  Elementary Literacy Winter Institutes

Doubletree Hotel, 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

January 14–15, Northwest Quadrant

January 16–17, Southwest and Southeast Quadrants

February 4–5, Northeast Quadrant

Principals are invited for the first day of each session and may attend both days if they choose.

·  Sharon Taberski Presentation for K–3 Teachers

Red Lion Inn, 8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m., January 25

An informational flyer was sent by email to principals, coaches, and secretaries. If you need more information or a flyer resent, please email Dora Bruce at .

·  Reminder: Family Life Professional Development

Two Family Life professional development sessions will be held January 9 and 15, 2003, 4:00–6:00 p.m., at Centennial Elementary. These sessions are conducted for all fourth and fifth grade teachers who have not previously attended this board-mandated professional development. Teachers will be compensated for attending at the district inservice rate. Once trained, teachers will be qualified to teach Family Life curriculum in their schools. Share this information with your teachers and ask them to RSVP to Elizabeth Bible at 303-764-3423 with the session they will attend. If you have any questions, contact Estevan Duran, Science Coordinator, at 303-764-3395.

Master’s of Global Studies Degree Program for DPS Teachers

The Master’s of Global Studies is a one-year professional master’s degree designed for teachers to gain deep insights into today’s world and pass this information to students. Through the generosity of the Donnell-Kay Foundation, GSIS offers 75% tuition scholarships to DPS teachers. To be considered for the program, a teacher should have at least five years of teaching experience and must have a commitment to remain in the teaching profession.

GSIS offers many unique opportunities to study international affairs. Our programs are designed to expose students to a variety of topics and fields. All students are encouraged to gain expertise in a general area of international relations and develop specialized knowledge in a functional area. In addition, students can take classes from other graduate divisions such as education, history, economics, and sociology. By offering a well-rounded, interdisciplinary education, it is GSIS’ intention to provide teachers from the six-county area with new knowledge and information that will help them in their classroom.

GSIS is the proud home of the Center for Teaching International Relations (CTIR). CTIR’s mission is to promote global education in schools throughout Colorado and the nation. Participants in this scholarship program have a unique opportunity to contribute to CTIR’s programs and to develop and publish curriculum materials. For additional information on CTIR, visit: http://www.du.edu/ctir/.

For questions, contact the Admissions Office at 303-871-2544 or . Information about the Master’s in Global Studies also can be accessed at http://www.du.edu/gsis/.

Denver Community School

Changing Focus

The Denver Community School program has undergone a variety of changes over the past few years. Each session, we have renewed our commitment to enhance offerings, attract new students, and make the program run cost effectively. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts and the support of our dedicated teachers and students, the revenue generated each session is not sufficient to cover our expenses. It will not be possible to continue the evening class program at Gove and Hamilton beyond January 2003.

Evening classes are still available at Morey Neighborhood Center. Their catalog is now available, including yoga, Spanish, computers, photography, fitness, Pilates, weight training for men and women, and swimming at National Jewish and Morey. Their great selection of children’s classes includes massage for infants and toddlers, adventures with the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, babysitting, gymnastics, dance, art, Spanish, French, drama, boy’s basketball, and girl’s volleyball. Call Morey at 303-764-6887 for more information.

Denver Community School will remain an important link between DPS and the community, facilitating lifelong learning opportunities in all corners of Denver. We are excited about this chance to explore a variety of new models, including distance learning through broadcast television and online courses, afternoon enrichment, and daytime classes supporting family literacy, parenting, job skills, ESL, and GED. These new program opportunities will directly benefit DPS students and their families, and we are enthusiastic about bringing them to life in coming years.

Student Services

From the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools

Reminder: The eighth Annual C/SAT Training Conference, “Approaches to Prevention in The 21st Century” will be held March 1–2, 2003, at the Sheraton 4 Points Hotel, 600 South Colorado Blvd., from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Packets were sent out last month.
If you didn’t receive one, call Lynne at 303-405-6625. Dr. Terry Tafoya is returning and will be speaking about, among other topics, communication and collaboration within organizations and communities and understanding the problems of chemical dependency and juvenile crime. There are also a variety of sessions to choose from on Sunday, March 2, such as Character Education, Restorative Justice, and Taking Care of Ourselves.
This conference is free to all DPS staff, not just C/SATs, so please call Lynne at the above number to register.

School Community Partnerships

Outstanding Educators Awards

Each year, the Colorado Department of Education provides opportunities to recognize and reward outstanding educators. These include special recognition programs for educators, students, and schools, as well as membership on advisory boards and task forces. In particular, your recommendation of teachers and administrators will provide the recognition they deserve for their hard work, dedication, and success with our students and community. For complete information on each of the award programs, please access the CDE Web site at http://www.cde.state.co.us/index_home.htm and scroll down the left column to Awards Programs.

We are all busy throughout the year and completing recommendation forms takes time. Recognition is so very important and meaningful. Please consider nominating Denver Public Schools’ employees and students for special awards and recognition.

You’re Invited To Discover The Woman Behind The Art.

The Mexican Cultural Center, the Consulate General of Mexico, and the Museo de las Américas are offering two family events, free to the public.

Family Free Day will be held on Saturday, January 18. The day will include a fun art activity related to the “Frida Kahlo Unmasked” exhibit, and families are invited to walk around the gallery and enjoy work by Frida Kahlo and photography by Manuel Alvarez Bravo. There will also be an educational corner in the gallery where visitors can dress in traditional Mexican clothing. A Spanish-speaking assistant will be available during the Family Free Day.

A free lecture is offered on Saturday, February 8, at 2:00 p.m. Curator Tariana Navas-Nieves will lecture on the work of Frida Kahlo and Manuel Alvarez Bravo. She will address key themes and the nature of their pieces.

Feel free invite your students and their families to enjoy this cultural event together.

Museo de Las Américas, 861 Santa Fe Drive, 303-571-4401

Public Information
  1. Please be on the look-out for sign-up forms coming soon to your school for students and their families to receive the Sunday Denver Post at no charge. This is designed to help provide materials at home for the Million Words campaign. Each family that subscribes will also receive a Learning Together reading and activities guide to help students and parents get the most from this program.
  2. Please keep us posted about Million Word efforts in your school, so we can publish the success in Inside DPS. Individual student accomplishments, activities: anything is welcome! E-mail or fax 303-764-3413.






Department of Research, Planning, and Special Programs


TO: Principals, All Schools

THROUGH: Wayne Eckerling, Assistant Superintendent

FROM: Ethan Hemming, Research Analyst

DATE: January 7, 2003

SUBJECT: DPS School Reports on the Web

·  Asks for a final review of your school’s data on the DPS website.
·  Sets deadline of January 13, 2003, for comments and/or corrections.

The DPS School Reports will soon be available on an interactive Web site. As we communicated to you last fall, the site will provide the same information that has been provided historically in the DPS school report cards. However, with the new Web site, there will be more data and the information will be searchable, comparable, and tailored to the request of the user. Before opening access to the public, we would like you to review your information one more time. Although you have reviewed all information previously, a review in the final presentation format should be helpful to you and will improve data quality. This new interactive Web site will be demonstrated at some of the area principal meetings. However, you don’t need to attend a meeting to access this site and review your school’s data.

To access your school’s information, use your Web browser, either Netscape or Internet Explorer, and enter the following address (or click directly on this link if you are reading this memo in your email directly):

http://dps.schools.net. Then:

1.  Enter your school’s name in the box directly below the words “Find any school’s profile” and click the “Go” button to the right. (You can also click on the “See Complete List of Schools” link and select your school from the list that comes up.)

2.  Click on your school’s name on the listing.

3.  The first page will be the “Overview.” Please scan this page of information.

4.  Click on the “Achievement” link in the blue tab bar to review your CSAP information in more depth.

5.  Click on the “Teachers and Students” link in the blue tab bar to review detailed staff and student information.

6.  To print any page of information, click the “Printable Version” link located just above the blue tab bar.

Please review your school’s information and communicate any questions, comments or changes to Ethan Hemming (phone 303-764-3633 or email ) by Monday, January 13, 2003.

cc: Area Superintendents
Mark Stevens, Public Information
JoAnn Buck, DoTS


Leadership Development Opportunity
“Discover the Joy in School Leadership”

Who: Aspiring Leaders

Where: The Tivoli Center on Auraria Campus

The Zenith Room (Room 640)

When: January 24, 2003

5:00–5:30 p.m. Social (beverages and appetizers)

5:30–7:00 p.m. Dinner, Intimate Facilitated Conversation,

Panel Storytelling, Q&A

On January 24, 2002, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., the Colorado Principals’ Center

will provide an early evening dinner and conversation on the

hidden joy that fuels a principal’s passion.

So often, our focus is on standards, accountability, and reporting.

Rarely do we have the opportunity to celebrate our roles as educational leaders through

storytelling and laughter.

Aspiring leaders will not want to miss this evening filled with joy and

passion featuring practicing school leaders and CPC Board members:

John Youngquist, Board President

Mike Campbell, Principal, Brighton High School

Pat Sandos, Principal, Skinner Middle School, Denver

Cynthia Watson, Principal, Mesa Elementary, Adams 50 Westminster

Staci McCormack, Assistant Principal, Arrowwood Elementary, Douglas County

Colorado Principals’ Center Director: Frank A. Bingham, Ph.D. www.coloradoprincipalscenter.org

University of Colorado at Denver Campus Box 106, P.O. Box 173364 Denver, CO 80217-3364

Ph: 303.556.2190 Fax: 303.556.4479 Email: