Animal Farm Introduction Notes
1. George Orwell was born on ______in ______.
2. His real name is ______.
3. In 1904, his mother moved to ______.
Why? ______.
4. He received a scholarship to ______.
5. After graduating, he joined the ______and went to ______as a sergeant in the ______.
6. Why did he quit this job? ______
7. After quitting, he chose to live among the ______of Paris and the ______in England.
8. In 1936, he became a ______and his publisher encouraged him to write about ______.
9. In 1945, he published ______.
10. His most celebrated novel was ______.
11. Orwell got the idea for Animal Farm from ______.
12. What happened to him in Spain when he went to write about their Civil War? ______
13. What did he see as the future’s threat to human freedom? ______.
14. To show how a whole nation could be enslaved, Orwell created his ______which is a ______.
15. The novel is based upon the events that occurred during and after the ______.
16. Various historical figures are represented by ______.
17. The ruling family at the time of the Revolution was the ______.
18. Communism is an economic system where the basic idea is that everybody does ______in which they excel, and everybody gets ______.
19. ______is considered the “Father of Modern Communism.” His beliefs were known as ______.
20. Marx divided people into two main classes ______
21. On March 15, 1917, Czar Nicholas II was ______and later ______, along with his ______.
22. Seven months later, the ______, led by ______, overthrew the provisional government.
23. This coup was known as the ______.
24. Vladimir Lenin was a follower of ______but didn’t agree with every aspect of the philosophy, so he came up with his own theory ______.
25. Lenin’s policies were often more ______and ______than those of Marxist beliefs.
26. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, the first official ______was created.
27. The Bolsheviks changed their name to the ______after the Revolution and later became knows as the ______.
28. Lenin became so well-loved and revered that upon his death his body was placed ______.
29. The death of Lenin engendered two new Russian leaders: ______
30. Totalitarianism is a form of government with a strong central rule that attempts to control individuals by means of ______and ______.
31. ______eventually won the power struggle and had Trotsky ______where he is later killed by ______.
32. Stalin began several ______to stimulate the Russian economy.
33. Any opposition to Stalin was subject to ______, ______, ______, and ______.
34. Animal Farm is an ______novel.
35. Animal Farm is an ______, which is a story that can be read on two distinct levels.
36. Characters and events in an allegory ______something else, and they are used to convey a ______or ______message.
37. Animal Farm is also a ______, which is used to ridicule certain people, events, or institutions.
38. One of the elements of satire is ______. Orwell uses ______, ______, and ______irony.
39. Another aspect that plays a vital role in Animal Farm is the use of ______. This is any widespread promotion of ______, or ______.
Write the 10 different kinds of propaganda down below with a short description: