/ Movement “SFERA”
Piskunova St.,27, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, 603005

Tel. +7 (831) 430-47-03 +7 (831) 430-47-40, Fax +7 (831) 430-49-13

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Движение «СФЕРА»
Россия, 603005, Н. Новгород, ул. Пискунова, д.27

тел.+7 (831) 430-47-03 +7 (831) 430-47-40, факс +7 (831) 430-49-13

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European Voluntary Service

Curriculum Vitae

Personal dates

First name and surname:





Date and place of birth:



Education / work experience

Education and/or vocational training (with dates):

Employments and voluntary work experience:

Language abilities (fluent, good, basic)

Reading skills:

Writing skills:

Verbal skills:

Other skills, interests and activities

Social skills:

Organizational skill:

Technical skills:

Artistic skills:

Other skills:


Describe your motivation for participation at the EVS! What do you hope to gain from it?

Explain why you decided to do your EVS in Russia.

In which project would you like to take part and what motivated you to choose this project?

Why do you think we should choose you as a volunteer for this project? (do you have any ideas what you could contribute to your new hosting and working environment?).

Try to describe your personality.

Describe your motivation and ability to learn Russian.TO BE COMPLETED BY THE SENDING ORGANIZATION

Sending Organization: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego

Phone: 0048 600993 809

Fax: not applicable

Email: /

Address: ul. Warszawska 6, ap. 311

40-006 Katowice, Silesia Region, Poland

Contact Person: Natalia Podbielska

How did you select the volunteer? (Is the volunteer a member of your organization, are you going to involve the volunteer in your current activities, did you interview the volunteer by phone or face-to-face...).

We recruited volunteers by OPEN CALL. We want to have strongly motivated young people, who will be focused on the project's objective, that do not turn up that it was only a momentary concrete country trip whim. We didn’t discriminate the volunteers by their sex, we was objective in our choice and tried to chose the same number of male and female, if the moitivation of them will be equal.The candidates to volunteers was asked to send their CV(europass), motivation letter and special application form. These documents we forwarded to RO.

What kind of theoretical and emotional preparation will you provide the volunteer with? (insurance, rights and responsibilities of the volunteer, SO and HO tasks, duties of the tutor of the project...).

Our organization will help volunteers in arrange the travell and all of issues conected with that. FRSP

together with receiving organizations will aplicate for visa for all volunteers and will help in this process of writing invitation, if necessary. Our president has experience in working with foreigners and processing of formal cases thankfully to his previous work in the department of foreigners in The Silesian Voivodeship Office. So we have prepared person.

We will support volunteers in travel preparation (searching flight ticets, the best connections and transport, inform about how to get from place to place, about person who pick them up and from where etc). We will take care about Info Kit which volunteers should received . We will prepare them during pre-departure training, where volunteers will get all of important informations.

We are ready to take care of insurance for volunteers, we will ensures, with the sending and receiving organisations, that each volunteer is in possession of the European Health Insurance Card (if applicable) and is covered by the obligatory EVS Insurance plan foreseen in the Erasmus+ Programme( that they established for them CIGNA insurance accordance with the requirements of the new programme).

Some training will be provided to volunteer about the crisis management and risk prevention inclduing elements of intercultural learning in safety aspect at first on pre-departure training and then already at the place of his/her service.

Besides volunteers will get the information how to live and habit in foregin country and what are the differences and similarities between Poland and host country.

- project on what base the project, the work, founds, budget, volunteer rights and obligations of the parties of Activity Agreement, about risk preventions, reports, evaluation process, communication between partners: RO and SO, obligatory trainings, negotiations with RO, schedule of activities, free time, trip on the project, the project life;

- motivation, we once more ask their about motivations,ideas for the projects, their plans,documents contract with SO,tickets,bills, reports,the main priorities of this program,the objectivies,the social character of activities on EVS. As a sending organization we will help in travel preparation - advice the best transport, help in searching tickets etc.

We will be in constant contact with volunteers during whole implementation of the project.

Did your organization send EVS volunteers to Russia before?

Not yet, but our EVS coordinator - Ms. Natalia Podbielska - has got extensive experience in coordinating EVS projects. Sending projects as well as hosting/receiving projects.

She has experience in writing projects in frame of Youth in Action Programme as well as under the new Erasmus + Programme in:

- acquiring new partners from other countries and she knows the importance of maintaining constant contact with partners;

- preparation of recruitment ads, conducting recruitment process;

- volunteers preparation to their service (assistance in finding airline tickets, the whole visa procedure if a visa is required, prepare insurance, conducting training) and constant contact with volunteers during whole project duration;

- experience in project's evaluations, writing reports and accounting projects.

- support with flight ticket, visa procedure etc.,

- financial record keeping and reporting,

She is aware of very positive projects impact on these young people who have had possibility to take part in EVS and they come back to Poland with a lot of new ideas and energy to continue the activities that they have started during the project. She also was able to observe great influance of EVS on foreign youths and thankfully to stay in touch with ex-volunteers she has informations that they was able to find job after thir return to home. We are sure that volunteers who will be send by our FRSP Fundation will be also able to make an impact in frame of activities provided by our organization and hosted volunteers from other countries will be

equipped with tools thanks to which will also be able to help other young people in the fight against unemployment in their home countries.

Will you be ready to apply to your National Agency with the project application, if SFERA provides you with filled application form in and partIII?

Yes, we are able to apply to Polish National Agency for the nearest deadline.