Release Description (RD)Version 1.0 Version no x.xx

Release Description

Project Fokcus

Team 08

Name / Role
Steven Holland / Requirements Engineer, Prototyper, Feasibility Analyst
Arik Oganesian / Operation Concept Engineer, Software Architect, Prototyper
Marco Alvarez / Feasibility Architect, Software Architect, Requirements Engineer
Pin-Chih (Bill) Lin / Prototyper, Software Architect, Project Manager
Tatsuhiko (Tats) Tomita / Lifecycle Planner, Software Architect, Requirements Engineer
Hamed Sadeghi / Project Manager, Prototyper
Dennis Xiang / IIV&V, Quality Focal

Version History

Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale
04/25/17 / TT / 1.0 /
  • Added expected information in each section
  • To comply with Instructional ICM-Sw standard

Table of Contents

Release Description

Version History

Table of Contents

Table of Tables

Table of Figures

1.About This Release

1.1Physical Inventory of materials released

1.2Inventory of software contents

2.Compatibility Notes


4.New Features and Important Changes

4.1New Features

4.2Changes since previous release

4.3Upcoming Changes

5.Known Bugs and Limitations


RD_ASBUILT_S17b_T08_V1.0.docxVersion Date: 04/25/17

Table of Contents

Table of Tables

No table of figures entries found.


RD_ASBUILT_S17b_T08_V1.0.docxVersion Date: 04/25/17

Table of Contents

Table of Figures

No table of figures entries found.


RD_ASBUILT_S17b_T08_V1.0.docxVersion Date: 04/25/17

Release Description (RD) TemplateVersion x.x Version no

1.About This Release

  • Version
  • Fōkcus app 1.0.0 build 13
  • Consists of
  • AsBuilt Set (Word, pdf)
  • Operational Concept Description
  • System and Software Architecture Description
  • Life Cycle Plan
  • Feasibility Evidence Description
  • Prototype
  • Construction Set (Word, pdf)
  • Test Plan and Cases
  • Test Procedure and Results
  • Transition and Support Set (Word, pdf)
  • Technical Manual (Hardware requirements, Installation / deployment steps)
  • User Manual
  • Support Plan - download template from the ICSM EPG
  • Implementation Set
  • Source Code Baselines (including comments in the source files)
  • Associated Compile-Time Files (i.e. required libraries)
  • Component Executables
  • Test suites
  • Release Description (This document)
  • License
  • N/A
1.1Physical Inventory of materials released

All the release data are digital materials as described above.

1.2Inventory of software contents

Table 1 software contents

File name / Revision / Data
OCD_ASBUILT_S17b_T08_V5.0 / 5 / 2/10/17
SSAD_ASBUILT_S17b_T08_V3.0 / 3 / 12/4/16
LCP_ASBUILT_S17b_T08_V3.0 / 3 / 2/20/17
FED_ASBUILT_S17b_T08_V3.1 / 3.1 / 2/12/17
PRO_ASBUILT_S17b_T08_V2.5 / 2.5 / 2/20/17
TP_ASBUILT_S17b_T08_V1.2 / 1.2 / 2/12/17
SP_ASBUILT_S17b_T08_V1.0 / 1 / 4/25/17 / 1.0.0.Build 13 / 4/30/17 / 1.0.0 / 4/30/17

2.Compatibility Notes

2.1iOS Application

<Development Environment>

  • IDE: Xcode 8.1
  • Language : Swift 3.0

Third party library/framework used

  • SideMenu
  • Firebase
  • DTLoadingButton(Notice:the original repo owner discontinuted to update this project, but I modified the code and made it compatiable with Swift 3.0)
  • SWActivityIndicatorView(Notice:the original repo owner discontinuted to update this project, but I modified the code and made it compatiable with Swift 3.0)
  • SDWebImage
  • Amazon iOS SDK

Target iOS version

  • iOS 10


  • Install CocoaPods : We are using CocoaPods for managing our third party frameworks/libraries. Please make sure you have CocoPods installed on your machine before you start develop. To install, follow the instructionhere

<External system>

  • Firebase 3.4.0
2.2Matching Algorithm

<Development Environment>

  • Language : Node.js 4.3

<Third party library/framework used>

  • GoogleMaps
  • Firebase


Use TestFlight and upgrade the app.

4.New Features and Important Changes

4.1New Features

1. Mentors can now confirm requests sent from entrepreneurs
2. Home screen now shows pitch deck documents for pilot event and will show the pdf content when users click it.
3. Users can now compose new message to newly connected users
4. Private messaging functionality is now working
5. Temporarily removed unnecessary menu items in side menu
6. Serval other minor UI changed

4.2Changes since previous release

1. An issue that app crashes when opening the app
2. Several bug fixes
3. Re-confiture back-end database

4.3Upcoming Changes

1. Enable the new matching algorithm

5.Known Bugs and Limitations

Please do not use any old build after this build hasreleased, so that it won't mess up with our database.


RD_ASBUILT_S17b_T08_V1.0.docxVersion Date: 04/25/17