Minutes of PACT Panel meeting held on May 16 2013 at Parley First School

Present: Barbara Manuel (chair), Paul Timberlake, Pat Lewis, Dawn Jones, Martha Perry, Chantelle Gosney, Sue Starmer, Pat Lewis, Jon Ladd (minutes).

Apologies: John Wilson, John Cullen, Graham Kewley, Jenni French, Alan Downing, Trevor Sams.

Matters arising

(2) Martyn Underhill will be holding surgeries by appointment rather general meetings: one is scheduled soon in Ferndown.

(4) No funding yet for the bollards for outside Parley First School. MP has pledged £200 from her budget. JL will speak to John Cullen about the £200 pledge from WPPC.MP will speak with Douglas Lock about a contribution from Neighbourhood Watch.

As an associated issue concerned with safety on the road outside the school, BM will speak with John Wilson and MP Chris Chope about the possibility of reducing speed limits in Ferndown to 20mph in the vicinity of schools between 08.00-09.00 and 14.30-15.30.


1. Purchase of Speed detection equipment

Two options discussed:

a. purchase of a SID (Speed Indicator Device) which would then belong to the Parish and be used exclusively within the Parish. Considerable problems with this – cost is £3000, there would need to be substantial commitment from volunteers with regards to training, health and safety, moving the device between sites etc.

b. Community Speedwatch – this involves a hand held device being used by volunteers who would set their ‘pitch’ on selected roads: speeds and registration numbers of speeding motorists would be recorded and passed to the Police who would issue a warning letter to the motorist. No fixed penalty notices can be issued in this situation.

BM will speak with John Cullen and ask the matter to be put on the next WPPC meeting agenda and request that Steve Winning (PCSO at St Ives) give a presentation about it.

2. Rural Crime Prevention seminar (Kingston Mauward)

BM and MP had attended this. Their message re fire prevention was know your OS Grid Reference and the location of the nearest fire hydrants so that you are better prepared if a fire breaks out on your property. Also mark or code articles that might be a target for thieves.

3. Recent crime report for East Dorset

Crime had generally reduced across East Dorset (and the County as a whole).

An independent body had produced a document called the UK Peace Index: this showed East Dorset to be the fourth most ‘peaceful’ authority in the whole of the UK (in terms of crime rates and especially violent crime).

4. Awareness Event for all ages - BM and DJ and ?SS will meet next week (Tuesday afternoon) to discuss this , to be held probably after a Wednesday coffee morning at the Sports and Social Club. A date and a format and contributors will be decided.

5. Any other Business

Parking on Pavements- there have been many complaints about this. The East Dorset Disability Action Group will be encouraged to take on a campaign to discourage obstructive parking and highlight the problem. Residents are reminded that they can take a picture of an offending vehicle and pass it to a member of the Police SNT for action.

Ferndown & West Parley Directory

BM suggested that we request that a few points from the meeting should be publicised in the magazine: JL will look at this.

Date of next meeting: Thursday September 26 2013 at 4pm at Parley First School.