ReadTumbleBook at home --
Take Accelerated Reader (AR)quizzes at school!
Note: You must go through the Alameda County Library website to get the entire program.
1. Go to the Frederiksen website. Click on Teacher Sites and click on my name.
Select Websites for Students and scroll down to select Tumblebooks.
2. This takes you to the Alameda County Library. Click on Tumblebooks.
3. Enter your library card information. If you don’t have a library card, you can immediately get one online. (The back of this page has instructions forgetting a library card.)
4. If it doesn’t look like this, you are at the wrong site. Change language to English*
*If using tablet, iPad or smartphone, change this to "Mobile".
5. Some categories
- Story Books: books to read & listen
- Read-alongs: read with some listening, 2nd grade +
- e-Books: read only, 3rd grade +
6. To find books in your AR level click on TumbleSearch,
then click onSearch by Accelerated Reader Level, and click on your level.
7. Select a book and click on Accelerated Reader see if there is a quiz.
8. This box tells you IF there is an AR quiz number.
Write down the quiz number and book title. You will need this later.9. Click Read Online
10. - For Story Books, if you usea computer, after it starts, click Manual.
This lets you turn pages yourself.
Turn sound on/off
- For Read-Alongs, most do not have audio. But, if there is a blue arrow button in the bottom
left corner, click on it for the audio.
Read to take an AR QUIZ at schoolA. Find a book and click Read Online.
B. For Story Bookson a computer, when it starts, click Manual.
C. Read the story with the sound. Read aloud along with it so you know how to say the words and know how it should sound.
D. For Story Books, read the story a second time, but this time TURN OFF the SOUND. Read it by yourself ALOUD. Keep rereading it until it is easy for you and until you can remember the story.
E. Take AR quiz at school. Remember to bring the AR quiz number
& book title. Login onto AR & type the quiz number. When it
asks how you read the book, click “Read with someone.”
How to get a card from the Alameda County Library (ACL)
1. From the ACL website, click on New Account near the top.
2. Under the heading "eCard", click online registration form.
3. Enter your information. You will get an email with your account number.
LButsuda 8-2017