Date: 4 September,2014

Venue: UN CC conference room


S/No / Name of the Particpants / Organization / Email
1 / Mohamed Hassan Abdi / UNOCHA /
2 / Abdirahman Hirad Mohamed / NRC /
3 / Said Arshe / CARE /
4 / Kareema Hassan Abdi / NRC /
5 / Samuel Odeke / UNOCHA /
6 / Mohamed Ahmed Esse / DRC /
7 / Blacky / UNHABITAT /
8 / Mohamed Abdirizak / CARE /


  1. Update on Infrastructure Mapping Assessment and HGA in Bossaso IDP settlements.
  2. Ongoing projects and standing issues in IDP settlements.
  3. Update on emergency stocks/contingency plans
  4. AOB

Opening Remarks

The meeting began with quick round introduction on the participants and review on the action points of the previous meeting minutes.

  1. Update on Infrastructure Mapping Assessment and HGA in Bossaso IDP settlements.

The report for the infrastructure Mapping Assessment has been shared with the shelter/NFI cluster members in field level. The map was presented on the table for commenting, and the team reflected some comments as action points as follows;

  • To indicate the date of/on the map
  • To indicate the names of the settlements in each perimeter
  • To indicate the number of households in each settlement on the map


The HGA report is yet to be produced. sectoral-level reporting has been made and submitted to OCHA, except Food Security & Livelihood and Health sectors.

Action Point: To refer the FSNU for the Food Security & Livelihood sector gap and produce the report.

  1. Ongoing projects and standing issues in IDP settlements.

DRC:Construction 300 transitional CGI shelters, 70 desludgeble latrinesand 20 stand-alone street solar lights installation is 100% completedin Gardo IDP Settlement.

CARE has implementeddistribution of 148 NFI kits out of stocks of 194 kits and construction of 100 communal latrines in Bossaso IDP settlements;

  • NFI kits breakdown; 9 units in Bulo Dhato, 34 in 55-Bush, 10 units in 10-Bush, 15 in Bulo Mingis town, 4 in Raf & Raho, 72 units in Bulo Elay Barigabosaso, 4 in Banadir town
  • Latrines breakdown; 28 units in Bulo Elay Bariga-Bossaso, 10 in Biyokulule town, 8 in Balade, 16 in Shabelle A, 12 in Farjano, 16 in 55-Bush and 10 in Seyladda Holaha. However challenge has been encountered from Shabelle A landlord, claiming that the 5 years land agreement has expired and no further construction is allowed.

NRChas plans to implement an integrated shelter and WASH project (175 CGI shelters plus WASH components) in Alkhayr IDP settlement Bariga-bossaso status being as follows;

  • Construction of 175 is ongoing 3% completed, distribution of 35 sanitation kits (1 kits/5HHs), 350 hand washing (2 kettles/1 HHs) has been 100% completed and training in hygiene awareness was conducted. Construction of 3 water storage tanks, 15 latrines (1units per 5 HHs), hygiene awareness campaign and cleaning up campaign are in plan to implement in the same settlement (Alkhayr).
  • 24 emergency shelter kits were distributed in 55-Bush in response to fire outbreak
  • 500 NFI kits and 500 household solar lamps are procurement process in Nairobi, hopefully to be delivered in Bossaso in mid of October.
  1. Update on emergency stocks/contingency plans

# / Agency / stocks / Remarks
1 / CARE INT. / 46 NFI kits / Dead line of the project is September 30, 2014
2 / UNHCR / 4,500 NFs kits / Stocks are for Bari and Nugal
3 / UNHCR / 30 emergency shelter kits / Stocks are for Bari and Nugal
4 / NRC / 544 NFI kits, 487 solar lamps / For whole Puntland
5 / NRC / 376 emergency shelter kits / For Bossaso
  1. AOB
  • Action Point:OCHA to share the quarter 4 meeting schedule.

The end,08/09/2014