Non Statutory Sector - Operational Plan 2018

The Governance of the Non Statutory Sector for the provision of Health and Personal Social Services is a key management responsibility for all areas. The completion of the relevant National Standard Governance Documentation, and associated compliance controls for all funded Agencies by the 28th February 2018 is a compulsory requirement under the performance and accountability framework, and is a key performance indicator on the balanced scorecard for all Divisions and CHO areas.

Governance Documentation Availability

·  Schedules 2018 will be available on the HSE Internet and Intranet, from 13th November 2018 this will includes the Change Control Documents.



·  The Grant Aid Agreement Application Form has not changed.

·  Grant Aid Agreement are automated through the SPG system and this will be available from 13th November 2017 for 2018 Grant Aids Agreements.

Process for finalising 2017

1.  All 2017 incomplete Service Arrangement Parts 1 and Part 2 Schedules must be completed and will be used as the basis for the 2018 arrangements.

2.  This includes any Schedule 10 Change Controls necessary to account for additional Services and funding allocations made after the main Schedules were agreed and signed.

3.  All Change Control for both Grant Aid Agreements and Service Arrangement Schedules can be completed on an automated basis through the SPG system, and should be sent to you by your HSE contact.

Governance Documentation Service arrangement Schedules

·  The HSE advocate as best Practice the integrated management of Service Arrangements for individual Agencies and within Community Health Organisations (CHOS)

·  This has been implemented by the application of a single Part 1 Service Arrangement for each Agency introduced for Voluntary Agencies in 2015 and for other Agencies during 2017.

·  With the Part 2 Schedules to advance integrated Agency management, best practice is for a single set of Part 2 Service Arrangement Schedules for each Care Group in each CHO.

·  As the CHOs continue to implement management structures the arrangement put in place in 2016/17 for composite schedules may continue.

·  The composite schedules are created by using the existing LHO area Schedules and relevant templates at LHO level, updating them for 2018 and referencing them as necessary in a composite set for single sign off by the relevant Chief Officer and Agency CEO/equivalent.


Schedule 1 / Individually Area templates can be included and labelled A, B, C etc, as necessary.
Schedule 2 / As a single care group, only one required
Schedule 3 / Individually Area templates can be included and labelled A, B, C etc, as necessary.
Individual Area excel templates may also be included as above.
Schedule 4 / Individually Area templates can be included and labelled A, B, C etc, as necessary.
Schedule 5 / Only one required
Schedule 6 / Individually Area templates can be included and labelled A, B, C etc, as necessary.
Ensuring all are updated to reflect the 2018 Allocations.
Schedule 7 / Only one required
Schedule 8 / Only one required
Schedule 9 / Individually Area templates can be included and labelled A, B, C etc, as necessary.
Schedule 10 / Only required as necessary

Single signatory page at end covering all

·  Each Chief Officer will determine how this will be managed in their area.

Your HSE contact will let you know the arrangement for your Agency in each CHO area.

·  All Service Arrangement Schedules to be created using the new documentation for 2018 and you should receive a draft from each CHO for your input and validation. You should receive this by the latest the end December or earlier.

·  While it is acknowledged that early drafts may not have the final funding allocations, each CHO area will have an established funding base from which the service activity and funding can be based to initiate negotiations.

·  Work on negotiations based on the known funding and activity can commence immediately with draft schedules agreed subject to final budget allocations by the end of December 2017.

·  Meetings should be arranged as necessary to ensure agreement by year end if possible or early in 2018.

·  Schedules may be signed in 2017 if there are no funding issues outstanding based on your agreed CHO approach;

·  Where funding negotiations are awaiting final budget allocations, you may either agree and sign based on the known funding levels CHO agreed base position in 2017 early 2018 and manage any further budget negotiations through change control, or if necessary/desired await the final agreement on budget allocation, acknowledging deadline date of the 28th February.

·  Schedule sign off to be in line with the Financial Regulations.

·  Best practice applies with Agencies required to sign prior to the HSE.

·  In relation to Disability Agencies the following applies:

·  The Disability Schedule 3 Excel Composite Service Specification Template (Excel template) has been changed for 2018.

·  Disability Agencies will be required to transfer data from their existing templates into the new template following instructions.

·  The New Disability Template will be available from the Monday 13th November on both the intra and internet sites.

Timelines for Completion and Reporting

·  All Service Arrangement Schedules to be completed by the 28th February 2018.

This requires both the Agency and the HSE to have signed in this timeframe.

This includes both 2017 and 2018 arrangements.

The imposition of a 20% withholding of funding for all Agencies that have not signed a Service Arrangement after this date must be made, and remain in place until such time as the Agency signs.

We are advising that Draft Schedules should issue to Agencies no later than 21st December.

Negotiations on existing base should be agreed with the HSE by the end of December 2017 if possible or early 2018.

Sign off may be managed by agreeing the budget base prior to final Agency CHO Operational Plan allocations, with any changes being managed by change control. Change control may be post 28th February once the budget base is agreed and both parties have signed the schedules prior to this date.

·  In principle Grant Aid Agreements must be signed prior to any funding being paid to the Organisation.

·  Organisations paid on a monthly in advance basis should be prioritised for completion prior to 31.12.2017.

·  Some areas are continuing interim payments however best practice is for sign off prior to payments.

Controls Assurance Requirements

·  Controls Assurances for Agencies managed by a Service Arrangement as outlined Schedule 5, are an annual requirement.

·  Agencies must submit the required governance documents to the HSE with their Draft Schedules.

·  Work continues in relation to Agencies with Multi CHO Area arrangements to provide for a more efficient process for the controls assurances required, but currently this will be required by each funding area.

·  Grant Aid Agreements are renewed on an annual basis and the controls assurance requirements are required annually.

2018 – Material available on Internet site and Information events

Information events are being organised by the CHO representatives for all relevant internal HSE staff and voluntary Agencies managed by a Service arrangement.

List of Events and Contacts

Dates Available / Registration Time / CHO / Location / Contact / Phone
Tuesday / 21.11.2017 / 10am / CHO 6 / Civic Centre, Bray / Alva Byrne / 087 - 1232796
Thursday / 23.11.2017 / 10am / CHO 4 / Marymount Hospice, Ballincollig. / Margaret O'Donovan / 087 - 7970803
Friday / 24.11.2017 / 10am / CHO 5 / Waterford General Hospital / Fergal Powel / 087 - 1899815
Wednesday / 29.11.2017 / 10am / CHO 3 / South Court Hotel, Raheen, Limerick / Fearghal Gray / 087 - 8319324
Thursday / 30.11.2017 / 10am / CHO 7 / Academic Theatre, Cherry Orchard Hopsital / Val Wade / 087 2585775
Friday / 1.12.2017 / 9.30am / CHO 8 / Park Hotel, Mullingar / Liz Scully / 086 - 3803440
Wednesday / 6.12.2017 / 10am / CHO 1 / Ballyshannon / Jennifer Mulcahy / 087 - 1320826
Wednesday / 13.12.2017 / 9.30am / CHO 2 / Merlin Park, Galway / Denise Donlon / 086 - 8380405
Thursday / 14.12.2017 / 10am / CHO 9 / Ballymun Civic Centre / Ger Murtagh / 087 - 3544665

·  The following material is available on the internet site to assist

·  Operational Plan 2018 (This Document)

·  Generic Presentation on Implementation Plan and Governance Documentation

·  Guide to Disability Template

·  Sample of disability service specification composite excel template


Compliance Unit 17/11/2017