Building: Toll Gate Elementary

Building Strengths:
TGE met all state indicators and had a performance index of 107.8. The building received an A in student progress (value-added) and an A for gifted.
Building Areas of Challenge:
TGE gap closing for subgroups (economically disadvantaged and disabilities) is a D for the current report card.
Focus: (Goals)
Goal 1: To improve K-3 reading scores by 10 percentile points for students scoring in the lowest 20% and in subgroups with 80% of the targeted group meeting the goal.
Actions: / Mid Year Check:
  1. Monitor targeted students (lowest 20% and subgroups) with STAR Reading Assessment in intervals of 2-3 weeks.
  2. Supply teacher with data identifying the lowest 20% as well as subgroups.
/ Analysis and distribution of STAR data using Student Growth Percentiles
Results we expect: / Mid Year Check:
Studentswill be making consistent growth toward gap closing as reflected by increasing percentile scores as measured by STAR reading. / The following results from the winter benchmark of STAR and STAR EL shows:
4th grade – 33% of targeted students increased reading scores by 10 percentile points.
3rd grade – 46% of targeted students increased reading scores by 10 percentile points.
2nd grade -68%of targeted students increased reading scores by 10 percentile points
1st- grade – 79%of targeted students increased reading scores by 10 percentile points
K- 79%of targeted students increased reading scores by 10 percentile points
Link to District CIP
BLT did not receive a final copy of district’s CIP.
Focus (Goals)
Goal 2: Teachers will implement best practices for reading as determined by the BLT with fidelity to ensure adequate growth of one or more years for all students.
Actions / Mid-Year Check
  1. Teachers throughout the building will be planning reading instruction within the framework of guided reading, read alouds, a Daily 5 format with word work, read to self, writing, and listening to reading as essential components, use of Café strategies, and systematic word instruction including Sitton.
  2. Teachers will do professional rounds to see other teachers implementing the aforementioned practices.
/ Walk throughs by principal and assistant principal.
Review of STAR data at benchmark windows by TBT and BLT.
Instructional coach will collaborate with teachers throughout the year to determine any needs teacher have in implementing the practices.
Teacher survey on implementation of best practices for reading
Results We Expect / Mid-Year Check
Teachers will be reflective of their implementation of best practices to make value added for all students regardless of subgroups and will analyze STAR Reading data at benchmark windows to make any instructional shifts needed. / Teacher survey of best practices implementation showed in an average week:
Guided reading – 55% use it 4-5 times per week, 35% use it 3 times per week, 10% use it 2 times per week
Sitton spelling – 55% use it 4-5 times per week, 10% use it 3 times per week
5% use it once a week, others do not use it.
Systematic phonic instruction – 55% use it 4-5 times per week,20% use it 3 times per week, 10% use it two times per week, 15% use it one time per week.
Read aloud – 75% use it 5 times per week, 25% use it 3 times per week
Read to self or SSR – 95% have 4-5 times per week, 5% have it 3 times per week.
Writing in response to text- 45% use it 4-5 times per week, 40% use it 3 times per week 10% use it 2 times per week, and 5% use it 1 times per week.
Listening to reading or use of a reading program (I.e., Reading Eggspress) – 60% use it 4-5 times per week, 30% use it 3 times per week, 10% use it 2 times per week.
Café strategies instruction- 80% use it 4-5 times per week, 15% use it 3 times per week, and 5% use it 2 times per week.
Instructional coach and new staff had 2-3 professional rounds to observe bestpractices in classrooms. Rounds will continue second semester within the building and in other district buildings.
Administrators will focus walkthroughs on reading and literacy efforts in classrooms for the second semester.
TBT in December for all grade levels analyze STAR and STAR EL data.
Refer to data listed under goal 1.
Link to District CIP