Board of County Commissioners
Regular Public Meeting
Monday, June 2, 2014
The Wakulla County Board of County Commissioners met for a Regular Scheduled Board Meeting on Monday, June 2, 2014 with Chairman Richard Harden presiding. Present were Commissioners Ralph Thomas, Howard Kessler, Randy Merritt and Jerry Moore. Also present were County Administrator David Edwards, County Attorney Representative Lynn Hoshihara, and Deputy Clerk Brandy Raye Price.
(CD6:00) Invocation and pledge provided by Commissioner Ralph Thomas
(CD6:01) Chairman requested to pull item (#8) from the consent agenda for discussion.
The County Administrator requested to table item (#7) to a future meeting.
Commissioner Kessler requested to add Scott Joyner from the Wakulla County Public Library to Awards and Presentations.
Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the consent agenda as amended; second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.
(CD6:02) Chris Russell – thanked Board for the letter to FDOT supporting traffic signal at Wakulla High School; Charter Review Committee meetings scheduled for June 12th and June 23rd at 6:00pm and the meeting audio recording and minutes will be available on the county website and the final public meeting will be held June 26th.
(CD6:03) Mike Morgan – disappointed in FDOT plans for the intersection of 98/319.
(CD6:06) 1. Request Board Approval to Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Acquisition of Lots 10 and 11, a Boat Basin, and Conservation Areas at Shell Point for a County Boat Ramp Facility and Wetland Mitigation
Commissioner Merritt moved to Approve to Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Acquisition of Lots 10 and 11, a Boat Basin, and Conservation Areas at Shell Point for a County Boat Ramp Facility and Wetland Mitigation and give the County Administrator authority to extend the closing date as needed and get approval from the Board if funding must come from One Cent Sales Tax; second by Commissioner Moore and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0
(CD6:11) 2. Request Board Approval to Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider Adopting an Ordinance Revising Section 6-18 of the Wakulla County Land Development Code Pertaining to Non-Conforming Signs
Commissioner Merritt moved to Approve to Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider Adopting an Ordinance Revising Section 6-18 of the Wakulla County Land Development Code Pertaining to Non-Conforming Signs; second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.
(CD6:11) USDA Presentation Regarding County Application for Grant Funding for Wastewater Improvements – Cleve Fleming, Public Works Director and Mary Gavin, USDA
(CD6:17) Senior Center Presentation – Wendy Harley for WCSC – the Senior Center provides food for needy families and not just senior citizens
(CD6:23) Keep Wakulla County Beautiful Presentation -- JoAnn Palmer, KWCB – concerns about road side litter, wants to increase fines for littering and require community service
(CD6:31) Wakulla County Public Library – Scott Joyner – update on summer program funded by the Friends of the Library
(CD6:33) Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the consent agenda; second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.
3. Approval of Minutes from the May 19, 2014 Regular Board Meeting
Approval of Minutes from the May 19, 2014 Regular Board Meeting
4. Approval of Bills and Vouchers Submitted for May 15, 2014 through May 28, 2014
Approval of Bills and Vouchers Submitted for May 15, 2014 through May 28, 2014
5. Request Board Approval of the Florida Department of Transportation Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation Agreement and Authorize the Chairman to Execute the Agreement
Approval of the Florida Department of Transportation Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation Agreement and Authorize the Chairman to Execute the Agreement
6. Request Board Approval of OBBT Phase 3 Lap Agreement Amendment #1 and the Resolution; Ratification of ITB 2014-08 Construction Award and Chairman Signing of Contract; and, Ratification of RFQ 2014-07 CEI Award and Chairman Signing of Contract
Approval of OBBT Phase 3 Lap Agreement Amendment #1 and the Resolution; Ratification of ITB 2014-08 Construction Award and Chairman Signing of Contract; and, Ratification of RFQ 2014-07 CEI Award and Chairman Signing of Contract
7. Request Board Ratification of Revised Letter of Support for the Wakulla Historical Society in Submitting a Grant Application to the Department of State for a Historic Preservation Small Grant
9. Request Board Approval of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Grant Agreement for Walking Trail Improvements and Trail Amenities at Azalea Park
Approval of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Grant Agreement for Walking Trail Improvements and Trail Amenities at Azalea Park
10. Request Board Approval to Award ITB 2014-10 Road Striping Services to Emerald Coast Striping, LLC
Approval to Award ITB 2014-10 Road Striping Services to Emerald Coast Striping, LLC
11. Request for Board Approval of an Agreement between Wakulla County and the Florida Department of Revenue Pertaining toService of Process and Writ of Bodily Attachments Performed by the Wakulla County Sheriff’s Department
Approval of an Agreement between Wakulla County and the Florida Department of Revenue Pertaining toService of Process and Writ of Bodily Attachments Performed by the Wakulla County Sheriff’s Department
17. Request Board Ratification of the Project Agreement Time Extension to the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Watershed Protection Recovery Program, Reimbursement/Matching Grant Agreement 69-4209-13-1784 for Bostic Pelt, Buckhorn Creek/Surf Road, and Walker Creek Road/Shell Point (Amendment No.4)
Approval of Board Ratification of the Project Agreement Time Extension to the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Watershed Protection Recovery Program, Reimbursement/Matching Grant Agreement 69-4209-13-1784 for Bostic Pelt, Buckhorn Creek/Surf Road, and Walker Creek Road/Shell Point (Amendment No.4)
18. Request Board Ratification of a Letter to FDOT Concerning the Installation of Traffic Signals and Crosswalks at the High School Entrance on U.S. Hwy 98
Approval of Board Ratification of a Letter to FDOT Concerning the Installation of Traffic Signals and Crosswalks at the High School Entrance on U.S. Hwy 98
(CD6:34) 8. Request Board Approval of a Letter of Support for the Aquatic Science Association Grant Proposal in Pursuing Funds from the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund
Commissioner Merritt moved to table this item and schedule a workshop on July 14th at 5:00pm and for the County Administrator to gather background information beforehand; second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.
(CD6:48) 12. Transmittal of Application For Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Special Area Plan 1 of the Future Land Use Element, CP14-01
Commissioner Moore moved to approve conduct the second of two public hearings and vote to transmit the proposed Text Amendment CP14-01, to the Special Area Plan 1 of the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, based upon the findings of facts and conclusions of law made by the Board and any evidence submitted at the Hearing hereon; second by Commissioner Merritt and discussion followed.
Commissioner Moore withdrew his motion to approve conduct the second of two public hearings and vote to transmit the proposed Text Amendment CP14-01, to the Special Area Plan 1 of the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, based upon the findings of facts and conclusions of law made by the Board and any evidence submitted at the Hearing hereon.
Commissioner Merritt moved to approve to conduct the second of two Public hearings and vote not to transmit the proposed Text Amendment, CP14-01, to the Special Area Plan 1 of the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, based upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the findings of facts and conclusions of law made by the Board and any evidence submitted at the Hearing hereon; second by Commissioner Thomas and discussion followed.
Commissioner Merritt withdrew his motion to approve to conduct the second of two Public hearings and vote not to transmit the proposed Text Amendment, CP14-01, to the Special Area Plan 1 of the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, based upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the findings of facts and conclusions of law made by the Board and any evidence submitted at the Hearing hereon.
Commissioner Merritt moved to table the item to a future meeting after the applicant provides backup analysis data to staff; second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.
(CD7:24) 13. Adoption of Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment CP13-04 to the Capital Improvement Element Wakulla County, Applicant
Commissioner Merritt moved to approve Adoption of Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment CP13-04 to the Capital Improvement Element Wakulla County, Applicant; second by Commissioner Kessler and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.
(CD7:25) 14. Request Board Approval of the Wakulla County Airport Master Plan Update Revisions
Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the Wakulla County Airport Master Plan Update Revisions licensing needs as stated in Table 4-1a and to include the vegetative buffer and fuel farm only stated in Table 4-1b on page 81 of the Wakulla County Airport Master Plan Update 2013; second by Commissioner Thomas and discussion followed.
(CD7:59) Commissioner Merritt moved to call the question; second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion passed 4/1 with Commissioner Moore opposing.
(CD8:08) 15. Request Board Approval to Direct Staff to Amend the Litter Control Ordinance
Commissioner Merritt moved to approve to direct staff to amend the litter control ordinance for Wakulla County to include community service penalties as well as larger fines for litter violations and to direct ESG to work with Keep Wakulla County Beautiful to a) develop a signage, b) to procure litter control signs to discourage littering, c) to post these along roads and other litter-prone areas in Wakulla County, using existing sign posts when available; second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.
(CD8:21) 16. COMMISSIONER KESSLER –Re-alignment Proposed by FDOT in Medart off US 98 and US 319
Commissioner Kessler moved to send a letter to FDOT stating 1) the Board’s opposition to present realignment plan at US HWY 98 and 319 in Medart, 2) requesting FDOT provide traffic studies and safety studies conducted before recommending the present realignment plan, 3) requesting the FDOT halt its present work on this realignment project until safety and other studies aforementioned are provided and discussed with the Wakulla County Board of County Commissioners and, 4) request FDOT reconsider its proposed realignment plan for the US HWY 98 and 319 intersection because such realignment lacks public support, is not the best alternative for both safety and traffic flow and never received consideration or input from the full Wakulla BOCC; second by Commissioner Merritt and discussion followed.
Commissioner Kessler moved to amend his motion and to only approve to send a letter to FDOT requesting them to reevaluate its proposed realignment plan for US HWY 98 and 319 and the proposed intersection in front of Wakulla High School for safety and geometric design due to public concern; second by Commissioner Merritt and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0
(CD8:54) The County Administrator is working with WCCY to bring a rental fee agreement back to board for approval.
(CD8:55) Hugh Taylor – wetlands ordinance
(CD8:57) Steve Fults – airport plan licensing minimums necessary to maintain compliance
(CD9:01) COMMISSIONER KESSLER – loud noise when you enter the Board office, National Trails Day on Saturday, June 7th.
(CD9:02) COMMISSIONER THOMAS – thanks to Sheree Keeler for her work with the legislature
(CD9:03) COMMISSIONER HARDEN – thanks to everyone for attending Memorial Day Celebration, first rental of the Community Center
(CD9:04) COMMISSIONER MOORE – obstacles of the comprehensive plan facing developer Ben Boynton and the Board should help the people that are building our county
(CD9:08) COMMISSIONER MERRITT – Apalachee Regional Planning Council Loan Program, funding for TCC Environmental Institute has been allocated
There being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Thomas made a motion to adjourn; second by Commissioner Merritt and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:09pm.