Active Singles Club Committee Meeting – 12/10/17

Present: Bev Cox (absent)Andrea Hatfield Gus Gustatus

Nancy HenryEd Galizia Cathy Calleri

Name Tags

  • Ed created name tags for members who have paid their membership dues
  • Cathy will alphabetize them for the December member meeting
  • Cathy will send an updated list in case more name tags are needed
  • These will be put out at each monthly meeting. If someone says their name is not there it will prompt us to ask them for their application and membership dues.

December events

  • Dec 19th - Happy Hour- Candler, 4-6 pm
  • December 20th - Member meeting at the Arbor Club Conference Center

Logo Suggestions

  • 20 suggestions have been submitted.
  • Committee narrowed down the suggestions to the best three
  • Members will vote on the best one at the December membership meeting on the 20th

Business Cards

  • Cathy suggested Vista Print, inexpensive and of good quality
  • Waiting for logo before making final decision on the effectiveness and cost to buy cards

1st Sunday Dinners

  • Has been suggestion that we not always meet at Candler
  • Will keep the happy hour at Candler
  • Dinner at Candler could be every other month
  • Rotating restaurants.
  • Gus in willing to call around to see what restaurants could accommodate such a large group.
  • Members will be asked at the December meeting for suggestions
  • RSVP must be adhered to for Candler and any other restaurant we use for dinner. Restaurants can’t accommodate major changes in numbers attending dinners. Not needed for Happy Hour.

Ruth Grill

  • Will be asked if she would explain to the members how she recruits others to join her on her walks. Our process is working so easily for her. Members need to know how easy it is.

Lake Ridge Winery Tour

  • Suggested we go on a tour. Member did not volunteer to do any research on this idea

Poker Run

  • Bev Cox is planning this event for February and will ask for members to sign up at December meeting
  • Ed checking into availability of the Arbor Club for a Saturday in February to run the event

Valentine Day

  • Event postponed until 2018.


  • RSVP is needed for all events
  • RSVP button will be added to each event along with the disclaimer that all reservations must be submitted by a designated date for each event.

Food Banks

  • Bev would like to oversee the collection of non-perishable food to be given to local food banks
  • This will be announced at the December meeting
  • She will bring a box to each monthly member meeting to connect items
  • Bev asked to have this information added to the website too

Bicycle Group

  • Bev and Gus organizing this
  • Bike rides will start in January

50/50 ticket raffles

  • Will begin at the January member meeting
  • Cathy will buy the roll of tickets