<Course #<Prof Name>Updated 12/31/2018
TCMG 620: Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation
Semester: / Spring 2017 / Instructor: / Lesley D. FrameCourse Number: / TCMG 620 / Office: / Tech 139
Credit Hours: / 3 / E-mail: /
Class Location: / Mandeville 318 / Phone: / 203-576-4569
Regular Class Time: / Thursdays, 6:15 – 8:45pm / Office Hours: / TUES10 – 11am
WED4 – 6pm
Or by appointment
1.Course Description:
The course steps through a coherent process for the innovation, assessment, and implementation of new and innovative technologies. This includes consideration of the intersection between society and technoogy and technology life cycle (initiation, growth, maturation, and decline) as well as technology management and innovation from a management perspective. The course also considers methods of technology planning, aligning technology with business strategies for competitive advantages, strategic management for use in organizations with a broad range of technologies, strategies for commercializing products and services, new technology adoption, and process innovation and business/technology transformation.
2.Course Pre-requisites
No Pre-requisites.
3.Course Learning Objectives:
- To understand and apply the steps and processes involved in strategic planning and execution of new technology and product development projects.
- To understand and apply SWOT method for technology development.
- To understand life cycles of technology within organizations and the need to stimulate and sustain innovation and creativity within organizations.
- To understand the role of society in new product development and technology innovation.
- To understand management of interfaces among corporate, marketing, finance, production, and interdisciplinary technology strategies.
- To develop technical skills for technology evaluation, selection, and implementation.
4.Course Topics
- SWOT analysis
- Technology Life Cycle assessment
- Social Construction of Technology
- Strategic Technology Management
- Project Evaluation
- New Product Development Strategies
5.Teaching Methods:
This course will involve lectures, readings, team projects, in-class activities, individual homework assignments, case study reviews, presentations, and lots of in-class discussion. This mix of teaching methods is intended to keep all of us engaged and excited about the topics we cover. You gain more from this class if you come prepared and willing to share. In an effort to encourage discussion and participation, it is expected that all members of the class will act professionally and treat one another with respect and consideration.
6.Required Text Books & Materials:
You need to have a copy of this text
Betz, F. (2011).Managing Technological Innovation, 3rd edition. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 978-047054782-3.
7.Recommended References:
David, F.David, F. (2015).Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts & Cases, 15th edition. Boston: Pearson. ISBN 978-013344479-7.
Burgelman, R., Christensen, C, Wheelwright, S. (2009).Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation, 5th edition, Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN 978-007338154-1.
Bijker, W. (1997). Of Bicycles, Bakelites, and Bulbs: Toward a Theory of Sociotechnical Change. Cambridge: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-52227-6.
White, M., Bruton, G. (2017). The Management of Technology & Innovation: A Strategic Approach. 3rd edition.Boston: CENGAGE Learning. ISBN 100-538-478225.
Thamhain, H. (2005). Management of Technology: Managing Effectively in Technology-Intensive Organizations. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-0471415510.
8.Important Dates
Refer to the UB Academic Calendar for important dates:
First Day for this classThursday, Jan 19
Midterm ExamThursday, Mar 9
No Class: SPRING BREAKThursday, Mar 16
Last Day of Classes / Final PresentationsThursday, April 27
Final Paper DueMonday May 1
Final Grades DueMonday, May 8
9.Course Requirements:
Class Participation and Status Reports...... 20%
Homework...... 30%
Midterm Exam...... 20%
Major Team Project...... 30%
Total...... 100%
9.1Class Participation and Status Reports 20%
Each class will cover one or more topics related to Technology Innovation and Strategic Management of Technologies as outlined in the schedule below. Discussion on the topic will stem from the assigned readings. All students are expected to actively participate in the class discussion when appropriate. We will use this time to digest the readings and compare our unique experiences related to the subject matter. In order to facilitate effective discussions, every student is expected to treat everyone with respect and consideration.
Attendance at each class session is expected, and students must be on time for class. If you will miss class or expect to be late for any reason, please notify the instructor ahead of time to avoid any penalties. Students with unexcused absences will receive a zero for participation on the missed days. Please refer to the attendance section of this syllabus for important policy information.
In addition to individual participation in discussions, teams will provide 10 minute status updates throughout the term, and this will be included in the class participation grade. Additional details for the status report requirements will be provided separately.
9.1Homework 30%
Individual assignments will include questions based on the readings as well as case study summaries. Instructions will be provided for each assignment. Submissions must be typed and submitted via CANVAS. Late submissions will receive no more than half credit.
Grammar and spelling will be evaluated for all written assignments, and points may be taken off for grammatical errors. Proof read your writing!
9.1Midterm Exam 20%
The midterm will be open-book, open-note, no-wifi. Additional details will be provided in class.
9.2Major Team Project30%
Teams of 2 or 3 students will identify, organize, execute, and report on a major Team Project as described below. Students may choose their own teams.
Each team will find an organization (business, not-for-profit, academic department, school organization, or government agency) that will allow the team to assist in developing a strategic technology plan for the organization. Working with the organization, each team will apply the tools and techniques learned in the course to develop the strategic plan. The project will require team meetings outside of class time, and because team organization and performance will be an element of your team project grade, a record of team meetings should be maintained and submitted as an appendix to the final written report.
I will ask each student to evaluate the participation and contribution of each team member at the end of the course. This evaluation will be a part of each person’s project grade.
A final team written report and a formal oral presentation will be made near the end of the semester. Each team will have 15 minutes to present its final report to the class followed by 5 minutes of Q&A.
Additional details for the Team Projects will be discussed in class and provided in writing.
10.Final Course Grade
Letter Grade / Range (%)A / 94.9 – 100.0
A- / 90 – 94.8
B+ / 87 – 89.9
B / 83 – 86.9
B- / 80 – 82.9
C+ / 77 – 79.9
C / 73 – 76.9
C- / 70 – 72.9
D+ / 67 – 69.9
D / 63 – 66.9
D- / 60 – 62.9
F / Below 60
11.Schedule & Assignments
Week / Date / Time / Topic & Assignments1 / Jan 19 / 6:15-8:45PM / Introductions, Review of Syllabus, Plagiarism Lecture
Supplementary Materials:Homework submission guide
DUE TODAY:Nothing Due
2 / Jan 26 / 6:15-8:45PM / Innovation vs Invention; History of Innovation; Team Selection
Supplementary Materials:Team Project and Status Report Instructions
DUE IN CLASS:Plagiarism Contract
C. S. Smith (CANVAS)
3 / Feb 2 / 6:15-8:45PM / Technology Strategies I
DUE BEFORE CLASS:HW #1 (Tech Strategies)
David Ch 1, 2 (CANVAS)
Week / Date / Time / Topic & Assignments
4 / Feb 9 / 6:15-8:45PM / Technology Strategies II
TEAM Presentations: Project introductions
DUE BEFORE CLASS:Team Presentations (turn in via CANVAS)
David Ch. 5, 6 (CANVAS)
5 / Feb 16 / 6:15-8:45PM / Internal Strategies (Obtaining and Assessing Technology)
DUE BEFORE CLASS:HW #2 (Internal Strategies)
READ BEFORE CLASS:White & Bruton Ch. 3, 4, 5 excerpts (CANVAS)
Thamhain Ch. 7 (CANVAS)
David Ch. 4 (CANVAS)
6 / Feb 23 / 6:15-8:45PM / External Strategies (Obtaining and Assessing Technology)
DUE BEFORE CLASS:HW #3 (External Strategies)
READ BEFORE CLASS:White & Bruton Ch. 6, 7, 8 excerpts (CANVAS)
David Ch. 3 (CANVAS)
7 / Mar 2 / 6:15-8:45PM / Midterm Review; Project Status Reports (include outline of strategic Technology Plan)
TEAM Presentations: Project Reports
DUE BEFORE CLASS:Team Presentations (turn in via CANVAS)
8 / Mar 9 / Midterm Exam
Mar 16 / Spring Break- No Classes
9 / Mar 23 / 6:15-8:45PM / SCOT and Technology Life Cycles
DUE BEFORE CLASS:HW #4 (SCOT and Life Cycle)
Christensen (CANVAS)
10 / Mar 30 / 6:15-8:45PM / Disruptive Technologies; Why Innovate?
TEAM Presentations: Project Status Reports
DUE BEFORE CLASS:Presentations (turn in via CANVAS)
2016 Breakthrough Technologies (CANVAS)
Week / Date / Time / Topic & Assignments
11 / Apr 6 / 6:15-8:45PM / Ethics and Technology Development
Wadhwa (CANVAS)
Sollie (CANVAS)
White & Bruton Ch. 10 (Canvas)
12 / Apr 13 / 6:15-8:45PM / Management of Technology I
White Bruton Ch. 1, 2 (CANVAS)
Thamhain Ch. 1, 6 (CANVAS)
13 / Apr 20 / 6:15-8:45PM / Management of Technology II; Managing Risk
READ BEFORE CLASS:White & Bruton Ch. 11, 12 (CANVAS)
Thamhain Ch. 9, 10, 12 (CANVAS)
14 / Apr 27 / 6:15-8:45PM / Final Presentations
DUE BEFORE CLASS:Final Presentations
May 1 / Final Papers Due
12.General Policies for the Course
12.1Academic Honesty:
- It is the student's responsibility to familiarize himself or herself with and adhere to the standards set forth in the policies on cheating and plagiarism as defined in Chapters 2 and 5 of the Key to UB or the appropriate graduate program handbook.
- If you are caught cheating, you will receive a zero (0) grade for that assignment. A second offense will result in an F grade for the course.
- If you are caught plagiarizing, you will receive a zero (0) grade for the assignment, and additional offenses may result in zero grades or failure of the course or consultation with the Dean’s office depending on severity.
- For on-campus classes, the fourth unexcused absence will result in a failure of the class
12.3Work Effort:
- As a UB policy, for a three credit course, it is expected that each student that attends one hour of classroom instruction will require a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester in compliance with the Carnegie Unit of Credit.
12.4Assignment Content Expectations and Evaluation:
- All submitted assignments must be typed.
- The following rubric will be used for evaluation of written submissions:
Grade Criteria / A Exemplary / B Adequate / C Poor
Content / The content was clear and useful. The writer gave specific answers relevant to the topic. / The content was generally relevant, but was somewhat unclear or confusing at times. / It was unclear as to how the content related to the field being considered.
Critical Analysis / The writer was thought provoking and showed strong insight in applying class materials to the cased or topic. / The writer was able to reflect on the topic. A Thoughtful assessment was included. / The writer did little more than restate facts and other people’s (authors’) opinions.
Spelling and Grammar / Spelling and grammar rules were followed. Technical writing rules were followed. / Although most of the paper was well written, a more than a few grammar, spelling, and/or technical errors were present. / The paper was poorly written – making it difficult to determine the writers points. Numerous grammatical and spelling errors were present. The text did not follow rules for technical writing.
Overall Quality / The paper meets the requirements for the degree program for student is enrolled / The paper lacks one or a few elements that are important for the program / The paper was poorly written.
12.5Deadlines and Late Policy:
- Assignments must be submitted by the deadline to receive full credit.
- Late homework will only be considered for half credit.
- Make-up presentations will not be allowed (except for prior instructor approval for a documented emergency).
- In the case of an illness or other extenuating circumstance, a note from a doctor or the dean’s office must be provided to be granted an extension.
12.6Personal Devices:
- Laptops may be used in class. Mobile phones may not be used except in the case of an emergency.
12.7Special Student Situations:
- Veterans and student service members with special circumstances or who are activated are encouraged to notify the instructor as soon as possible and to provide Activation Orders.
- Any students with disabilities or other special needs requiring special accommodations in this course should work with the Office of Disability Services. The Professor will cooperate with the Office to accommodate the student as appropriate. Refer to The Key to UB, “Disability Services” for details.
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