Dust Bowl Research Project

ONE: Research John Steinbeck and his contributions to understanding the migration West during the Great Depression

1.  Who was Steinbeck?

2.  What are his most influential novels?

3.  How did he conduct his research on the migration West during the Great Depression?

4.  Picture of him

5.  Names of other writers who have been influenced by Steinbeck

6.  Popular songs during Steinbeck’s life (play one & provide lyrics/writer)

7.  Popular art during Steinbeck’s life (show one & provide us with its style and creator)

TWO: Research Franklin D. Roosevelt and present his efforts to help America during the Great Depression, including those who lived in the Dust Bowl

1.  Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt? (biographical information)

2.  What key actions did he take for America during the Great Depression? Why were these actions taken? How did people respond in different areas of the country?

3.  What key actions did he take for those living in the Dust Bowl? Why were these actions taken? How did people respond?

4.  Picture of him

5.  Any popular radio shows during this time?

THREE: Research how the Great Plains became the Dust Bowl

1.  What had the farmers in the Great Plains done to create the natural disaster known as the Dust Bowl?

2.  How was the land affected by the Black Blizzards?

3.  How were the people affected by the Black Blizzards?

4.  If the Dust Bowl was largely occurring in the Great Plains, how were people even in Washington, D.C. affected?

5.  Create a map that shows the areas affected by the Black Blizzards

6.  What crops were the farmers trying to grow?

7.  How did massive harvesting of wheat contribute to the occurrence of Black Blizzards?

FOUR: Research Hugh Hammond Bennett

1.  Biography of Hugh Hammond Bennet?

2.  What was his contribution to the Dust Bowl effort?

3.  Explain & demonstrate why his suggestions were successful

4.  Picture of him

FIVE: Research the history of the Great Plains

1.  Create a timeline depicting the key historical events of the Great Plains from:

Daniel Boone all the way to the Great Depression

Be sure to include the U.S. Army’s treatment of the native Indian tribes following the Civil War!

2.  Explain how these events led to the occurrence of the Dust Bowl

3.  Explain what happened to the buffalo during the conquering of the Great Plains

4.  Name the native Indian tribes affected by the conquering of the Great Plains

5.  Pictures of them

6.  Picture of a buffalo





You are encouraged to include a Power Point or any other technology in your presentation as long as it’s appropriate to your research.

Due Date: Friday, February 22