APRIL 16, 2012
7:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Weldon Harber, with the following trustees answering to roll call: Ralph Bowley, Ray Famula, Mike French, Al Lehr, and Linda Lehr. Mike Todd was absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
A motion was made by Ralph Bowley to approve the March 2nd minutes. Ray Famula seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
COMMUNICATIONS OR CORRESPONDENCE: Crissy Wegescheide stated the Village received a thank you letter from the Chamber of Commerce for being a member. The Girl Scouts sent a letter thanking the Village for the Girl Scout Week proclamation and for sending a representative to their 100th Anniversary celebration. The MCS PTA sent a letter thanking the Village for donating to their 17th Annual Dinner Auction. The Village received a thank you letter from the Civic Club for donating a child’s swimming pool pass to their Easter Bunny Brunch raffle. The Community Choir donated $444 for 24 new flags for the Village.
COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS: Ralph Bowley stated he reviewed the bills. Ralph Bowley made a motion to pay the bills. Al Lehr seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Ralph stated the Village saved $2,715.87 in March using Cost Recovery Corporation. The Village has saved over $42,000.
Ralph stated the approval of the budget will be up for vote under Ordinances.
PERSONNEL: Ralph Bowley stated there would be an executive session at the end of the meeting for personnel matters.
SEWER: Al Lehr stated Brian told him the new motor hadn’t arrived. There had been high flow due to the rain Thursday, April 12th and Friday, April 13th. Don Traiteur had the Village crew pumping water at South Polk Street and West Madison Street from 1am to 5am on Monday, April 16th.
WATER: Al Lehr stated everything is going fine.
REFUSE: Al Lehr stated wasn’t too many white goods to be picked up because people had grabbed them before the pick-up times.
Al stated there were new drivers on the trash route and they had missed a couple pick-ups. Everything was straightened out.
STREETS, ALLEYS AND SIDEWALKS: Al Lehr stated the Millstadt EMS was asking for permission to hold the Leukemia Drive at the 4-way intersection on Friday, April 20th from 3pm until dark. Al made a motion to grant permission for the Millstadt EMS Leukemia Drive. Linda Lehr seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Randy Burk stated the design for the Oak Street grant application will be ready to go out for bids by Monday, April 30th.
Al stated the storm sewer work began on West Washington Street from Creasons Funeral home to St. James Church.
ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Mike French stated Ordinance 1089 is to establish a budget for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2012 thru April 30, 2013. Mike French made a motion to accept Ordinance 1089 as presented. Ralph Bowley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mike French stated Ordinance 1091 details the duties and standards for hiring a part time police officer. Mike French made a motion to accept Ordinance 1091 as presented. Ralph Bowley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
ANNEXATIONS: Ralph Bowley stated none.
PARKS, POOL AND RECREATION: Ray Famula stated the Nature Park had some wash out problems that would need to be repaired. The Park Board will be having a Clean Up party on April 22nd. Ray stated the signs that will be put up at the ball diamonds will encourage the use of the Concession Stand.
Ray stated Wild and Sons Contracting will be starting work on the pool drain in a week or two. Ray stated Midwest Pool bid $6,395 to install the chair lift in the pool. Ray Famula made a motion to accept the bid from Midwest Pool. Ralph Bowley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Pool Manager Matt Osborne stated he took the previous suggestions from the Board and has made a final recommendation for the pool rates. Ray Famula made a motion to accept the new pool rates as presented. Linda Lehr asked Matt to explain the changes. Matt answered that the daily rates and the seasonal pass rates for non-residents were raised. Mike French seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
CEMETERY: Ray Famula stated the cemetery grounds were cut and trimmed for Easter and everything looked great.
COMMUNITY CENTER: Linda Lehr stated Friday, April 20th would be the wine and cheese preview party for the Big Ole Bag and Jewelry Sale. It will start at 7pm and costs $5. The sale will be on Saturday, April 21st from 9am to 1 pm. Linda stated there would be a Community Center Executive Board meeting on Monday, April 23rd at 7pm. Linda stated that the meal count is holding steady at the Senior Center and the transportation program is going well.
PLANNING COMMISSION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Mike French stated the next Planning Commission meeting would be on Tuesday, April 17th at 7pm at the Village Hall. They are working on updating and revising the Community Comprehensive Plan and are very close to being completed. Mike French stated Lyndon Joost from TWM did it last time and the Village paid him $10,000 so it is a big deal that the Planning Commission is doing it themselves.
TIF: none
Police Department – none
Emergency Service and Disaster Agency - none
Fire Department – Travis Jones thanked everyone for their support for their Bar-B-Que on Saturday, April 7th. They had a good turnout.
BUILDING COMMISSIONER: Steve Muskopf stated the following permits were issued:
Mehrtens 11 Coachlite Drive Storage Shed
Duarte 46 Coronation Drive Deck
Kish 500 West Gooding Street Fence
Hebel 404 Bardswell Drive Fence
Pochek 503 East Washington Street Sign
OLD BUSINESS: Kendra Rakers stated she talked with Randy Burk before Easter to get details of the Senior Park at Dorchester. She would like to have three to four stations using equipment from Life Trail. She made the plans on the space that may become Frontier Park. The only problem with that location is parking. The sidewalk is cracked but Linda Lehr suggested possibly trying to use the 60/40 project to fix it. The dance studio painted in a parking area so Kendra is going to talk to the director about possibly using those spaces. She is going to use the money that she has raised for a small pavilion, a bench and the workout areas. If she has money left over, she may put in a bird bath. Kendra stated she is running up against a deadline because the project needs to be done by July. Linda asked Attorney Brian Flynn if their law firm had sent a certified letter to Frontier Communications. Mayor Harber answered that they did. Brian stated he would follow up with it.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Tracy Holmes stated that the Treasurer’s Report had been submitted. Ralph Bowley made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Al Lehr seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
CLERK’S REPORT: Tracy Holmes stated that the Clerk’s Report had been submitted. Linda Lehr made a motion to approve the Clerk’s Report. Al Lehr seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
CITIZENS COMMENTS: Stacy Barker stated he lives on Lexington Drive and wants to know what is going to be done about the streets in the cul de sac. He stated there are parts of the street that are raised six to nine inches. There was a water main break the previous year that hasn’t been completed. Don Traiteur answered the water main area will be patched then the road will be oil and chipped. Stacy asked what else would be done. Mayor Harber answered they can look into rotomilling it but that’s about all. Stacy stated the circle always has standing water and asked if oil and chipping would take care of that. Don answered that they don’t oil and chip on concrete. Linda Lehr asked if TWM could look into what would need to be done. Randy Burk answered drain patterns change but if it was decided it needed to done, TWM would help with the grades but that’s about all they could do. Don suggested talking to Mike Todd to see if there was any money available to fix it. Mayor Harber said they will take a look and see what could be done. Stacy asked if there was a reason the rock wasn’t rolled down when they oil and chip the roads. Don answered that they do and rent the roller from Wolfmeier.
Ralph Bowley made a motion to go into executive session. Mike French seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Ralph Bowley made a motion to close executive session. Ray Famula seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT: Ray Famula made a motion to adjourn the general Village Board meeting and was seconded by Al Lehr. The motion carried unanimously.
Crissy Wegescheide, Clerk Weldon Harber, Mayor