Laws of Motion Test 5.7

Read F6-F29 F34-F40

  1. Force
  2. Push or pull that acts on an object to make it move
  3. Children use forces to move toy cars, pull their wagons, push someone on a swing
  4. What force puts a skateboard in motion
  5. Tug of war uses what force
  6. Kicking a ball uses what force
  7. Mass
  8. Measure of amount of matter in object
  9. More mass harder to set in motion
  10. Mass never changes of an object
  11. Which creates the most force
  12. Semi truck, car, bike moving at 5 mph
  13. If same force was applied to each object which one moves faster
  14. Semi truck, bike, car
  15. Inertia
  16. Tendency of object to resist change in its state of motion and keep moving
  17. Objects also need a force to stop it
  18. Seat belts help prevent injury due to
  19. A ball rolls up the same height on a ramp
  1. Friction
  2. Force that opposes the motion of 1 object moving past another
  3. Objects inertia is all need to keep it moving
  4. Rub your hands together
  5. Tires allow car to stay on road while turning
  6. If road is dry easier to maintain on road
  7. Wet road decreases the friction
  8. Newton’s First Law of Motion
  9. Objects at rest @ objects traveling at a steady rate in a straight line continue that way until a force acts on them
  10. If I don’t apply a force that object won’t move
  11. If I don’t apply a force to the moving object it won’t stop
  12. Bowling ball stops how
  13. Bowling ball changes direction how
  14. Speed
  15. How fast objects position changes with time in any given moment
  16. So if a car is moving at a constant speed in the same direction the cars forces are balanced
  17. If I travel 1 mile in 1 minute at 60 mph
  18. How far in 2 minutes@ 60 mph
  19. What if I wanted to travel 1 mile in 30 seconds how fast do I need to go
  20. Velocity
  21. Speed and direction of a moving object
  22. If we r traveling to Norfolk and u r traveling to Norfolk from Battle Creek
  23. We have to be traveling the same speed and direction to arrive at the same time
  24. Acceleration
  25. Change in velocity w/ respect to time
  26. Launch a car w/ 1 rubber band travels 1 meter
  27. Launch same car w/ 5 rubber bands travels meters
  28. How do I make my car go faster
  29. Deceleration
  30. Force causes objects speed to decrease
  31. How do I make car slow down
  32. Gravity
  33. Force of attraction or pull between any two objects
  34. Property of all matter
  35. Keeps earth moving in a circular path around the sun
  36. pulls an object to the ground
  37. air resistance affects each object when falling
  38. keeps the moon in orbit around earth
  39. what causes a ball to come back to earth after thrown
  40. Weight
  41. Force of gravity between earth and an object
  42. When I go to the moon weight changes
  43. Newton’s 2nd Law
  44. Force acts on an object it causes an object to accelerate
  45. Greater the mass the greater the force needed to accelerate it
  46. Force= mass x’s acceleration
  47. If I weigh 70 lbs and am sitting in a wagon and I pull another wagon that weighs 300 lbs what will happen
  48. Newton’s third Law of Motion
  49. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
  50. Pushing an object causes that object to push back against you but in the opposite direction
  51. If I’m wearing roller skates and I push against a wall what will happen to me
  52. Balanced Forces
  53. All forces of an object cancel each other out
  54. Unbalanced Forces
  55. Certain force is partially canceled or not at all canceled out
  56. Action
  57. One object applies a force to a second object
  58. Reaction
  59. Force that 2nd object returns to the first

Take Science test over 5.7 Laws of Motion

Read F56-F61; F66-F73; F82-F92-F101

Test 5.2.3 Science on the computer

  1. Pitch
  2. How low or high a sound is
  3. Short guitar strings produce higher pitch
  4. Shorter string vibrates faster
  5. U change your voices by tightening or relaxing your vocal cords
  6. String is lengthened pitch gets lower
  7. Sound
  8. Form of energy produced when something vibrates
  9. Frequency
  10. # of times an object vibrates per second
  11. Higher the frequency higher the pitch
  12. Measured in hertz
  13. Frequency of 1 vibration per second
  14. Humans can hear up to 20,000 hertz
  15. Animals hear higher than 20,000 hertz
  16. Volume
  17. How loud or soft a sound is
  18. Depends on amount of energy
  19. Measured in decibels
  20. Reflection
  21. Bouncing of a sound wave off a surface
  22. Looking in a mirror light is reflected
  23. Absorption
  24. Disappearance of a sound wave into a surface
  25. Energy is changed into heat energy
  26. Soft textured surface absorbs more sound than reflects
  27. Hard smooth surface reflects more sound than absorbs
  28. Echo
  29. Reflected sound wave
  30. Echo is strong enough u will hear your voice
  31. Sound waves move fast
  32. Fastest through a solid than liquid than gas

D. Echolocation

a. bouncing sound waves off of objects to find out how far they are away

F. Light ray

a. light travels in a straight line

b. image

i. pictures of light source

ii. angle of incoming light ray bouncing off the surface

  1. Concave mirrors or concave lens
  2. Mirrors that curve in on the shiny side
  3. Inside of a spoon acts like concave
  4. Used in telescopes
  5. Convex mirrors or Convex Lens
  6. Mirrors that curve out on shiny side
  7. Outside of spoon acts like convex
  8. Curved like part of outside of a sphere
  9. Used as security mirrors in stores
  10. Side rearview mirrors in cars
  11. Forms an upside down image
  12. Opaque
  13. Doesn’t allow light to pass through it
  14. Aluminum foil, stuffed animal, text books, notebooks, desk, brick walls, wood
  15. black tinted windows on cars
  1. Transparent
  2. Allows light to pass through it with little disruption
  3. Plastic bag, clear plastic cup, clear water
  4. Windows, sunglasses
  5. Clear tinted windows on cars
  6. Translucent
  7. Allows only part of the light to pass through it
  8. Takes light and scatters it in all directions
  9. Paper, waxed paper, shower doors,
  10. Refraction
  11. Bending of light rays as they pass from one substance to another
  12. Take a pencil and put it in glass of water
  13. Makes pencil look like its bent
  14. Hitting an object head on direction is unchanged
  15. Hitting an object at an angle changes its direction
  1. Circuits
  2. Current flows from object to object w/o being interrupted
  3. Light hooked to a battery by wires
  4. Open circuit
  5. When current can’t flow from one object to another-so it doesn’t turn on
  6. Closed circuit
  7. When current flows from one object to another- and so it does turn on
  8. Magnets
  9. North Pole and a South pole
  10. Opposite poles attract
  11. Same poles repel or push each other away
  12. Magnetic field
  13. Force of attraction in a magnet
  14. Insulators
  15. Stops currents moving through an object
  16. Glass, plastic, wood, Styrofoam, rubber
  17. Conductor
  18. Currents will move through easily
  19. Metal, water