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INTRODUCTION (Apply M_Heading1 Format)

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MATERIALS AND METHODS (Apply M_Heading1 Format)

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RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Apply M_Heading1 Format)

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CONCLUSION (Apply M_Heading1 Format)

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References within the text will be shown in bracket by quoting first, the author’s name followed by a comma and year of publication all in round bracket, e.g. (Salim, 2003). References should appear at the end of the article, arranged in alphabetical order by the first author’s surname as follows:

For journals:

Surname, initials. (Year of Publication). Title. Journal, Volume (issue), pages.

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Surname, initials. (Year of Publication). Title. Conference name, place, pages.

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Surname, initials. (Year of Publication). Title. Location: Publisher.

For article or chapter in an edited book:

Surname, initials., & Surname, initials. (Year of Publication). Title of chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Location: Publisher.

For website (author and date known):

Author, A. A. (year). Title of work. Retrieved month day, year, from source.

For website (author and date unknown):

Title of work. (year). Retrieved month day, year, from source.

Journal Article:

Hodges, F. M. (2003). The promised planet: Alliances and struggles of the gerontocracy in American television science fiction of the 1960s. The Aging Male, 6(3), 175-182.

Conference Paper:

Suleyman, A. M. (1999), Use of Morringa Oleifera as Coagulant in Water Treatment, Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Treatment, Sarawak, Malaysia, pp 139- 145.


Okuda, M., & Okuda, D. (1993). Star trek chronology: The history of the future. New York: Pocket Books.

Book Article or Chapter:

James, N. E. (1988). Two sides of paradise: The Eden myth according to Kirk and Spock. In D. Palumbo (Ed.), Spectrum of the fantastic (pp. 219-223). Westport, CT: Greenwood.

Website (author and date known):

Lynch, T. (1996). DS9 trials and tribble-ations review. Retrieved October 8, 1997, from Psi Phi: Bradley's Science Fiction Club Web site: http://www.bradley.edu/campusorg/psiphi/DS9/ep/503r.html

Website (author and date unknown):

Psychological perspectives (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2001, from http://www.onl.org.jp/horo~3/htm


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