1.1.International contest of schoolchildren’s creative works “PEOPLE WITH NATURE” is held as a part of international project “Promotion of ecological education as efficient means of awareness-building”/PEOPLE WITH NATURE with financial support of Cross-border cooperation program “Estonia-Latvia- Russia”, 2007-2013.

1.2.The main goal of the project is development of joint models of managing centres of ecological education (CEE) to bring ecological education closer to society and to increase ecological awareness in order to achieve sustainable regional development.

1.3.The project is implemented by Environmental Protection Agency (beneficiary, leading partner, Sigulda). Project partners: Natural history museums support association (Riga), National park Gauja (Sigulda), municipality of Dagda, Centre of ecological education (Tartu), Centre of trans-border cooperation of Lake Peipus (Tartu), Pskov regional NGO “Chudskoy project” (Pskov), National Park “Sebezhskiy” (Sebezh), Pskov regional centre of development of talented children and youth (Pskov), Environmental management and protection state committee of Pskov Oblast (Pskov), Charitable NGO “Biologists for nature protection” (Saint-Petersburg).

1.4.Project implementation area: Estonia, Latvia (Latgale, Vidzeme, Riga and Riga district); Russia (Pskov Oblast, Leningrad Oblast, Saint-Petersburg).

1.5.Regional contest coordinator in Pskov Oblast: Pskov regional centre of development of talented children and youth, Russia, Pskov, Yana Fabritciusa Street- 24, telephone/fax +7 8112 661980, E-mail: , Contact names: Yuriy Mikhailovich Gulin, Irina Pavlovna Ryabenko.

1.6.Regional contest coordinator in Estonia: Centre of ecological education, Lille 10, Tartu, telephone: +372 55983328, E-mail: ,

1.7. Regional contest coordinator in Latvia: Environmental protection agency, Baznitsas 7, LV-2150, Sigulda, telephone: 371 64220217, fax: 371 64220218, E-mail: ,


2.1. The goal of the contest is development of international cooperation among schoolchildren of Estonia, Latvia and Russian in the sphere of ecological education and studying environment with the purpose of conserving biodiversity and increasing ecological sustainability of specially protected natural areas.

2.2.The objectives of the contest are:

- to create favourable conditions for developing international ecological cooperation and pedagogical cooperation in the sphere of ecological education of schoolchildren;

- to increase the level of awareness of project participants and population on the whole about the importance of specially protected natural areas to preserve ecological sustainability and biodiversity;

- to develop informative and presentation materials about specially protected natural areas of countries participating in the project (leaflets, booklets, photographic materials);

-to contribute to creating a cooperation network of state/municipal and non-governmental organizations in Estonia, Latvia and Russia.


3.1.Contest participants. Schoolchildren from 14 to 17 years old (at the moment of application submission) living on the territory of the participating countries can take part in the contest. Works can be done in teams. All contest participants fill in the application form (see Appendix), one application for each work.

3.2.Contest categories:

Photograph. Requirements to execution and presentation of photographic works: photograph format – JPEG, TIFF, GIF, file size – not more than 500 Kb, there should not be any frames, author’s inscriptions, etc. Both colour and black-and-white photographs are accepted. Each file should have a by-line including the title of the work, the name and address of the author/authors (country, city).

Booklet. A booklet should contain brief information about interesting objects of specially protected natural areas of participating countries. The format can be different: one fold 210х198 mm; one or two folds 210х297 mm; three folds 210х395 mm; one fold 297х280 mm; one or two folds 297х420 mm, as well as non-standard formats. A booklet is submitted printed in paper as a layout original or as a ready product. Each booklet should have a by-line including the title of the work, the name and address of the author/authors (country, city).

Poster. A bright, imaginative, laconic address of schoolchildren to citizens of their countries, adults and children, containing a call to ecologically correct and careful attitude to the environment, conserving biodiversity and promoting an idea of developing the system of specially protected natural areas. Format: А1, А2. A poster is submitted in paper as a layout original or as a ready product. Each poster should have a by-line including the title of the work, the name and address of the author/authors (country, city).

3.3.Copyright. Author/authors should be an exclusive copyright holder of the works submitted. By sending their works to the contest, the author/authors give a permission to the coordinators to use the submitted materials for any purpose connected with the contest and following exhibitions. Submission of work is by itself an agreement with the above-mentioned conditions.

3.4.Works delivery. All works can be submitted within the contest period, but not later than the closing date of the contest.

All works should have a filled in application form enclosed.

All works can be delivered to the regional coordinators (on their own or by dispatch).

3.5.Publication language is English.


4.1. The contest is announced in each participating country simultaneously. In each country the regional coordinator creates a working committee whose task is to choose works to take part in the final stage of the contest, which will take place in Pskov in August, 2014 as an international exhibition of schoolchildren’s creative works “PEOPLE WITH NATURE”.

4.2.Regional contest coordinators send up to 10 best works in each category from their country to take part in the international exhibition of schoolchildren’s creative works “PEOPLE WITH NATURE”.

4.3.If it is necessary, a joint international jury is established to define the winners and runners-up of the international exhibition of schoolchildren’s creative works “PEOPLE WITH NATURE”, who are announced as winners and runners-up of International contest of schoolchildren’s creative works “PEOPLE WITH NATURE”. The jury defines one winner and two runners-up in each category. If it is impossible to establish a joint international jury, the regional coordinator in Pskov Oblast defines the winners and runners-up.

4.4. Winners and runners-up get diplomas; all participants get a certificate of participation.



Contest period:

Starting date – July, 23, 2012.

Closing date – March, 01, 2014.

Results of the contest in the regions – until March, 20, 2014.

Delivery of best works of regional stage to Pskov – until April, 01, 2014.

Final contest exhibition in Pskov – until May, 01, 2014 (preliminary date – April, 23, 2014).

Address of regional coordinator in Pskov Oblast: Pskov regional centre of development of talented children and youth, Russia, Pskov, Yana Fabritciusa Street, 24, telephone/fax +7 8112 661980, E-mail: ,

Address of regional coordinator in Estonia: Centre of ecological education, Lille 10, Tartu, telephone: +372 55983328, E-mail: ,

Address of regional coordinator in Latvia: Environmental protection agency, Baznitsas 7, LV-2150 Sigulda, telephone: 371 64220217, fax: 371 64220218, E-mail: ,



Application form*

for participation in International contest of schoolchildren’s creative works


№ / Information
1 / Name of the author/authors
2 / Date of birth
3 / Country
4 / District, city
5 / Educational institution (school)
6 / Grade
7 / Home address
8 / Mobile and home telephone number
(country code included)
9 / E-mail
10 / Contest category
11 / The title of the work
Date / « »______20