June, 2016
June is ending and with it we have to say good-bye to the 2015-16 school year. It was our pleasure to work with your children and we wish them success in the coming years. Please remember the good times in 102 and 211, including the Design Squad activities, science labs, math small group experiences, math games, and learning activities. We will miss everyone and hope that you will all keep in touch over the next years and share your child’s successes with us.
April/May, 2016
April went by so quickly that we haven’t had a chance to update our notes for April until the middle of May. During the month of April, while completing the state testing, we moved our class to room 211 because of future construction in our school. Now, with only a few weeks left in the school year, we thought we would like to reflect on the accomplishments of our students. Our caterpillars that came to us in September are now morphing into beautiful butterflies. From quiet, sometimes shy 4th graders, they have bloomed into more assertive fifth grade mathematicians and scientists. They are capable of solving math problems in all operations, with whole numbers, decimals and fractions, and then discuss and explain their math with their small group peers and often in front of the whole class. During April, they shared their learning with the class through group presentations, showing their ability to work as a group and to share their skills with one another.
In science, Our Design Squads have designed and built paper tables, and most recently are working on designing a tool that can take a core sample from a potato. Using only popsicle sticks, straws, binder clips and tape, the students have been very creative, with most groups successfully pulling a core sample out of the potato slice. We studied rocks this month, with several students bringing in rock samples to share from their home rock collections. This study offers new insight into rocks and sand that students see everyday.
June is coming quickly and with it the end of our time together. In the next few weeks, we will enjoy the high school Jr. Achievement students visiting to teach us about the future with real life business experiences. Then we will wind down the school year with Field Day on Friday, June 3, our 5th Grade Trip to Black Bear Lake on June 16, and the final day of school on June 22. Before that, however, we will complete the MP4 Common Assessment in Science on Chapters 7 and 14 on June 10, and the MP4 Math Assessment on June 14 and 15. Please remind your children that we want to enjoy the end of the school year, but we expect that all students will continue to work until the year comes to a final close. As always, please email us with any questions, concerns or just to let us know that you enjoy our month news.
March, 2016
March was a brief month that ended early because of our spring break. Before the month closed, we concluded our study of fractions by using different strategies to solve division of unit fractions with a combined review and assessment of all operations with fractions. We also prepared for the PARCC assessments by introducing line plots, coordinate pairs and line plots, and reviewing previous math concepts including multiplication, division, volume and place value of whole numbers and fractions.
In science we studied natural resources and learned how we can conserve resources by reusing, recycling and reducing. Students completed labs where they learned to conserve resources and mined for valuable items to simulate how it is useful to meet our needs and the repercussions to that mining may have to the environment.
February, 2016
In math we began our study of fractions. We converted improper fractions to mixed numbers back and forth and used this information to help us find sums and differences of fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators. We also explored finding products of fractions and mixed numbers using number lines, area models and diagrams, along with the basic algorithm calculations. We concluded the month with a Black History Month activity that included information about a famous inventor, Benjamin Banneker and utilized our skills in fraction operations, timelines and puzzles. During the next month, we will continue our study of fractions as we prepare for the PARCC testing that will take place during the first week of April. March is a short month this year with our spring break beginning on March 25 and continuing until April 4.
Our science studies took us to Energy and Ecosystems, where we studied the how plants use carbon dioxide and give off oxygen, the process of photosynthesis, and food chains and webs. During the month, students designed a pyramid of paper cubes through our Design Squad activity in honor of Black History Month. Class pyramids will be displayed in the SGS Media Center beginning the first week in March. For more information on Design Squad activities, please check out the 5th Grade Science tab through the SGS website.
Students are always encouraged to explore science and math at home using text book resources or sites available though our webpages.
November, 2015
November was an exciting month in Science. In addition to our study of the Earth, the Sun and the Solar System, students concluded their independent investigations and presented their display boards to the class. We are sorry that only 4 per class could be chosen to go to the gym for the school display, but we hope you all had time to visit the gym and the investigations during our SGS Goes Science on Friday night, November 20. Mrs. Brundidge and Mrs. Rowe enjoyed making GAK during the evening session with students from 5th and 6th grades and their siblings.
Our math studies took us through multiplication and division of whole numbers and back to all operations with decimals. Again, we stress that all math operations should begin with estimating first.
Our month concluded with our Parent-Teacher conferences. Mrs. Brundidge enjoyed meeting with all of the parents and guardians that were able to attend. Please accept the apology of Mrs. Rowe, who was not able to attend. Mrs. Brundidge and Mrs. Rowe will keep in close contact while Mrs. Rowe is out on medical leave, and Mrs. Rowe will check emails on a daily basis.
Enjoy the holiday season!
October, 2015
Our students have settled in to the SGS routine and are working well as a class supporting and helping one another. They have applied their knowledge of place value to multiplication of multi-digit numbers. We emphasize that all multiplication and division should begin with estimation in order to see if our answers make sense.
We concluded our Getting Ready for Science unit with the Water Rocket investigation. Then we began our exploration of the sun and the solar system. In addition to our regular studies of science, we have begun our enriched STEM investigations as part of the SGS Design Squad curriculum once per cycle. Students are enjoying the design and testing of simulations.
Please remember that all Science Fair Projects are due by November 11 and we will celebrate SGS Does Science on November 20 during school, and after school for families.
If you have not done so already, please sign up for the Remind app to receive information from our classes. Directions can be found on the Welcome page of this web site.
September, 2015
September was a busy month! After getting to know our students, we settled in to our new surroundings and got comfortable switching classes with Mrs. Strezminksi and Mrs. Donatelli. Then our new 5th grade mathematicians exploredPlace Value in math with whole numbers and decimals. We encouraged the students to practice their facts at home. As we begin October, we will explore the world of multiplication and division using a variety of styles to solve and estimate the problems.
In science this month we concentrated on “Getting Ready for Science.” In this unit we explored the ACACC scientific model, tools used in science, and safety in the lab.In labs, we explored and observed a variety of measurement tools and discussed independent, dependent and control variables. In the beginning of October we will continue to explore variables and will conclude with an investigation with water rockets.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns.
Mrs.Brundidge and Mrs. Rowe