July 22, 2014
Present: Absent: Guests:
Tom Johns John Love Sue Bassage Roseann Surridge
Vic Hill Erich Pfiffner Mr.&Mrs. Provo Butch Handyman Service
Dave Litzinger Jim Pacello Judy Watt
Joan Eckberg-AdHoc Rob Surridge Dave Brandt
Tom Johns sat in for John Love as acting Chairman. Joan Eckberg sat in for Erich Pfiffner.
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Johns at 7:00PM. Introductions were made by Chairman. Motion to declare all area variances Type II action under SEQR made by Vic Hill, seconded by Dave Litzinger. All aye, carried.
The first application is a an area variance request by Isaac Provo of 8526 Greig Street, Sodus Point, NY 14555 to build a
27’ x 8’ enclosed addition over boathouse, second story, 0’ from rear or front property line when 25’ is required and 5’1”from west property line when 6’9” is required and a 8’ x 27’ flat deck over water, 0’ from rear or front property line when 25’ is requiredand 5’1” fromwest property line when 6’9” is required. Mr. Provo explained his request to make a larger year round room. No public input.
Chairman opened the meeting to public input at 7:03PM. Chairman closed the meeting to public input at 7:04PM and asked for Board questions. Motion to approve application as submitted by Vic Hill, seconded by Joan Eckberg. All aye, motion carried.
The second application is an area variance request by Sue Bassage of 8313 South Shore Road, Sodus Point, NY 14555 to demo existing garage, 16’ x 20’, 9” from side property line and rebuildan 18’ x 30’ garage 2’ from side property line when 6’7” is required. Sue Bassage explained her request. Neighbor Judy Watt likes project. No input.
Chairman opened the meeting to public input at 7:07PM. Chairman closed meeting to public input at 7:08PM and asked for Board questions. Motion to approve the application as submitted by Vic Hill, seconded by Dave Litzinger. All aye, carried.
The third application is an area variance request by Rob Surridgeof 8278 Lake Street Extension, Sodus Point, NY 14555 to build a 16’ x 24.58’ garage addition, 4.79’ from side line when 12.5’ is required. Mr. Surridge explained his request. No public input.
Chairman opened the meeting to public input at 7:11PM. Chairman closed meeting to public input at 7:12PM and asked for Board questions. Motion to approve the application as submitted by Vic Hill, seconded by Dave Litzinger, no third-denied.
The fourth application is an area variance request by Jim Pacello of 8578 Greig Street, Sodus Point, NY 14555 to build a 10’ x 24’ front deck, 16’3” from front line when 25’ is required. The cost of the project would be $9000.00. Applicant was informed of no legal notice for roof, so only deck is up for variance request. Applicant explained his request. Vic Hill opposes the project height. Mark Vande, across the street does not like the possibility of enlargement. Butch’s thinks he’s being punished for buying a small house.
Chairman opened the meeting to public input at 7:27PM. Chairman closed meeting to public input at 7:30PM and asked for Board questions. Motion to approve the application as submitted by DaveLitzinger, no second- not carried.
Under old business, minutes of the June 24, 2014 Zoning Meeting were read and motion to approve was made by Vic Hill, seconded by Joan Eckberg,all aye, carried.
There being no further business, motion to adjourn at 7:37PM was made by Vic Hill, seconded by Dave Litzinger. All aye, carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Al Hendrikse