NOTAN Grand Prix Competition 2016

Saturday16thApril Sunday8th MaySaturday4thJune Sunday 10th July NOTE SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS!!

all meetings 9.30 – 12.30sharp[registration from 9.00 a.m.]

Churchill Playing Fields, Hartley Avenue, Whitley Bay NE26 3NS

Programme of events:

TIMESchool Year 6School Year 5School year 4School year 3


9.30100m sprintRunning Long Jump600mHowler throw

10.00Howlerthrow75m sprintRunningLong Jump400m

10.30800mHowlerthrow75m sprint Standing Long Jump

11.00Running Long Jump600mHowler throw50m sprint


N.B.a) In field events, all competitors will have the same number of attempts, but the number of attempts allowed will depend on how many can be fitted into the time allocation (which must be adhered to).

b) On the track, the sprint racefor years 4 and 3 will take place before the distance races for years 6 and 5 (10.30, 11.00)

Entry Fees- closing date 1 week in advance of each meet: £1.00 per event or£15.00 for every event in the series.Entry fees on the day: £1.50each and every event

Entries will be acknowledged by e-mail (where an e-mail address is included on the entry form)

Prizes: Certificates will be awarded at each meet.

Grand Prix: Points for performance will be awarded to all competitors in each event, and trophies will be awarded to the leading competitors in each age group (boys & girls) at the conclusion of the series.

To ensure smooth running of the event (especially the field events) volunteers to act as helpers on the day will be welcomed, please contact at least one week in advance

Results: Will be posted on the NOTAN website at as soon as possible after the event..

Entry form 2016

Date of meeting:16thApril 8th May  4th June 10th July 

Name ……………………………………Tel: …………………………………………..

Address…………………………………………… e-mail address…………………………………

……………………………………………………Club(or unattached) ………………………….

Post Code………………… D.O.B. ………………School Year …………BoyGirl

Events entered@ £1.00 each(£1.50 on day): Sprint  Long Jump Howler throw Distance 

or Early entries all 4 events @ £4 or all events for the series @ £15.00 

I enclose a cheque/postal order value £……………… made payable to North of Tyne Athletics Network.

c/o 6 Greyfriars Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 8SS.

Signed ……………………………………………………………………………..(parent or guardian)

[N.B. By signing this form you consent to photographs being taken.Anyone wishing to take photographs must register their camera at registration.]

This form may be downloaded from the web at or photocopied