Every Kid in Our Communities…..
Leeds and Grenville
Triple P Implementation Working Group
Notes January 16, 2013
9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit, Brockville Office
PRESENT: Shannon Brown, Peter Coughlin, Robyn Delaney, Darleen Desgens, Marg Fancy, Gwendy Lapp, Keith McPhee, Michelle Murray, Esther Pigion, Tom Turner
REGRETS: Lauren Fleury, Cathy Millard
1. Welcome
Robyn welcomed everyone to the meeting. She announced that she is resigning as Chair of this working group as of today due to changes in her health unit duties. Cathy Millard, Manager within the Healthy Living Healthy Development Department at the Health Unit has offered to assume this position. The meeting time has been changed to 9:30 starting with the next meeting on February 20th.
2. Approval of previous meeting notes of December 19, 2012
Notes were approved.
3. Coordination of Service
3.1 “What is Triple P” handout – Peter
The group looked at this handout and Gwendy explained that it was designed more for professionals than parents. Gwendy is using it as a quick overview. Tom would like to have a few copies laminated for his supervisors. Minor revisions were noted.
Keith would like to have this handout emailed, so that he could put it on the EKIOC website. Tom suggested including Esther’s presentation on the website as well, as it provides an excellent description of the Triple P program.
Keith advised that the Triple P website has added a social media component where practitioners will have the opportunity to communicate, share information, and ask questions. Keith has the capacity to create a ‘community’ called Triple P Practitioners of Leeds and Grenville. He will be responsible for approving who is permitted to participate.
Shannon’s group of practitioners would like a ½ day in 2013 to collaborate with their peers. Michelle advised that Cornwall has plans in place for management and peer support. We will have the opportunity to participate.
Practitioner support will be further discussed at the next meeting after completion of the workplan and budget.
3.2 Practitioner update – Gwendy Lapp
For December 20 through January 16, 2013
Community Development
o meetings/presentations:
o piloting a parent support group based on self-help workbooks with a start date of January 27 in Westport
o continuing to connect with all Libraries in Leeds & Grenville running parent/child activities
o continuing to organize and make parent presentations at Leeds & Grenville libraries
o provided opportunity for 4 parents to participate in Triple P Parent Advisory Committee
o TR Leger meeting with Vice-Principal, Guidance Counselor, Child and Youth Worker and teacher currently using Self-Help material with teen moms; TR Leger is interested in training up to 5 people for from the Gananoque, Prescott, Brockville and Smiths Falls campuses; also interested in training for Cornwall campus
o create documents:
o parent/teen informational sheets (tips that aren’t tip sheets)
o Teen DVD outline for practitioner use
Provision of Triple P Services
o completed Level 3 with 1 client
o started Level 3 with 4 more clients
3.3 Year-end Spending (Media and Library) – Michelle
We have found that due to changes in the grant, we have an overlap of funding – i.e. MCYS and grant. Since our last meeting, Michelle has talked to Kevin regarding how to best spend the remaining budget dollars. Following are the suggestions:
1. Media campaign. This could be expanded upon. Messaging will continue re normalizing seeking parenting information and support. Sue Healey has quotes for TV advertising. The media campaign will run into April.
2. Libraries: we could purchase resources, i.e. 6 -7 videos and 2 books and distribute these among 9 libraries. Angèle is working on ensuring French resources and seminars are available.
3. Michelle participated in a teleconference yesterday in which it was announced that online Triple P is available. A couple of Canadian agencies are on board already. Research shows that many parents do not want to participate in person, but would complete an online program. The online program has 8 modules and is Level 4 based. Clients must complete one module before moving on to the next. They are given 4 months in which to complete the program. Michelle suggested we purchase some codes, which expire 4 months from the date they are activated.
Michelle asked if anyone at the table would be interested in participating in the research.
The group discussed online courses. Shannon shared an OEYC experience with the code system. Michelle reported that current statistics show a completion rate of 50%.
Cost-sharing was discussed.
Keith asked if we could obtain the research from Triple P regarding online courses.
The following decision was reached: We will spend the balance of our budget money before year end, i.e. March 31st on the following:
1. Buy 10 codes to pilot the online Triple P program.
2. Spend approximately $2000 to $3000 on resources
3. Purchase videos for 9 libraries - $10,000. Libraries will be asked to track usage
4. Approximately $6,000 – 8000 on our existing media campaign.
5. Spend approximately $35,000 on media which is our greatest existing need.
Tom suggested adding the following to our media campaign: “resources coming soon to your local library.”
Michelle asked everyone to let her know if they need DVDs or books.
Marg suggested setting some funding aside to be used as a professional development budget, for things like refreshments, guest speakers, etc. Michelle will add this to the workplan.
3.4 Workplan/budget Planning Exercise – Michelle
The Access and Delivery columns were completed. The balance of the workplan will be finalized at the February meeting.
4. Promoting Access through Collaboration
4.1 N/A
5. Community of Practice/Communication
5.1 N/A
6. Structure/Policy/Procedure Development
6.1 N/A
7. Communication with Lead Table
7.1 N/A
8. Integration with Triple P Ontario
8.1 N/A
9. Next Meeting: February 20, 2013, in the Brockville Room,
ground floor of the Brockville Health Unit.
NOTE: Starting in February, meetings will begin at 9:30.
Action Items from the present meeting:
1. Darleen will make the revisions to the Triple P Handout, email this to Keith and prepare a few laminated copies to have available at the next meeting for interested IWG members.
2. Esther to send her Powerpoint presentation to Keith.
3. Michelle to ask Debbie Easton if we could have access to the research regarding online Triple P.
4. Michelle will continue to work on the work plan in order to get a head start at the next meeting.
5. Shannon to invite Jessica Deschamps-Baird to the next meeting as we will be discussing evaluation.
6. Michelle to send out the workplan draft to the group.
7. All members to review the work plan if time permits and bring word smithing suggesting to the next meeting.
Action Items from the December 19th meeting:
1. Michelle will send a letter requesting a face-to-face meeting with the appropriate executive directors of the community health centres as part of next year’s workplan.
- ongoing
2. Shannon Brown will look at strategic ways to distribute the Triple P banners and materials.
- ongoing